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Everything posted by Brisketexan

  1. If you were a Norwegian dude, you'd be smug as shit too. Maybe the best quality of life on earth, they're super outdoorsy in one of the most beautiful places on the planet and yes.....the women are absolutely stunning. Our Norwegian exchange daughter is a knockout. And her younger sister is significantly prettier than her. She and my son are pals (as in, they're friends and goof off, zero romantic issues), and I don't get it. Had I been around a girl who looked like that at his age, I'd have been a stammering, embarrassing fool. He says "nah, she's like my sister, so it's all cool." And one of his best friends from his time in Berlin is another Norwegian gal who is an 11. They're MOSTLY friends.....we'll see where that goes. But he ran with a whole crowd of Norwegians there, and they are truly ridiculously gorgeous people. And yeah, no pics, because I'm not doxing our friends. I'm presuming that on their many viking raids, they only stole the most gorgeous of English maidens and such.
  2. Hey Boss Hogg.....to answer your question, this is what Christian Nationalism looks like (really, it's what ANY [fill in religion] nationalism ends up looking like. Because once a religion becomes the actual or de facto "state religion," it's inherent in that process that one of the conclusions will be "and no other religions will be allowed." This guy has Trump's ear. He has literally met with the guy you support for president:
  3. Good luck. They aren't getting Orban out of office without violence.
  4. Our Norwegian exchange daughter was stationed at an airbase on the Molde side of that bridge (I think it was on that side). She worked base security, walked the perimeter with a rifle and a guard dog. We asked her what her actual job was, she smiled and said "hunting Russians." The Norwegians will ski 500 miles to shoot you in the face, then ski 500 miles home, and do so fueled only by 2 of their version of a Kit-Kat bar. I presume that a Foghat 8-track was permanently stuck in the player. Right?
  5. What to say to her? Can’t say it any better than this legend did:
  6. Wait…you’re not supposed to drink coffee after a colonoscopy? For how long? Cuz I’m pretty sure I had some the next day. Nobody told me otherwise.
  7. So....you've heard of "America in 2024," right? This is our fucking brand.
  8. It's all real. This is how it all ends. The fascists are untouchable, because the rules don't matter to them.
  9. Sure. I mean, isn't that how it works? Direct request, God does what you ask? Of course, I use "pray" in the vernacular. I just hope very, very, very much, that I get a news alert on my phone that "Donald Trump has choked to death on a hamberder" or something like that. And yes, I actually hope for that, like the thought actually crosses my mind. Read literally any account of the rise of fascism in Italy and Germany. Then read what Trump ACTUALLY says and ACTUALLY proposes. It's the same. motherfucking. playbook. Anyone who doesn't want an asshole like that to disappear from the earth altogether isn't paying attention and/or doesn't actually care about humanity. Trump is one of the worst figures in modern history. He's a fucking sick fascist fuck. And the sooner he dies, the better this planet will be. Just like Il Duce and Hitler, who improved the planet by their expiration.
  10. This is why I root for an early death. It's not the optimum option, but it's the safe one. I'll take the double instead of trying to leg it out into a triple.
  11. Fair. Yet.....that's a risk I'm willing to take, if DJT can choke on a chicken bone right now, as we speak. SIGH. If people want RODO to be the magician who turns the franchise into something great, it's hard reconciling that with literally his first move, one of the dumbest personnel decisions I've ever seen in a half century of following sports. The current team doesn't have a single win in them. Seriously, I think that the odds are that this team goes to the All-Star break without a W. The only possible bright side is that if they are THAT bad, we might actually ditch Wolff mid-season (he's a bigger problem than people think - we had players decline on the option of signing with us because they don't want to play for him). Trump dying and Wolff being fired on the same day would be.....
  12. What I've always loved about that is that the pic is of the SECOND edition. As in, "hmmmm, we need to improve on the FIRST edition. Is there anything we left out of that one that we need to add?" "Well, Captain....in the first edition, you left out the part about how to actually AVOID huge ships." "Dammit son, you're right! Good catch. I'll add that in."
  13. The bolded is where the two things cannot happen: there is nobody capable of carrying the Trump banner and gathering the level of support DJT has. We have watched person after person -- relatively capable politicians, at least in terms of the MAGAsphere -- try to do so. None of them can even come close to being "Trump, with all the Trump fanatical/cultish support, but competent." Trump has an incredible gift. He is a genuine savant, I've never seen anything like it. He is the greatest Idiot Whisperer of the post-WWII era, maybe of the past 100+ years. Nobody else can come close. Not Ron DeSantis, not MTG, not DJT jr, Eric, or Ivanka, or Huckabeef. Nobody. The BEST "replacement" will still lose millions upon millions of supporters, who without their god to actually see at rallies and speaking and such, will simply crawl back under the rocks whence they came. While we certainly have much to fear from malevolent billionaires and their wholly owned simps in the GQP (looking at you, Clarence Thomas), it's not the existential threat that DJT, and only DJT, is. We can "undo" much of the damage being done by the other variety (it still will be painful and bloody, mind you - we're too far down that road for it not to be), but that's a different level of shit. DJT is an extinction-level threat to the Republic. Nobody else is.
  14. No, you dummy....Bill Gates and Fauci killed all those people, because they created COVID on purpose to convince everyone to take the jab that will eventually kill everyone who got it so we can do the great reset with nothing but liberal voters (although nobody has explained to me how a vaccine that most Biden voters took....but a lot of Trumptards didn't....is a viable part of a scheme to eliminate conservatives and replace them with liberals), but anyway, GREAT RESET! DO THE RESEARCH, LIBTARD! This is literally what they think, or something damned close to it. We cannot reason with these people or their leaders. Reason only makes them mad.
