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Everything posted by Brisketexan

  1. This is Texas, man. I'm pretty sure that the authorities are REQUIRED to give you a firearm upon request.
  2. I confess that I have a weakness: I think that mean people suck. I guess they really are the poor, mistreated portion of our society. We should definitely treat them with kid gloves, and empower their shittiness. Naah, I'll keep on loathing people who don't give a shit about others/have zero empathy for their fellow human beings, who celebrate cruelty, and champion being shitty. I'm good with that. The one group I'm not very tolerant of is that group.
  3. You forgot to tell her the secrets to success in America, according to the Cum Rockets who dominate our society: "Also, be mean, and treat other people like shit. If you don't, you're a failure."
  4. Yeah....and I was on the phone with gov't officials and employees at 1:00 in the morning as COVID was crushing their local resources, and they were tearing their hair out trying to figure out ways to save lives and care for their community. Guess they were doing "just enough" as they broke down on the phone with me. So, I'll repeat it, because it can never, ever, ever be said enough: FUCK YOU.
  5. Well, they don't. Know why? Because you need one to VOTE. And we can't have that. Took my daughter -- with a funny-sounding "not American" name -- forever to get a damned TDL, and THREE FUCKING TRIES to register to vote. ME? I got my TDL with minimal effort and was able to register to vote without much effort either. Yeah, no idea why her generation thinks there's fuckery afoot.
  6. Lol this is the correct answer. Fuck off, you lying piece of shit. And they're not the assholes. YOU ARE. "Gee, I wonder why, when I go through my life treating person after person with scorn and contempt, they don't bend over backwards to please me." You're a piece of shit who gets what they deserve, every time you have a bad experience.
  7. You know what their solution is, right? Pay ATCs even less. Treat them even more like shit. And demand 2X the work out of them that they're currently doing. Oh, and call them crybaby pussies when they have to hang it up because all their hair is falling out from the stress.
  8. Yes. My customer service experience with (fucking name it.....ordering food? Tech help? Insurance issues? Retail sales?) in the private sector has been stellar, and demonstrates that the private sector is the end-all, be-all. Jesus fucking Christ. Simply regurgitating tired right-wing talking points, ignoring the log in your own eye. People in jobs that treat them the worst - low pay, subject to abuse from the public/their superiors - tend not to perform at a high level. Shock and surprise. When it comes to the public sector, attitudes like yours are a self-fulfilling prophecy. What person in their right mind would want to go into teaching right now? People like you are going to hate on them as "indoctrinating kids" when all they're fucking trying to do is teach the basics, shit on them as lazy even though they will give much more of their own time and effort than the job actually requires, demonize them at school board meetings, and vote for officials who gleefully starve them of pay. And you wonder why the quality of our teachers declines. You're a piece of shit, who treats people like shit, and then wonders why they don't all bend over backwards to serve you.
  9. Cleavage is cleavage, man.
  10. Bingo. Public sector. Private sector. Church committees. Your boy scout troop. You name it, that's a common experience. I do think it's perhaps exaggerated by those of us who have some pretty damned high standards, but the point remains that in any given situation, the group of "meh" is always much larger than the group of "these dudes get shit DONE."
  11. Now......tell me how that differs materially from most every other workplace -- Dunder Mifflin Paper Company, Initech, etc. It doesn't. The 80/20 rule applies fucking EVERYWHERE. Private sector, public sector, church committees, all of it.
  12. Try 5 days. Hundreds of people died. People. Fucking. DIED. Many of them froze to death in their own fucking homes because they couldn't get elsewhere (either had no transportation, or transport was impossible due to icy roads). Jesus. Way to find even more ways to be a giant piece of shit.
  13. Pay people shit, treat them like shit, get shit. Shocking how that's universal, across the private and public sector. You are a champion of treating people like shit. You get what you ask for. Personally, I'm glad that your experience with public service employees is shitty. You're exactly the kind of person who deserves every shitty outcome you get. Be a piece of shit, get shit on. Seems right to me.
  14. Did we see .38 Special in concert last night at the Austin rodeo? Fuck yeah we did. It was a surprisingly decent show. I award it 3 eagles flying, 2 loud “WOOHOOS!,” and 1 “HELL YEAH, BROTHER!” Exactly what you’d expect. Nothing more, nothing less. Question, though….how much do you think those acts get paid for their appearance at the rodeo?
  15. Yes they are. A cop beat the fuck out of my father. I've had a cop flat-out lie under oath in a case against me. And all cops back them up. All of them. Always. You're mistaking Garza at being bad at his job (actually doing a good job prosecuting cases) with those cops being innocent of wrongdoing. The fucking cops who killed Ambler killed Ambler. It was a bad killing. But the bottom line is, cops want to be able to do EXACTLY what those cops did, with ZERO accountability. Just medals and thank you's. Damned right they'd rather go work places like Mississippi, where their superiors cover for them when they shoot people in the fucking face in their own home. That. Is. The. Problem.
