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Everything posted by Brisketexan

  1. Kilgore Rangerettes back in the day.
  2. “You think black people are humans entitled to equal treatment, I think they’re inferior mud people on par with animals. We don’t all have to agree, do we?” When it comes to whether you treat my fellow humans with dignity, decency, and respect, there’s no room for disagreement. Go fuck yourself.
  3. Again….it ain’t about how hot she looks, it’s about how dirty she is. A 6 who will wield a strap-on like a dagger and shit on your chest on command is better than a 9 who just lays there once a quarter. So sayeth the future king.
  4. The treason IS the winning to these folks. Never forget that. They don’t want you to matter or count, ever again.
  5. Elon is all in for two things: protecting nazis, and free speech. Except, ummm, disregard that second thing. Really, he's just all about all the nazi shit.
  6. Just sent you a link to my Onlyfans page.....it's quite.....specialized.
  7. There's a good bit of Goodheart's "Somewhere people vs. Anywhere people" in there. https://thinktheology.co.uk/blog/article/anywheres_and_somewheres His perspective is British, but it's definitely applicable here: In a lot of ways, my original post and what I (and my daughter) wrestle with is that we don't fit neatly into either paradigm. We're facially "Anywhere" people, but we are deeply tied to our place of origin. We're acutely aware of how it shaped and formed us, and how it will always define us, and that those things can be good. It's actually a challenging dichotomy to live with. I am deeply loyal to, and aware of my ties to, "place." But I am also global in my perspective, and ultimately can see myself living in any number of places. I like people, I will make community where I am. But I will always be a son of Texas. Always. You're correct - what people are moving to isn't "here be dragons" country, but going someplace that is not home, is far away from what you know and your support systems, is deeply scary, because we are creatures of the familiar. And for those left behind, it's hard as well. It's been that way for immigrants forever. It's pretty intimidating to think back on my relatives who got on a boat from Spain in 1780 to head to Mexico, never to return. Or my wife's family, leaving Scotland in the 1850s to make their lives in the US. Leaving your family, and your native land, behind to launch a life in "the new world" -- what an amazing, terrifying thing. I've posted it around here before, but I think the song Kilkelly, Ireland is incredibly beautiful and powerful. It's a series of verses that are based on letters from a father left behind in Ireland, writing to his son who has gone to America to find his future. Most of the verses end with his father saying "we hope you'll come home to visit," or "we hope you'll be coming home soon." Until the last verse, which is a letter written by his brother: Kilkelly, Ireland, 18 and 92, my dear brother John I'm sorry that I didn't write sooner to tell you that father passed on. He was living with Brigid, she says he was cheerful And healthy right down to the end. Ah, you should have seen him play with The grandchildren of Pat McNamara, your friend. And we buried him alongside of mother, Down at the Kilkelly churchyard. He was a strong and a feisty old man, Considering his life was so hard. And it's funny the way he kept talking about you, He called for you in the end. Oh, why don't you think about coming to visit, We'd all love to see you again. That last verse absolutely. Fucking. Breaks me. Every goddamned time. Leaving all that you've known, all that's familiar and secure. It takes courage. And it creates separation. You leave so much behind. And there are those who are left behind, and what they feel as well. They will still "call for you in the end," across oceans. My daughter was messaging us earlier. She's definitely in that "I'm sad, weirdly homesick, afraid, and alone...but I'm stuck and can't go back" phase of the move. She's felt this each move she's made before, and she knows how it goes, and that she'll adjust quickly and thrive wherever she is (she is already a "native soul" of Montreal and Gothenburg, for example). But the emotions are human, they are there, and they are consistent. She'll be okay. I hope, and strongly suspect, that she will find a way to thrive, and launch herself. As we all must, someday. We are made to be together. We are made to be in close-knit communities. But we are also made to walk over that horizon, into something new and frightening. The same thing can be both beautiful and terrifying. Hell, life is both of those things across the board.
  8. The problems that these cases point to are NOT that our DA is awful (he is) or that our system of justice is "soft on crime" (it really isn't). It's that...for the millionth fucking time.....we have SO fucked up the issue of mental health in this country it's beyond belief. It's a disservice to the public -- there's fucking dangerous people who are utterly disconnected from reality just walking around, ready to cause tremendous harm/death. And it's even a disservice to the dangerous people themselves -- when they are not psychotic, they generally very very much want what most of us want: to live their lives without being hurt or hurting anyone else. But, having a mental healthcare apparatus worth a shit would be pussy communism socialism, and these crazy people should just pull themselves up by their bootstraps and if they fail in that we should execute them. Just so. Fucking. Stupid. It's maddening.
  9. This. All was lost the moment that Trump was let into the GQP (there's definitely an argument that all was lost even before, and Trump was the culmination of the enshittening). But it was definitely all lost the day he was welcomed into a party made up of the weakest, most spineless, unprincipled hateful cowards the world has ever seen. Once that happened, no good outcome was possible. All paths forward are very, very, very bad. It's just a question of how bad, and even that's hard to discern. It's like asking whether you'd prefer to experience the firebombing of Tokyo or the nuking of Hiroshima. Either one of those.....is fucking AWFUL. But that's where we are with the disease of Trumpism. The disease will kill us. Or the cure will kill us. Either way, we're a dead country walking.
  10. Yeah....but did the pilots bang on the side of the control panel like the Fonz to get things back in line? That's like, step 1 in the troubleshooting manual. So, it could still be pilot error. Or, they just might not have been as cool as Fonzie.
  11. Oh, those of us of a certain age know how to find inspiration in the most obscure of places. But that's not the issue. It's that consumers have become quite used to easy access to high quality spank material.....and now they're gonna have to go back to erotic cave paintings ( @Armybrat ). And that regression won't go down easily. It's like the old song said.....
  12. Yep. I just got this message from this coming summer:
  13. That's the magic of Luby's. It's a mix-and-match of whatever you like. Fried fish with pintos and mexican rice? Have at it. Meatloaf with sauteed cabbage and mac and cheese, jello for dessert? Four random sides and a piece of jalapeno cornbread? You do you. America, freedom, excellence, big American titties, fireworks, Luby's.....
  14. He is NOT secure. The SS is a den of MAGA. When the time comes, there are plenty of agents who will actively ASSIST in a violent attempt to take out Biden/the Biden administration.
  15. He's never going to face any serious consequences. Ever. I don't know why some folks still don't get it. The system simply isn't designed to handle malfeasance at his level. And even in the instances where it is, sorta....the fascist autocratic movement that is the GQP has simply ground the machine to a halt. in or out of office, Donald Trump is the closest thing to an absolute monarch this country has had since we kicked the English out. "The King Can do no Wrong." That's the rule. If Trump does it, it's okay, because he's Trump, and he can do whatever he wants because he is our One True King (and yes, the "divine right of kings" fits here as well -- Trump is anointed by God himself).
  16. Brisketexan