  15. I want him to lose, THEN die. I mean, if we're wishcasting. But the stakes are too fucking high for me to hold out for the BEST case scenario. I'll take any W I can get at this point. We have danced too close to the flame for way too long, the irrevocable and irreparable explosion could happen at any time. I'm sick of that fucking risk.
  16. I'll take the W any way we can get it. Fucking civilization is literally at stake.
  17. Bolded because the qualifier is the killer here. We do not have a rational and sane society. We have a society where one party is all-in on authoritarianism. That....is fucked. Excellent question. Also, really stupid question. Let me ask it another way: "In what world does lighting a match equate to burning down a house?" By your standard, we should exhibit zero alarm when someone thoroughly douses a house in gasoline, says "I'm going to burn this motherfucker down," and then stands at the front door and strikes a match. PARTICULARLY when we have clear and spot-on historical antecedents to look to. This. And this. To the bolded, yes, yes, 1000X YES! That's EXACTLY what we are doing. We are -- to continue the metaphor above -- comparing the dude with a lit match in front of the house he just soaked with gasoline and said he's gonna burn down with other arsonists, because HE IS DOING ALL THE THINGS THAT ARSONISTS DO RIGHT UP TO THE POINT THEY LIGHT THE HOUSE ON FIRE. As just a snapshot, here's a short-form discussion of the rhetoric he employs: Yep. See above. Bottom line, ask yourself this simple question, honestly: What did fascist authoritarian leaders do, and sound like, in their run-up to taking absolute power and imposing their horrific regimes on the world? And you know what the answer to that question is, or you would if you ever picked up a motherfucking book. They look, and sound, almost exactly like Donald Trump. So, to get back to your original oh-so-concerned point....you are goddamned right I wish that he would die, right now, this very second. Because he is an existential threat to the Republic, and by virtue of that every American and indeed every human on earth. He has no governing or guiding principles other than "show fealty to me," so nobody, regardless of ideology or anything else, is safe. He wants to be an absolute ruler with absolute power accountable to nobody and without any limits....because he has TOLD US THAT'S EXACTLY WHAT HE FUCKING WANTS. And he will demonize, and inflict punishment and pain, on whoever it takes to accomplish those things. Don't blame us because we have enough IQ points and literacy to say "oh fuck, we've seen shit almost exactly like this before, and y'all....you aren't gonna like where it takes us" and you clearly do not. Pick up a fucking book. Or hell, do this -- take a visit here, the German History Museum in Berlin: It has a fantastic, plain-spoken and unvarnished sequence of exhibits showing EXACTLY how the nazis came to power (with genuine popular support), how they consolidated and made that power absolute, and how they then executed on the threats and promises they made on the rise to power. My family of four walked that exhibit a few years ago, finishing at separate times. As we all ended up outside together, each of us voiced some version of 'holy shit that was the most terrifying thing I've ever seen because it's happening right fucking now." And mind you, that exhibit wasn't put together with an agenda of "look at this, it's just like Trump." It pre-dates him, significantly. It just tells a story about how fascist regimes that kill millions and destroy nations come to power....and it's a story playing out right here in the US, damned near to the letter. Go there.
  18. I believe our response is "don't care, got delicious hummus," or something equally as trivial.
  19. Best I can do is......tree fiddy.
  20. Oh, and as we discuss bridges, and phobias about them, particularly @Ghost of LL's fear, I will re-share one of my best memories ever. We were traveling through SETX, I was driving. Being quite wet/marshy country, there are plenty of bridges we had to go over. GOLL shared his loathing of bridges. Well, our route one day took us over this bad boy: I warned him, but did so with a cackle of glee. Should be an ordinary crossing, right? Nope. They were doing construction, so it was shut down to one lane. And what happened RIGHT as we got to the top - I mean literally, maybe 2 car lengths from the fulcrum where it started descending the other way? The shitty old pickup truck in front of us died. Comes to a dead stop. As do we. A dead stop at the very top of the Rainbow Bridge. You can feel it swaying underneath us. GOLL was about to claw his way out of the car and run back down when the construction crew sees what's up, comes over, and pushes the broken down truck over the crest, so it can coast down the other side. We let it do so, then we go and finally get off the bridge. GOLL made me drive back by a different route, IIRC. Was I laughing much more than a decent person should? Yes. Yes I was. I am a terrible human.
  21. I dunno.....word is they've already got a crack team lined up for the job.....
  22. Just show that video to any jew who is fucking stupid enough to vote MAGA. And I don't just mean Trump, I mean anyone aligned with that movement. THEY HAVE TOLD US WHAT THEY INTEND TO DO. FUCKING BELIEVE THEM. This long ago stopped being about "politics." It is about survival in the face of a murderous cult -- and for those fucking pathetic cult members, including people on this site, who say "well, I don't believe those things, and wouldn't take part in killing non-christians," you are actually a necessary part of that system: you support, enable, and - importantly - empower the people who WILL do so. "I don't believe in killing non-Christians....I just vote for people who do so" is not the absolution you think it is, you nazi pieces of shit.
  23. Yep. We are a sick fucking place. If aliens invaded tomorrow, pledging to exterminate the human race.....half this fucking country would side with them. Leopards eating people's faces and all that.
  24. I'm afraid your bolded is the question....and the answer. Democracies are rarely TAKEN away. They are GIVEN away. And we're almost done with the "giving it away" part. We are not going to save ourselves, that much is apparent. Trump's death is the only thing that even has a chance of saving us. May he choke on a chicken bone today.
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