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Everything posted by hookemATL

  1. “I met your mother-aunt there, and by golly you are gonna fall in love with your cousin there too, or my name isn’t Slopbucket Dickeater!”
  2. Was able to make it out to check cams and fill feeders. Plenty of deer around still and my target buck is still making appearances. Holy fuck tits it was cold today but they were out running around, as evidenced by the doggo lighting out in the pasture after some does. Wife is off work and on break from her masters program next week so I’m hitting it hard to make up for lost time. My good friend and hunting buddy has his first child due the first week of January so I hope to be able to gift him some meat for his freezer. good luck to everyone still trying to knock one down before the end of the season. 🤘🦌
  3. Thank you for sharing. Peace and love. ❤️🤘
  4. “Daddy can you please make us breakfast?” ”ITS NSD1 GODDAMMIT. IM F5ing OVER HERE! Scrounge up what you can from the couch cushions.”
  5. These mental defectives will deflect and obfuscate themselves into even the most absurdly/hysterically idiotic lines of reasoning because it is all they truly have in the face of facts and common knowledge. Shit school, in a shit town, filled with shitty people. Hell they murdered themselves out of one of their biggest turditions out of sheer negligence and wanton disregard for, ya know, physics. Fuck them and their chicken strips.
  6. My parents would beat me with a cane pole, hogtie me, and toss me on the first commercial flight to Palo Alto before they’d let that happen. A colossally shortsighted decision, especially if you consider the burn out/bust rate of their top TEs that recently went to NFL.
  7. Oh I love ‘Tha Crib’. It’s like Pier One but more “lit”!
  8. Has the team drip vs non drip debate spun up yet?
  9. Damn dude I’m sorry. Hope your boy is able to get out soon. Is there a worse place to be than the hospital over the holidays? Well wishes and I hope you get a chance to get out before EOS 🤘
  10. Christ some of these people truly are sad, pathetic, irredeemable pieces of shit. Just reinforces a lifelong principle to never trust or spend too much time with aggies. On the whole they are insecure, weak minded, dangerously ignorant people.
  11. I’d say the Baylor fumble that wasn’t a fumble was also quite bad. Pretty sure I sharted a pint of rage blood after that one and took a few years off my life.
  12. Also diminishes his role as an extra blocker in certain packages which he executed fairly well iirc.
  13. How cold is too cold for the deer to come out to play? Not that I’m terribly interested in sitting in a stand with windchills in the teens but I am curious if the deer will also nope out of it is that cold.
  14. It’s in braille you insensitive ASSHOLE!!
  15. I assume this dumbfuck OP is too busy being colossally wrong about some other thing to come eat his crow. Either that or he’s trying to think up another shitty username after his eleventybillionth crowdsourcing. Soft cunt regard.
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