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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by UpperWestside

  1. I give. I have no idea what they are attempting to do there.
  2. I’m cool with 0-5 if it means he is not on the roster. I said I would actively root against the Purple and Gold for the first time in my life if he were on the roster. His ability to score would not change that stance. He is a mentally unwell person that the Nets should suspend indefinitely. Should’ve said originally that I noted your sarcasm. I would like Westbrook also suspended for conduct detrimental to the playing of good basketball, but that might not fly with the Players Association.
  3. The Flat Earth King looks to also be an anti-Semite as well. Good thing Brooklyn held onto a guy that, checks notes, is in a place where a couple or three Jews are known to live.
  4. Oh wow this is a big loss in the music world. I can recite a true story that happened to him. It’s one that Lewis retold quite a bit and is well known at the school. I attended college at SAGU in Waxahachie. When it was just a college in the 1950’s, he was going to school there and got kicked out of school for playing his rock-n-roll music on the piano in the old chapel. They were going to kick a resident assistant out as well, but Jerry Lee took full responsibility for it. I remember attending class there thinking how different would life for him been had he only played gospel music instead of what he did do on that piano. RIP KILLER. You and Johnny and Carl can reunite and play the gospel music all of you loved to sing together.
  5. I was at work today and a younger guy I work with out of nowhere thanked me for the messages I put in our group chat. A good chunk of the summer I would post stuff on Sundays when I would go to the beach where I would try to make everyone laugh a little that was working on those days. I always let everyone know they can talk to me if they feel like they can’t talk to anyone else. I have had folks take me up on that and I do the best I can to help them through what ails them. The young guy today asked me if I wanted to go skiing in January. I said that I am going to be gone on vacation and when I mentioned where it apparently motivated him to explore getting out and seeing more of the world. The point of saying all that is that your words have meaning to someone and often when you do not expect them to. A kind word could make a world of difference to someone who needs to hear it.
  6. Why yes many people are assaulted with hammers. This morning as I left my apartment a guy in what appeared to be an Antifa shirt threw a hammer at me. Luckily it missed and took out a window. Just to get on the subway I had to run a gauntlet of hammer wielding homeless guys who were just let out of the 103rd Street precinct moments before. Imagine, if you will, the terror of seeing two dozen angry homeless men with hammers. It was mortifying! Thank God I made it to the subway just as this mob made it to the platform!
  7. These people are just, well, they are acting exactly like they are portrayed to be. Attack an 82 year old man AND you ostensibly were there to attack his wife, because, reasons? I really do not care about how unkind history is going to be to Republicans. They willingly took in these mentally unstable people because they needed every single voter they can get, mentally impaired or not. The statement from Gov. Youngkin was just, Christ on a cracker, just pure trash. Just say you don’t condone violence and leave it at that. If you are willingly supporting the Republican Party right now then you are also willingly supporting domestic terrorism, racism, hatred towards minorities from sea to freaking shining sea among so many other horrific things. Alex Jones is on your side! Glenn Beck is with you! The Proud Boys, neo-nazis and the klan all align with your party. Think about that for a second. If you support the same thing that all those people do you need to seriously rethink the life you have lived and how much of it you have wasted and will continue to waste. This party and these people need to be tarred and feathered and barred from living amongst the rest of the population.
  8. I was as against getting Westbrook as I could possibly be because I saw no way he would change how he plays. He has only further regressed as a player and he is flat out unplayable and it is best to just pay him to stay at home. He is just going to get booed at home all year and heckled mercilessly. Westbrook seems by all accounts to be an upstanding guy, but he is done as a basketball player. I also do not feel bad for LeBron because HE CHOSE THIS GUY over players who could actually help the team win games.
  9. Another week of messing around and another week of finding out that the Russian military is the equivalent of the Washington Generals playing Golden State.
  10. Gonna need that messed around and found out chart to up the levels to 20 for Helo.
  11. Well they’re being beaten and it’s because Houston’s pitchers are superior to the Yanks hitters so I completely am with you on that. If the announcers are going full aggy that’s just silly on their part. My mom is as die-hard as it gets as a Yankees fan since Mantle, but she said yesterday that the Astros are just a better team and I completely agree. Should be fun to see who they will be facing in the World Series.
  12. @ROFL BOX Thank you for sharing all of that, as hard as it can be to do so. I am sorry for what is happening with your job. I feel profoundly sad for what is happening with your dog as I am sure everyone else who read that is. I’d rather spend the day with my dog over a person 100 times out of a 100. We don’t deserve how nice they are to us.
  13. I remember watching this. It’s hard to fully grasp the depravity of man that meetings like this could happen and for the participants to be so stoic about killing millions of people. I have watched so much stuff about World War II because my dad’s family is German. I would have loved to have been able to ask my Oma questions about what it was like growing up in nazi Germany under people like this. She died from cancer when I was 10 so I will never know what bits and pieces her and her family would have known about what was happening to the Jews. The best lesson we can learn from films like this is to never allow these circumstances to happen again.
  14. I had some Brits from The Midlands this morning. Birmingham to be specific if I remember right. Really, really nice couple that would like to see Truss gone yesterday for what she is doing to their country.
  15. I guess it has been awhile since I have seen much of Francona , but when did Tito get so large?
  16. Never understood the humblebrag on here. The documentary just got me psyched for hitting the waves. That and the book I read recently named The Wave both did. I feel pretty confident that I’ll embarrass myself many times while attempting to consistently not fall into the ocean.
  17. Not a movie, but a documentary I saw at the theatre last night called Facing Monsters. It’s about two brothers who are surfers. They are from Western Australia and one of the two is always looking for a new challenge. I thought it was an awesome documentary and the scenes showing them surfing in some absolutely brutal areas was incredible. I am going to Tahiti in January to surf for a month so watching this was pretty cool. I will never be able to do even a tenth of what they can do though in the documentary.
  18. You ever try flying combat missions while loaded up on a liter of vodka?
  19. I am a soccer fan, but do not follow the college game. One of my best friends though, who knows zero about soccer, watched his daughter, Ashleigh Williams, beat KU today by scoring both their goals. She has her dad’s competitive fire. He played football for Kansas Wesleyan back in the late 90’s. I know he’s proud to see her do her thing out there even if he doesn’t fully understand the nuances of the sport.
  20. The summation of this war so far is that Russia has continually messed around, kept a good chunk of what they found out from Putin and then went back for more messing around which is leading to even more devastating versions of finding out. Their military is the Yakety Sax song in human form.
  21. I would suggest stopping at The Kitchen in Manitou Springs. It is run by a local and his better half who is from Arkansas. The food is southern and it is open for breakfast and lunch. Fun fact is that the better half’s brother is Matt Turner. He would best be known as the guy who coached the McCown’s in Jacksonville and then was the head coach in Gilmer for five seasons until he retired in 2020.
  22. Passport was lost in the mail in 2020. That’s fine so I did the process all over again. I started in June and then was asked in July to send a response about what happened to the passport. I said it never arrived and was lost in the mail. Fast forward to about 10 days ago. I call because I want things to be finished so I talk to them and it arrived this week. Now that that is taken care of I will thoroughly enjoy spending the entire month of January in Tahiti surfing and enjoying the South Pacific. If I can elongate the trip into February I’ll do that.
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