  16. Yeah, so…fuck you. There are a shitload of people in those contemptible “government jobs” who deeply care about their job, what they are supposed to accomplish, and the people they serve. Sure, there are some shitty and lazy people - just like there are in the private sector. But you just shit all over all the people who make sure you have water to drink, your toilet flushes go somewhere to be treated, your grandpa gets medical treatment, your neighborhood’s kids learn to do multiplication, all kinds of shit. I can tell you from firsthand observation that a metric shit ton of those people care about their jobs and try damned hard. And many of them are super frustrated that they have to scramble to do more with less because pieces of shit like you have managed to so denigrate all types of public service that they constantly lose funding and support…but they keep on keeping on. Your fucking asshole attitude is exactly what drives good people out of any public service job (and yeah, I’ve seen that happening in real time). The problem is you, asshole. “ASSHOLE” is the biggest problem we face as a society, and you are clearly one of their gaping examples of that.
  17. Prosecuting bad cops = “vendetta.” Expecting the city that employs cops to have…oversight of them…= “unacceptable.” Yeah. Thanks for making my point. Cops aren’t willing to be cops unless they have 100% power and 0% accountability. Call that CR if you want, but the cops have made their position crystal clear.
  18. Be prepared for a stack of $4.9999 million transactions.
  19. Ummmm.....I don't think you've been paying attention to the dominant social and political strain in our country. Pushing other people to the ground to get an ice cream cone? Being an asshole? That is WINNING. That's how you WIN. Don't be a SNOWFLAKE LOSER. We celebrate -- and I mean "elevate to the level of a god" -- people who embody those ways of being in the world. In 2024, "Be an asshole who pushes people to the ground so you can get all the ice cream" is The American Ethos. We might as well fucking engrave it on our coinage: "Fuck you! I got mine!" How demoralizing is it to live in a world where the only way of being is to hurt and take? Pretty fucking demoralizing.
  20. And WHY are police departments understaffed? Because the word is out: becoming a cop doesn't mean you have absolute power with zero accountability, you aren't fucking gods among men. The kind of people who might be interested in becoming cops if the job comes with absolute, unquestionable power. And the ones who are already cops are quitting/retiring, because they aren't interest in staying on the job if they don't get to keep the "absolute unquestionable power" card.
  21. A reminder that it's not just the young pussy snowflake kids who are sinking into unhappiness....adult white males are increasingly suicidally depressed: But, you know, we should probably continue to dismiss these trends, and just tell people not to be pussies, and pull themselves up by their bootstraps, and everything is better than okay, you're just pussies. That seems productive. As for my observations, the kids are figuring shit out. They are learning - maybe the hard way - that "more" is not the path to happiness. In large part, because "more" is increasingly off the table for them. The rising generations will have less prosperity than their predecessors. That's how it is, and how it's gonna be. So, find happiness in what you have, and what you can get. They're putting it together. And, increasingly, rejecting the consumption-driven vision of happiness that we relentlessly try to sell them. This thread reminded me of one of the better monologues in Dances with Wolves:
  22. Bolded for emphasis. That concept is what many of us ledge-dwellers have been sounding the alarm about for years now. "The Rule of Law" is just an agreement by a society that we opt in to a set of standards and norms, to be applied based on relatively objective rules of interpretation and evidence. Yes, it is a human system, and human nature/fallibility/bias always injects some play into the wheel, but it's within a degree of tolerance. Take away good faith.....and you have revoked your agreement to follow the standards and norms known as the Rule of Law. A sizable plurality of our society has opted out of the Rule of Law. The only alternative set of rules is "Rule of the Gun" (raw power dictates outcome, not any objective rule or standard). All it takes to kill a Republic is revocation of consent. The MAGAs have done that. The death blow has been landed. At this point, we're just watching the inevitable cascade of systems of the body politic failing, just as various systems of the human body will fail in cascade fashion after being poisoned or whatnot. First the kidneys go, then the liver, then breathing becomes difficult, then the heart gets stressed, then the brain is starved of oxygen, and then....you die. We're in organ failure now. What's horrific is not what is happening. What's horrific is what's coming. Opting out of the Rule of Law always ends the same way. Lots and lots and lots of blood.
  23. But remember, "coddling crazy people" is blamed solely on woke DAs and such.....not on cops who happily hand a gun back to a crazy woman (because if there's one thing we can't do in this country, it is to ever, ever, EVER deprive ANYONE of a firearm). It's fucking madness, but it is also the exact system we've demanded be put in place and preserved, with zero exceptions. We're getting exactly what we demand. Either quit bitching about the outcome, or vote for people who might change that policy.
  24. Hell, just focus on "safe and clean cities" and "don't bankrupt America with spending." Most any way you cut it, "safe and clean" includes things like law enforcement, good public works (water, sewer, sanitation, roads). What do all of those things have in common? They cost fucking money. We've deferred maintenance and certainly upgrades on most of our public works infrastructure for DECADES (the era of America investing in itself ended long ago). So, Elmo wants things that cost money....but he doesn't want to spend money. Oh, and nevermind that no matter how you envision it, "Secure Borders" costs fucking money. Wanna do a full "round up everyone and deport them" plan? Shitload of money. And remember, it's ongoing, because people are still coming in. Want to build a wall manned by troops every 100 yards? Shitload of money. Fuck, just set up a rational processing system with sufficient courts and judges to consider and grant/reject asylum applications to get people either accepted or rejected and deported asap? Money. Super. Brain. Genius.
  25. Fuck you! Signed, a dude who went to see Elton John's farewell tour.....in 1987.
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