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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by dcbc

  1. If the Zero doesn't strip your water down to RO, it's probably fine. I don't know what mineral cocktail makes up "Third Wave." I'll look, but I doubt it's going to tell me. Bottom line, if your filtered tap water tastes good, it probably will make good coffee. But if you strip your water bare of all minerals (RO/Distilled), it's like eating an unseasoned steak. I understand it a little better when it comes to beer, but I'm guessing the amount of calcium in the water as well as the ratio of chlorides to sulfates is important to the extent it accents the sweetness and the bitterness of the beans. I tried one of those water treatment packets when I was brewing beer and it was more an acidity adjustment for ideal mashing. Ultimately, I sent my filtered tap water to Ward Laboratories and, for $10, I had a water report that allowed me to doctor up my water for a variety of styles or blend it with RO for some more delicate styles. Edit: Third Wave is formulated with magnesium sulfate, calcium citrate, and sodium chloride. That's all fine and well. Those are the minerals you want to have in various proportions in a good brewing water profile too. But if you don't know what you're starting with, even having blends for different roast levels doesn't take into account your starting point and, therefore, is basically useless. I zip tied my cables that touched the floor to the underside of my console just to keep the robot vacuum from eating them.
  2. If we're honest, most hobbies are susceptible to pretty high levels of absurdity. Filtered spring water then. Gotta have some mineral content. Filtered store water even. Or blend RO with your filtered tap water (start 2:1 and see how that goes). That's what the San Diego breweries were doing back when I was paying attention.
  3. I mentioned this upthread, but why would you want essentially RO water for coffee? Filtered for sure. But you want some mineral content to interact with the flavor profiles of the coffee. I could understand if it were the height of coffee nerdieness stripping your water, then rebuilding it to match/compliment a bean's flavor profile. But brewing anything with 100% RO with 0 TDS seems like it would lead to some dull-tasting results. Admittedly, I've never tried this with coffee. But I've built some pretty tasty water profiles for beer.
  4. I short circuited that as well. Standard Merkur handle. Derby xtra blades at $8 for $100. Did the brush for a while, but I'm lazy and just use Barbasol. $8 worth of blades lasts between a year or two. Better than $ Shave club.
  5. I learned my lesson brewing beer for nearly 15 years. I still haven't learned the lesson collecting guitars and amps. Somehow, I was able to behave in a reasonable fashion when it came to coffee. The audio rabbit hole had an end in sight, thankfully, since I was restoring a system and didn't want for more apart from more vinyl.
  6. Best guess. Courts tend to take their sweet time writing judicial opinions which almost are guaranteed to get taken up by the US Supreme Court, which, less face it, might be a little predisposed to poke holes in an opinion knocking down a former President's seemingly ridiculous claim of absolute immunity. I'm okay with their taking the time to get the thing as iron-clad as possible.
  7. I'm not saying they did or they didn't, but Chicken Fried Steak, two eggs, toast, and hash browns for $4.89??? How are they selling food this cheaply?
  8. Bookmarked for the evening of February 1. The intro has me ready to go though, but for the saddest bass guitar soundcheck ever.
  9. With normal use, our super-auto requires a weekly removal of the brew group for a rinse and wipe down with a few wet paper towels. Descaling once every few months. I'm overdue for a grinder cleaning, but it's nowhere near the amount of work and cleaning that one brew session was on my old semi-auto. But the point should be well-taken by those shopping for these that super-autos do require periodic cleaning and maintenance.
  10. I've had three cups since I started reading these posts.
  11. Manual or semi-auto? I played with a semi auto and separate burr grinder for several years before going to super auto route. Could I pull better shots on the semi auto? For sure, when all the stars aligned. Does the Super Auto give me consistently good shot with pretty minimal effort. Absolutely. In a perfect world, with infinite counter space, I'd have both.
  12. Don't take this the wrong way. I do find it pretty fascinating and read every word of these posts. But in the morning, give me that drug I love to chug. I'm not prepared for that level of thought early in the a.m.
  13. You are a thief of joy.
  14. So many Day 2 favorites. I don't know how strict a rule this is, but it's something else.
  15. dcbc

    Mad Men

    Yeah, the finale is perfect. I rewatched the series last year and probably paid closer attention to the last season (the last few episodes in particular), and it was much stronger than I recalled. They really wove it together well with Don on the road and his relationship with all the women in his life.
  16. Maybe this needs to go in the Holiday Thread, but I have a relative who refuses to eat leftovers. I can't even comprehend that.
  17. dcbc

    Getting old sucks

    Friggin' dry January. This will be the way for shot #2.
  18. dcbc


    Has he graded all the records? It's a lot of work, but it's going to be the first step before he's going to be able to sell online. Discogs is a good option.
  19. It isn't. And when things go wrong, appellate courts are there to correct them. The system is far from perfect, but not every facet of it is as you say it is.
  20. I tried to come up with a thoughtful reply, but I just kept wondering what he does for a living. For, surely, no one in his profession ever has fucked over another human being and thus, he stands on the perfect soapbox.
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