    Austin FC

    So, we have an extra for tomorrow's match -- Section 118, row 9. Reply or DM if interested.
  17. A hot princess shitting in a bag? There's a buncha guys around here like this:
  18. Oh, Nicole. Do you really not know the rule of "it ain't necessarily about how hot they are, it's about how dirty they are?" This gal will do the kinky shit that William (and NowThis, apparently) dig: THAT'S what matters, in the end. See what I did there?
  19. Better than Milan, Indiana. So....there's that.
  20. So, let's lay out the GQP plan for Texas, particularly young men in Texas. Education: fuck you. We're going to gut your schools, so that the "education" you get doesn't qualify you to be anything more than a wage-slave of some sort, living a life of pathetic, subsistence-level desperation while you make more profits for your masters. Sex: you probably shouldn't have any. We're going to ban contraception soon, so if you have sex, you might knock a gal up. And if you do, you're going to be on the hook for the next 18 years (locking in your wage slavery, as intended) because there will be no abortion. Masturbation: yeah, we're gonna try to put a stop to that, too. You can yank it to old Sears catalogs, like we did. Oh, and we get that because you knew a world when you could get good porn, now you'll be SUPER-frustrated because you know what you're missing. But remember, being cruel dicks to you IS THE POINT! Guns: Oh, those? Have all you want. Whenever you want. However old you are. See, THAT'S how we want you to take out your frustration. Heaven forbid that you just rub one out to get rid of tension and frustration. No, that's for evil sinners who don't practice our SPECIFIC brand of repressed fundagelical Christianity. And we can't have that, in the Officially Fundagelical Christian State of Texas. No indeed. Instead, take out your frustration by building up dark fantasies, acquiring as many guns as you can, and then shooting up a school! This is the society we are designing. On fucking purpose. What a fucking shitshow.
  21. She's now there and getting settled into her flat/room (it's London, we can't afford much more than a room....and we're only paying for that for a few months, till she gets a job and can pay her own way). Was weird getting a text from her saying "I'm home," as her location shows that she's in Hackney. Sigh. On to the next thing.
  22. I'd be more interested in the honor of getting to hang next to Eva Longoria.
  23. Interesting opinion, I don't think I have any major issue with it. By the way, this is the type of relatively ordinary, down-the-middle shit that MOST federal courts need to deal with on a regular basis. Yes, this one has a bit of an interesting angle because the First Amendment is always interesting, but it's an honest academic discussion and consideration. The courts should stick to that, instead of participating in and facilitating an attempt to overthrown the fucking government or to impose a christofascist police state. Just a suggestion from old Brisket here.
  24. I remember when the first Texas Big Law rates broke the $600 barrier (nearly 30 years ago). One of the hot-shot senior partners (an amazing litigator) I knew commented "shit....I can't think of anything I'd pay ANYONE to do for $600 an hour where they got to keep their clothes on." And yes, $250 an hour is pretty damned low. Not "insurance defense hourly rate" low, but not far from it.
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