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Degenerate Gardner

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Everything posted by Degenerate Gardner

  1. Well it IS the most important meal of the day. For Chrissake though, don't broadcast yourself blubbering over an Egg McMuffin. Now a Honey Butter Chicken biscuit I might understand.
  2. If this phenomenon is still unclear to anyone, see Onboard and others' undying belief that Hillary Clinton still would have been worse than Trump after nearly 4 years of data demolishing that position. It's not about logic. It's about anger, fear, and an unwillingness or inability to admit errors - which by the way happens to be one of Dotus' fundamental characteristics as well. The thought metastasizes to the brain and there's no curing some folks.
  3. I'm not sure I agree 100% on your police work there, Lou
  4. What's amazing is your vast, intimate insight into Charlie Strong's experience with racism at UT. Please do speak about that more. It's invaluable.
  5. Good luck beating a cult in a chanting contest.
  6. Whoever was responsible for this gaffe needs 2 weeks of in-school suspension at a minimum.
  7. It's a pity Philo Beddoe turned into a racist Hollywood elite. He used to kick biker ass.
  8. When you're cheering for Methed out thugs, you're beyond hope and quite possibly an OU fan.
  9. Harris Co DA says that Mr Floyd's arresting officer from a decade old drug arrest, conviction, and incarceration was likely lying in the case...because that's what he did when not busied by murdering. It Gets Worse
  10. That's undoubtedly the most impressive peak in Oklahoma. Until tomorrow.
  11. I thought burned steak was now canonical among Republicans anyway.
  12. Keith Olberman was damn lucky to have his crappy show when he did. "The Worst Person in the World" awardee would be so repetitive and without suspense in today's America.
  13. Speak it brother! We'll never know how many Larry Birds have been the victims of the NBA's dastardly affirmative action program. Call me old fashioned, but basketball's meant to be played with white guys and a peach basket tied a pole.
  14. It's a terrestrial deluge of golden showers, not rivers and harbors, that a Trump statue should fear.
  15. I'm convinced bloody marys were invented for 11am kickoffs.
  16. Upon arriving in the bunker, Trump was reportedly appalled by the lack of gold lame.
  17. It's well worth reading the entire article so I'll tease a little more.
  18. Surely looking down at his father isn't a new perspective for Barron.
  19. Are you earnestly promoting James OKeefe's propaganda outlet as a legit source? Not sure if serious.
  20. This is funny and mostly true, but I don't think any restaurant can afford to alienate customers post-covid. Pluckers is free to donate politically as they choose just as diners are free not to patronize places that enable our toxic dope of a "leader". Freedom works both ways.
  21. Glenn Beck screams integrity among other things. Trump proxies attacking Floyd while Trump dares to speak for Floyd = Peak Trump, which is to say evil beyond measure.
  22. No burning couches? Then he's lost Ohio.
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