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Everything posted by Brisketexan

  1. Kind of correct. See the "entire fairness" rule (which encompasses more than mere "independence") -- it is fact dependent. It's not a numerical, strictly quantifiable thing. A huge number of things in the law are not empirical, clearly one way vs. clearly the other (FFS, the civil standard of judgment is "more likely than not" -- so something that a fact-finder decides was 55-45 the likely course of events is how that jury finds). What we have here is simple: exhibit eleventy billion in the oligarch bedrock belief of "rules for thee, not for me."
  2. In what world? Ummm, in the world where the court applied a long-standing and recognized legal standard (the "entire fairness test"), finding - based on specific facts - that Musk functionally controlled Tesla and the grant-approval process, and further made specific reasonable and supported factual findings that the shareholders were not fully informed because of misleading statements and omissions in the relevant proxy statement. It doesn't matter what percentage of shareholders approve of something if that something was predicated on lies of both commission and omission. That's the law pretty much wherever you go. So....that world. A world where legal standards and evidence rule the day. Yes. We know that our oligarchs HATE that world, because it brings them down to the level of the rest of us peons who have to follow the law. Elon and his fanbois HATE this image of justice:
  3. That looks ridiculous. I'd try it.
  4. Blah blah blah. Women aren't people, they're chattel. And as always, never forget that the cruelty is the point. It's the time-honored way to show lesser beings (women, in this case) that you are the boss and should not be questioned, because you can do whatever the fuck you want whenever you want (subject them to violence and death). Does "shoot a man in the face in the middle of 5th avenue" ring a bell?
  5. I am disappointed. I was told that Republicans are true alpha males who don't take shit from anyone, they are the toughest dudes around, and anyone not a Repub is a soyboy. So...I am disappointed that these super patriotic, champion of the 2nd amendment alpha males didn't do what they are supposed to do, and start shooting each other. When can we get that? I'm sick of waiting for these Republicans to actually man up and practice what they preach. Feel threatened? Then fucking DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT, or be deemed a poser.
  6. They don't have to do so. They have a protected cartel of employers who don't have to worry about labor actually organizing and doing something about it, courtesy of decades of laws making unionization and union activity a huge uphill climb. Once you've legally squashed the practical ability of labor to organize and use their collective negotiating power, all employers get to sit back and enjoy the fruits of their effort: cheap labor that can't organize to do shit about the situation.
  7. Blah blah blah....but have you considered how awesome it is that "rolling coal" makes thuh libz cry? Yeah, I thought not.
  8. I love Tan My. My wife isn't so crazy about it - too dirty/sketchy for her. Sigh. Women.
  9. Because for a huge swath of the population, facts only make them angry.
  10. I mean, it's a Fox news feed. I presume that you'll be getting blurred pics of Hunter Biden's dong on your screen every 15-20 minutes.
  11. [Brisket, googling both, because what the hell, I may learn something new....]
  12. GODDAMMIT. THE NAME OF THE PLACE IS PHO VAN, NOT PHO CAR! DOESN'T ANYONE FOLLOW CONVENTION ANYMORE???? Also, have been there a few times. It's alright. The taiwanese bubble tea place and the Julie's Noodles down from it are better.
  13. Is it a coincidence that these fires started in a place where there are abundant Allsup's burritos? I think not.
  14. Oh, I agree -- Cornyn is absolutely the best we can do. It's just like hoping we get a stale baloney sandwich with piss-soaked bread, because all the other options include layers of shit.
  15. I actually love how these fuckholes don't even get how they hoist themselves on their own "analogies." Let's carry that just a step further into reality. Show those same adults sitting around fire, saying "we need to make sure that children have unfettered access to this stuff." Then slap the "the first conservatives" label on it. See how fucking stupid this is? We don't "ban" fire. But we sure as fuck regulate it, because that's what sane people do. Burn bans when fire danger is high? Yep. Allow open fires in the city limits? Nope. Hold parents criminally liable if they give their kids access to matches and gasoline? Fuck yes. Change "fire" to "firearms," and dumbass Ted is against every one of those regulations/the analog thereof. Because Ted is a fucking dumbass with no actual guiding principles.
  16. Russia: building more robust defenses against funeral attendees in Moscow than it builds against infantry assaults in Ukraine.
