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Everything posted by Brisketexan

  1. Leave the window open at night. That way, the neighbors can hear yall getting busy. It’s a Parisian thing. Trust me.
  2. Actually, it’s smoke from the seasonal ag burning in Mexico and Central America. It was pretty bad yesterday.
  3. George likes his kung pao spicy!
  4. So…ummm…anyone gotta link for the gal in the black dress? Because she is relevant to my interests.
  5. There’s a crew (it’s bigger than just Austin - think Florida, where he’s been spending a lot of time) that is into that. I mean, yeah…you’d be hooking up with a gal who thinks Republican operatives are cool, but there you have it.
  6. He’s lost weight since that photo. He also dumped his wife and traded her in for a younger model. Oh, and he’s doing plenty of party drugs I hear, that helps with the weight loss.
  7. They’re instruments of the state all the time. And any “good” they do is purely incidental and accidental. It’s never good when they’re out there “cracking skulls,” because it’s only a matter of time before they crack yours, or shoot your dog, or arrest you under completely false pretenses. That’s the problem. Law enforcement is a monster that can’t be controlled.
  8. It’s a big part of it. Violence against those you don’t like, committed by instruments of the state. It’s the good stuff. But like always, the leopards come for all the faces.
  9. Goddamn…cracking myself up, didn’t even see that it was a repeat. But doesn’t matter, had sex, right?
  10. You don’t get to masturbate furiously to cops exacting force with wild abandon and no legal justification…and then get mad then they continue to do so, only against a target that upsets you this time. Cops mad with power who get hard-ons at the use of force tend to keep doing so. Eventually, they come for something you care about. They always do.
  11. The problem is that we are both seasoned veterans of the bivalve arts, and we performed at our expected level. Still, we didn’t do as much damage as GOLL and I did at the middle of the day at Felix’s. I argued before the 5th Circuit. We had 3-4 hours to kill, so we walked a coupla blocks over to Felix’s. We drank a buncha beer. And at 6 dozen. Each.
  12. He’s worse than you think. No. I mean even worse than that. Trust me.
  13. I’m a fan. Met Pescado Rojo there once for their all-night happy hour (Monday) a couple years back near his birthday. Because I’m a swell guy, I said “it’s your birthday, I’m buying” (hey, happy hour prices, I’ll get out easy here). Both of us are serious oyster-eating coonasses. The night cost me like $180. Goddammit.
  14. Things that are not misunderstood: 1) your support for Donald Trump. 2) that he said this, which is goddamned near an exact quote from last century's fascist leaders: Don't lecture any of us about racism or xenophobia. You have zero standing to do so. Signed, A child of said blood poisoning
  15. "stating the exact same thing multiple times" = "all over the place." If you are willing to support cruel xenophobes who have pledged to inflict pain on "vermin" who are "poisoning the blood of our country" because some other things those people support might provide you marginal benefit, you're a piece of shit. That take is apparently "insanity." Good to know where you stand. Because I found a candidate who would like to use the mechanism of the state turn your daughter into a personal sex slave and wear your skin as a suit, BUT, he's promised to fix the potholes on my street and pick up my trash on time, so he's got my support!
  16. Also, forgive us if we find the current fake concern about "antisemitism" from the American authoritarian right to be as fucking hypocritical as it comes. I mean, after all, we were just told that "jews will not replace us" by these same folks, who are also very, very concerned about (((globalists))), so forgive us if we find that their sudden concern for antisemitism is purely opportunistic bullshit that has zero credibility.
  17. Would you support a resolution declaring labeling immigrants in this country as "vermin" who are "poisoning the blood of our country" to be racist and xenophobic? Oh, wait....you're actually happily going to pull the lever for the guy who said that to become PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES. You can take your purported concern for minorities and shove it up your ass. You're not just fine with it, you're enthusiastic about supporting a man who spouts rhetoric that gets people with last names like mine gunned down at El Paso Wal-Marts. You have ZERO problem with racism and xenophobia. None. Not a single problem with it. Signed, A child of "vermin" who are "poisoning the blood of our country"
  18. Just so long as you're super cool with anyone who isn't a white citizen being called "vermin" who are "poisoning the blood of our country," and the things that inevitably follow when the party espousing such rhetoric takes power. Are you super cool with that? No? You're not? YET.....you'll still support and empower the regime that says and does such things? Cool, cool.
  19. Nope. You still don't get what we are saying, even though we've said it directly and plainly. NO, we are not saying that "every Trump voter is horrible to other kids from whom they have nothing to gain." We are saying that every Trump voter is 1) happy and even eager to vote for a regime "that is horrible to other kids/kids/humans from 'out groups'", 2), not necessarily BECAUSE the Trump regime will do that evil, but 3) because they don't fucking care if the Trump regime is that evil so long as it delivers lower taxes or somesuch. "I don't support the Nazi plan to exterminate all the jews. But, I'm still voting for them [meaning that I'm going to empower them to pursue their plan to exterminate the jews] because they'll lower my taxes and get rid of a regulation or two." That's the exact ethos we're talking about. Stop being purposefully obtuse.
  20. Yep. And to capture the contrast, one of the most pleasant afternoons I have ever had was on a beautiful June day. We picked up some fresh strawberries and some beverages, and cruised around the Havel river with some German friends of ours on a pleasure cruise. Perfect day. People out boating and swimming. Kids laughing running around on deck. After, we stopped at a biergarten nearby for more beverages and a tasty lunch. We also cruised right by the house of the Wannsee Conference, where the Final Solution was agreed upon. The contrast is the point. Good German people. Beautiful setting, ordinary days. Unspeakable horror planned mere yards from where we relaxed. The banality of evil. Hannah Arendt captured it as brilliantly as it can be captured. Eichmann is a monster. Monsters don't scare me so much. Monsters can be hunted down and killed. It's the people who create, enable, empower, and protect the monster who are the bedrock of all systematic evil that comes to pass. They are who should terrify all thinking men.
  21. Then help me with your "understanding." You stand up for them as caring about their families, and having welcoming homes. How do they feel about their chosen candidate's stated desire to inflict pain, vengeance, and cruelty on any number of out groups (including anyone who doesn't pledge 100% unquestioning loyalty to him)? How do they feel about him and his team excusing and even supporting Putin's massacre of civilians in Bucha? How do they feel about his rhetoric fueling the mass shooting of minorities in El Paso, Buffalo, etc? How do they feel about he and his campaign openly patterning their planned regime on elements of the Third Reich? How do they feel about the Trump regime characterizing immigrants as "vermin" who are "poisoning the blood of our country," knowing that that EXACT verbiage has been the foundation, time and time again, for ethnic cleansing and violence against said "vermin?" Etc. etc. I. Don't. Fucking. Care. If you are nice and kind to YOUR kids. I care whether you are kind to OTHER kids, who aren't like you, who you have nothing to gain from, and who are from "out groups" even. That's the test of whether you are good or evil. Being nice to your own family is a red fucking herring. Again, literal mass-murdering Nazis cleared that bar, so it's not exactly a great moral flex. Are you okay with supporting a regime that will exact pain and cruelty on the other, and are you okay with that because "hey, fuck it, I'm not 'the other,' so I don't care?"
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