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Everything posted by hookemATL

  1. Bout what I expected. If they dont beat England then the odds are long to advance correct?
  2. I’ll add to this and say that this feeling and attitude from aggy is palpable when you are in BCS. You can sense the anger and inadequacy pulsing off of people in that shitass town. I have never been in a place that made me feel so icky and unsettled all the damn time. everyone should go to BCS as a part of cultural studies to see how truly confounding and fucked up it is. The same way we teach folks about the atrocities of Auschwitz, scenes of BCS with sad violin music in the background should be shown to young children in schools to properly warn them of the ever-present danger that aggy poses to society and the overall mental stability of our state. fuck them to death. It’s been a frustrating season for the Horns, but goddamn I have enjoyed watching aggy flail and contort themselves in the face of yet another failed regime. May sorrow continue to be visited upon them, and may LSU ream them to the point of prolapse in their season finale.
  3. “Back in the closet with ya!” Maybe they should try not being bigots. Can’t invite the whole world to your doorstep then get pissed when a diverse group of people show up.
  4. Looked really bad. Not the injury (it was rather innocuous) but exactly the type of situation that looks like an ACL. His leg was planted with all weight right when he got hit. His reaction makes me think it is bad.
  5. Dammit stay on your feet and you score.
  6. Fucking garbage. Same as the poo flinging incident and countless others. These people deserve all shit they receive for being angry little cultist fuck babies.
  7. I liked her other subscriber videos where she is gurgling and bubbling blood from her throat hole. Stupid. Dead. Traitor. Cunt.
  8. Wife has big paper due for her Masters program so I am biting the bullet and watching both kiddos for Friday - Saturday. Which allows me to trade off on Sunday and head out to get some burn piles done in the morning before getting settled around 2-3 in the blind. Plan on hunting Sunday night and all day Monday. if the deer don’t want to come out and play there has been a coyote issue the past month or so. Need to make them pay for stealing chickens.
  9. hookemATL


    Just relabel all the beer Qatar Water and everyone’s happy. Nope, no beer here! * I just said Qatar Water 20 times fast to my wife and she stabbed me in the liver*
  10. hookemATL


    Remember kids, gay is bad unless it’s a trusted minister that wants to nibble on your bits. Then it’s ok because it’s Gods Will. ideally there will be some demonstrators heckling the hate parade to call them out on their bullshit.
  11. My take is that they are using the injury to opt out for the rest of the season. Will probably portal to a different lease next year after getting healthy in the off-season.
  12. Me waiting for all the awesome Polish jokes to come
  13. She now legally has to change her name to Kari Pond. Take that, ya weird lookin bitch!
  14. Lolz game threads always bring it. I choose to believe we score on the first drive and have an Ok St 2004 type second half. I may be drunk but at least I’m not drink!
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