  17. You sound like someone who is terrified that their Taco Bell drive thru order at 2:45 a.m. is gonna end up being $75, and not JUST because you're fucking baked and ordered one of everything on the menu.
  18. I don't disagree with most of this. That's one of the things I liked about the program our firm was working with: it was heavily minority, sure, but the emphasis was on first-generation students from households of limited means. One kid we worked with had moved to Texas from Lafayette - he moved with his single mother who didn't exactly have a high-paying job. He was a "generic white dude" by appearance, but damned well was behind the 8 ball when it came to family economic stability and connections. That said...the structures and systems that worked against minorities for centuries worked against them BECAUSE they were minorities, not because they were poor. If we want to level out that playing field, we can't ignore the disproportionate impact that had on minorities. As to the obsession with the most selective institutions, hear hear. You have heard me sing the praises of community colleges, and even our friends down the road at Texas State, which provides a great path to a degree for a lot of folks. I do think that the path to real generational success includes some post-secondary education, but I also agree that it should all come from a very strong secondary education foundation. Shit, the "dual credit" option at a lot of centex schools, where you can graduate high school and either be done with or close to an associate's degree from ACC is a brilliant thing that I wish got better play. A few years ago, I was at career day for a Pflugerville middle school that was definitely on the lower income side of things. I was sitting at a table as an attorney. Everyone else there was with a trade, or the military. Except the ACC table next to me. For the few wide-eyed kids who actually started to grasp that they too could be lawyers if they put their minds to it, they were almost all intimidated by higher education, and how to get started. I kept pointing them to the table next to me -- "talk to this man, he can tell you how easy it is to get halfway there just by going to high school. You can do it, it's all right there." I then went home, told my wife about my day, and cried like hell.
  19. Yep. Honestly, that doesn't break my heart at all. It's open land, doing what open land does: periodically burn, so that the cycle can go on. Hell, much of that brush you see charred won't even die. I've seen land look like that, and within 90 days, be greener than ever before, and in 2-3 years, look better than it ever did in my memory. There are no lost structures or property in that photo, so that's really good -- that would make my heart ache (see the pictures of the rubble of multiple burned homes -- that sucks). That's actually nature and fire doing what they do, and it's actually pretty damned amazing and even pretty in its own way. I've seen a lot of burned land in my day, and except when I see it destroy acres upon acres of mature trees (see Bastrop) or a good number of structures (see Oakland, Bastrop, etc.), I see it as a part of a pretty amazing natural cycle. Next rain, there will be fresh green shoots pushing up, because the fire cleared the way.
  20. When it comes to cheap food products, I suspect the customer will tolerate "dynamic pricing" downward (e.g., happy hour) much, much more than they will tolerate it upward (order at lunchtime, pay an extra $3!) That reminds me, though....the campus egg roll carts had "dynamic pricing" before it was cool. If I had a class that ended around 4:00, I'd walk by one of the carts on the way home and ask "what do you have left, and how much for all of it?" I often got something like 2 orders of indian bread, 4 eggrolls, and whatever hell else they had for $5 or so. I could even haggle. "That doesn't sound that great. I'll give you $3 for it all."
  21. Reading y'all's stories above makes me ragey. It would be bad enough of this shittacularness was simply due to our resources being limited and thus spread too thin. But it's not that. It's not even just generic incompetence (although as with any institution, it surely plays a part). No, it's the fact that this outcome/scenario is 100% intentional. That pisses me off. Because as always.....the cruelty is the point. Cruelty. To literally the most vulnerable members of our society. There is no bottom to our shittiness.
  22. Yep. Bottom line, it's just what you posted. Centuries of white folks having a built in, structural leg-up. An attempt is made to help minorities play catch-up....on something that took GENERATIONS to build....and we kill it dead because white people are fucking scared-ass snowflakes.
  23. Do you know what will be AWESOME about that? When it happens, the climate change deniers will stand up defiantly and say "SEE! Europe is getting COLDER! Proof that 'global warming' is a hoax!" I can guarantee you with 100% certainty that is exactly the path they will take. Will the rebuttal of "holy shit, you dumbasses....it happened BECAUSE of warming causing melt which caused the current to collapse" even make a dent in their stupidity? Come on, man. We all know the answer to that.
  24. Look, if people would just let the faster golfer play through, this shit wouldn't happen. Courtesy is dead, man.
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