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Everything posted by dingleberryswitzer

  1. Anyone have issues with their propane regulator? I went from having gas one day to no gas the next. Tank had plenty because I detached it and hooked it up to a regular camp stove. Do these things go bad? Looks like this: https://www.etrailer.com/Propane/Camco/CAM59013.html
  2. I don’t know man, seems knee jerk because bamA and sabam have absolutely dominated the last decade and probably will win it all again. We got two teams that have never been in the playoffs including a g5 team. it’s gonna be this way until sabam retires. I would like to see something like a G5 championship or maybe an NIT style Tournatment for football.
  3. Oh you know if Rutgers wins aggy will claim the W for the sec.
  4. Dang I’m surprised you only got $3k . I thought any truck that still ran and wasn’t about to disappear in a poof of rust was worth at least $10k
  5. Ahh I see now. Still I think you take the quick 2 and foul.
  6. Is there more to this clip? Why is he not immediately cutting to the rim?
  7. This is fact. I went to a utsa game this season. They are slow as hell because they don’t take cash. a month later my credit card gets flagged for fraud because for some reason it took them that long to charge me for my beers. I thought someone had skimmed my card and was buying beers at the dome on a Tuesday morning.
  8. Sounds about right. If it’s not a sheep aggy has a hard time determining gender.
  9. So the dudes that canoe across the river in big bend will sell you tamales… for $15 for 6. F that.
  10. Sam, Colt, Swoops, Gilbert, ???? whos the last one? Buchele?
  11. Also those antibody treatments were developed based of research that used fetuses . So anyone that is pro life should probably not use those
  12. Maybe Biden saw that our governor was actively trying to sabotage our state by banning mask mandates and vaccine mandates and figured we didn’t need any outside support. Or maybe Biden is actively trying to kill off a bunch of Texans for political reasons (the same way kishner scrapped their plan at the start of the pandemic when New York was a shit show) But much more likely abbot is full of shit and not being truthful.
  13. I thought I read that they were doing this. But who knows the airlines are in competition with each other
  14. What most important though is that kawhis uncle is happy.
  15. Would have been awesome a decade ago
  16. Perhaps it’s Haim Saban of power rangers fame.
  17. Could be a chicken and egg situation. A guy that doesn’t feel supported by the team leadership might not bust his ass for the team. Then he and kerry Collins were in a ongoing QB battle so who knows how much the alleged veteran helped mentor him.
  18. I was rewatching dr strange #1 and finally caught a tidbit towards the beginning. Before he crashed he was on a call with a dude pitching him patients to work on. One of them was a “army colonel” with a crushed spine from a military experiment. Which was Rhoady from civil war.
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