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Everything posted by NWBuck

  1. Hasn't that been an appropriate recommendation for about 15 years or so?
  2. I love this show, and agree that it's better than a lot of what's out there. That being said, there's no nuance for any of these characters. It's like a band that has a great album, then a good follow up, and then the third is just a rehash of the melodies/themes that the first two covered. It's just a few catch-phrases from being an ABC sit-com, in many ways.
  3. That can't be right... where are the thoughts? Where are all the prayers??
  4. Sure, if you call "living near Aggies" normal...
  5. He's worked with Brian Stephenson on prison reform... But still has a frozen turd for his soul
  6. Noted here before... My dad and his wife did not want to come visit us this past summer out of fear about the anarchy in Seattle and Portland. We live in the far north west suburbs of Seattle, and three hours from Portland. When they got here, they were stunned at how "normal" everything was. Did it change their perception? Maybe cause them to reconsider watching Hannity and Carlson? Nope. "Sure glad they cleaned it up before our visit!"
  7. Do you remember which show?
  8. This, but with snowboarders. "Hey, we just got off that chair lift/gondola thing that's dropping people off at the top of the mountain at a high rate- let's sit down right here and put on our board/adjust our bindings/take a hit off a blunt. I'm sure this won't inconvenience anyone."
  9. At work, we've gone to using the Lasso Scale to describe how we're doing that day: I tend to naturally gravitate towards Kent, so if I can end the week at Beard it's been a good week
  10. Well, it's certainly nice, but I wouldn't go that far....
  11. I know! Those are Cs at a minimum...
  12. Somebody must have told it that it was cute.
  13. I can't believe we made it to page 5 without this....
  14. Automatic rep for HSR.... well done, my dog.
  15. I can see "it's not work related, because it can impact you at home" being an argument. Not that I agree, but I can understand it. But since we're all working from home, does that matter anymore? Not in Germany, ironically enough...
  16. Finally got around to watching this. Big bucket of "meh". My 14 year old daughter summed it up best- "I have no reason to care about any of these people..."
  17. Well, I've been praying for a Constable Bob spin off... I guess this'll have to do
  18. Michael Harriot goes in on this... Full thread: https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1481519227102134273.html
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