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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Paco

  1. Holy bitter fucking bark Batman clean up your fire
  2. Paco

    Port Aransas

    What about the Dunes? I know it's a dump, but some buddies and I have/had an annual pilgrimage and it's our dump damnit.
  3. I was there Shank. She cheated and everybody knew it.
  4. First, you need to leave town for an emergency recording session...
  5. Did you pay for that haircut?
  6. Wait. Are you saying someone is too poor to understand grits??
  7. That's a badass mofo right there. The giant breeds are heart breakers for sure. Our mastiffs are not yet four and the girl has grey hair already.
  8. Probably more than you know about chemistry
  9. I hate that you know things.
  10. I read that as Katie Congdong but that's not what it was so nevermind.
  11. Well, you're not wrong, but that's not my driveway.
  12. Did NOMAA try to slip in a bowl of goddamn oatmeal while nobody was looking?
  13. Eat a lotta peaches, and try and find Jesus on your own
  14. Re Slowpoke's, right before all this shit started they quit doing bbq to focus on the beer garden. I've never eaten there, but I've tried some of the his cue at competitions and it was pretty good.
  15. This! And I need to know upfront which space they wish to compete in.
  16. That would be pretty cool, ya know, because it's OUR FUCKING MONEY to begin with. Or maybe our great grandkids' money. Hell I don't know.
  17. I also made the move to black coffee. 30 years ago. Because I'm a man.
  18. If you have a Textag you can get a 33% discount on your toll when you drive back to civilization.
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