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Everything posted by hookemATL

  1. Freeze is creepy and slimy and will continue to be so at AU. He is also dumb as fuck, since he decided to do all his hooker calls on a fucking university issued cell phone. in summary he is a water headed moron that can put together a pretty solid offensive game plan. If he doesn’t right the ship quickly, he will get the Jeremy Pruitt treatment and be shown the door. That is if he doesn’t get busted cornholing the Dean’s daughter on the 50 yd line of Jordan Hare. Either way I am here for the entertainment that will result from this hire.
  3. Early goal by Pulisic. Top flight defense late into second half. Then they earn a PK then puts them through 2-0. LFG
  4. Congrats all. Had unexpected circumstances that fucked up my weekend hunting plans but hoping to get out Tuesday/Wednesday to hunt the dry/cold front. Fingers crossed. QQ: is there an advantage to hunting earlier in the season? I have some solid time off back half of December but was curious what it experience of other folks are in terms of when calendar wise the bucks decide to fuck off/stop coming to the feeder for the year.
  5. Fuck usc and fuck you too. Also fuck OU merry Xmas tho!!!
  6. As a casual soccer fan, this 100%. You can see how much this moment means to teams that aren’t your typical powerhouse/soccer factory type counties. They play really hard and sometimes they can just grab a moment in time and put up a great performance to humble the shit out of the bigger names.
  7. Certainly hope nothing terrible happens to him the rest of the year. He’s basically Sooner trash that did the Beverly Hillbillies move to Cali. Fuck him. Fuck USC. and fuck the heisman trophy, it’s been a horseshit award for years now.
  8. There’s something about Saudi Arabia that I just don’t like. Can’t quite put my finger on it. It’s like they did something really bad in the past that has affected my opinion of them.
  9. Nobody wins in the shoe! fuck off you rust belt cocksuckers. The Walmart of fanbases can go cry into their terrible chili cinnamon noodle abortion.
  10. Gonna be a LOT of black eyes on buckeye wives after this one. “WHY DIDNT THEY MAKE THE TACKLE YA GODDAMN BITCH!!”
  11. I don’t mind the low scoring and gamesmanship that you get with high level soccer, but holy tittyfucking Pele, the flopping and fake injuries and screams of fake agony are an absolute beating. Takes away from the enjoyment for sure.
  12. Ohio state is a piece of shit school filled with piece of shit people in a piece of shit state. but they are gonna get up in that Michigan ass. No corum (or severely diminished one) means the UM qb is going to have to do QB things and I’m not sure he has the tools. 30-21 type score.
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