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Your Mom

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Your Mom

  1. Who the fuck knows? But I put zero credence into things that random people say they’ve seen, any video put forth on YouTube, any documentary on TV about it, and any other shit I didn’t see with my own eyes. More simply put, I don’t believe anybody. I don’t care if somebody told me it was confirmed with radar or sightings by other pilots, or whatever else they think helps confirm the story. They saw something else. Or they saw it at a weird angle that made it appear to be doing something it wasn’t. Or they’re senile. Or they’re just straight up full of shit. Or they really did see what they saw but there’s some other explanation for it that we haven’t figured out yet.
  2. I’m jealous of those blinds. We’re over here working with de-ice cards and checklists wedged up in there. I passed through AUS day before yesterday and it was still out on the ramp if you wanted to go check it out. It was parked in the overflow pad south of the terminal though, not very visible from outside the fence.
  3. We're getting there Wednesday to snowboard Thursday thru the weekend. Looks perfect. Glad the road up the pass in is good shape.
  4. If I tip well can we skip Chakras 1-6? My Root Chakras is all I need worked on today. The full alignment and hand charging.
  5. I spent part of my summers in Fort Davis quite a few times as a kid. I bet you could count on about 10° cooler than Austin on average. Still hot but not quite as unbearable.
  6. Lubbock can get a little windy but they have two perpendicular runways so you should never have more than a quartering crosswind. Both runways are long. There’s also fields galore everywhere so the engine-out glide routine should be easy. Most of the fields around there are probably lined up on cardinal direction section lines so that makes some of your maneuvers a little easier than in central Texas where every road winds around random directions. Elevation. Is higher than you’re used to. 3500ish feet I think. On a warm day you will notice that density altitude. Expect your performance numbers to be worse than at home. Lubbock Aero is the fbo I’ve been to a long time ago. There might be something else on the field too. I’d say Lubbock isn’t a bad place at all to do a check ride, just expect the worse performance and some wind.
  7. GTFO of here with that. I have a perfectly clear understanding who the men are, what they said, and how they likely meant it. But, like many phrases, it can be unacceptable in one context and perfectly acceptable in another. There are plenty of phrases that can only be racist and they should all be canceled. This isn’t one of them.
  8. I’m not seeing the connection between Lee and the song at all. Are you saying that anytime that anyone says “the eyes of_______ are upon you.” thats it’s related to Lee? Because if that’s what you’re saying it’s really fucking stupid. That was and still is a common figure of speech. It’s older than Lee. Sombody talking to Robert E. Lee once scratched their balls too. Does that link all future ball scratching to Lee? Am I being racist at the moment as I type with one hand and scratch my balls with the other?
  9. https://www.willowhouse.co That’s one I like the look of. I prefer to camp out there but if I didn’t that’s where I’d want to stay.
  10. Check out the AirBnBs in Terlingua. Good views of the Chisos. Close to a few restaurants in Terlingua. And you can hit the crowded spots in those other places on the way in and on the way out to say you’ve been there.
  11. 6 months ago I was getting quotes on a pool. I got cold feet and decided to make sure I was going to remain employed through this shit before going any further. Fast forward to today and I’m still employed and it seems like I’m safe again. Have I missed the boat to get a pool in Austin done by the end of summer? I’m assuming yes.
  12. He added it to the bag. For Stoops.
  13. @Assman, what.. you don't want to take the family to the old DoubleTree around the corner from The Dollhouse?
  14. There's some good rafting out of Buena Vista too. We did that last summer. Lots of trout around there too.
  15. There's some high-tech mumbo jumbo PFM type stuff they do to reduce noise these days. Engineers have made entire careers out of quieting the engines as they get more powerful. Old stuff is loud. New stuff is quieter. Sometimes it's the most random sounding things like scalloped nacelle exhausts, etc...
  16. Your Mom

    Britt Reid

    I would guess that people arrested immediately for suspicion of DUI/DWI consented to a field sobriety test and/or breathalyzer and failed one or both. I think if you don't consent to that they are stuck with a blood draw as the only way to prove guilt. Admitting to drinking before driving is not necessarily admitting to breaking any laws. I'm not condoning drinking and driving nor suggesting Reid isn't guilty, but so far nothing he has said is prosecutable on its own I would think.
  17. I could do without Louisiana. Just make sure someone catalogs all the recipes for the rest of us before they all sink into the swamp.
  18. Your Mom

    D'onta Foreman

    The positioning of them both probably makes it look like Kobe and Lil Wayne are making out when D’Onta’s laying on the couch.
  19. I have Terra Grapplers on my LX and KO2s on my Tacoma. It's hard to tell which performs better, I doubt there's much terrain where one could take you that the other couldn't. The Nittos are quieter, IMO. I'm a fan of them and would buy them again. Ride quality... to many factors to say. My LX with the Nittos drives a lot smoother but it's got that Lexus adjustable height control and the variable suspension damping... It's probably more due to suspension but it rides smoother than the Tacoma on KO2s with Biltstien 5100s.
  20. I did a couple hours of hiking part of the South Austin trails with a chainsaw and getting some of the bigger stuff out of the way. I was impressed how quickly people out here got to work on them. I rode my main local loop this afternoon and everything was passable.
  21. I bought 200 paper plates, plastic cups, and utensils. Bought an extra 7 gallon water jug to add the two I already had. Also having a chord of firewood delivered. That completes my apocalypse prep. Some serious fuck-money around here powering up entire houses.
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