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Everything posted by hookemATL

  1. Had one on our porch last night. For some reason my daughter thinks they are super cute. Really interesting creatures and I always relocate when possible.
  2. He was just speeding in the parking garage. It’s not like he Sergio Kindle’d / yeeted himself into an apt complex. I say bring him in and do some basic defensive driving.
  3. Oh I cannot have all these thirsty mofos up in my DMs. The shaggy gay cabal and all the curious fellas would be too much to deal with.
  4. Is Reyna someone who would replace Pulisic if he had to come out? I know it was mentioned he might not be able to go the full 90.
  5. If I wear a sleeveless tank with a blazer will you go out with me?? I don’t know any Harry Styles songs but I can learn.
  6. Very good friends had to put down their dog this week. really tough on them and their young kiddos. We knew him from the time he was a cute ass little puppy, and he grew into his name over time. 100 lbs of love and cuddles. RIP Bear. You will be greatly missed.
  7. I don’t remember that but as they say it tracks. csb - I had a job organizing large scale events and one of my responsibilities was managing all the catering vendors that we offered. One of those vendors was Chick Fil A. After our initial meeting, the super cute CFA rep asked where I would like rewards points to go. Since there was no way to route them to the customers making the orders (and knowing that there would be thousands of dollars spent on CFA throughout the busy season) I let her use my account. This resulted in a metric SHITLOAD of points ending up in my account. I’m not really a huge fan of CFA, but I got kids and it was pretty nice not having to pay for a single item for more than a year. Also was able to buy lunch for my coworkers whenever, including our labor guys who always busted ass for us on-site.
  8. Thank you for the validation. I have pretty good memory recall but that is definitely something my weed brain could have dreamed up.
  9. Unless my memory fails me I recall a post in GM steakhouse when he was still DonkeyCigars admitting it. It blew my mind at the time and it’s stuck with me.
  10. Tbf it was him and his family but I’m sure he took the lions share.
  11. It’s a really good idea to talk tax policies with someone that has admitted to consuming over $1000 worth of chick fil a in a single month. Clearly a lot of sound financial analyses coming out of his fat fucking mushbrain. while there are some perfectly salient and interesting posts contained within, EVERYONE came here to dunk on Captain Clownshow as their initial instinct in opening the thread. ABOLISH POSTERS WITH MORE THAN ONE CROWDSOURCING
  12. Morons with guns shooting morons with guns. FAC
  13. I gotta say the popcorn in Moody just doesn’t taste the same as at FEC. Prolly has to do with the lack of rat feces and being made fresh instead of several days prior to the game.
  14. Fun game. Keep it up and good luck under the bright lights at MSG. 🤘
  15. Nice close to the half. Catch your breath and beat their tits off in the 2nd half.
  16. I repped this but let’s not get distracted and fall into a Dylan lyric/pun/quote off.
  17. As if you all wouldn’t absolutely clam slam Diane Feinstein. Oh my gawwwwwwwwwwwwwd
  18. Ford got hosed and Bijan will also get hosed for the Doak. Just watch them give it to Corum.
  19. Fuck yea Morocco. That’s two African nations through?
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