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Everything posted by NWBuck

  1. And a KISS under the mistletoe
  2. Great video, thank you... and it's well documented that the Schaeffers were "in the room where it happened". Tangentially, this is a really interesting book about the folks who were early on pressing for "social justice" issues (like abortion).
  3. Feel better, man. Hopefully it wasn't your "romancing" arm...
  4. Fright Night, also with Colin Farrell
  5. Night four, honoring the Hebrew headliner, Diamond David Lee Roth.
  6. I've mentioned this before (and it's probably for another thread), but many highlight that abortion wasn't an issue for religious conservative Protestants (specifically evangelicals and fundamentalists) until they realized that it was an easier political cause to hang their hats on (rather than "we want to segregate and not lose our tax exempt status"). Allowed them to support nominal Christian Reagan over devout Evangelical Carter in the run up to the '80 election. https://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2014/05/religious-right-real-origins-107133/
  7. After reading about the concerns at the border, my wife and I began supporting this: https://www.lirs.org/ We also support this group: https://www.ahopeforchildren.org/ I'm guessing with the conflict in the country, they'll be even more appreciative of the support.
  8. Oh, you're drunk. How would you know where they're going?
  9. Pfizer in May, Moderna booster last week (with a flu shot chaser). Slightly feverish and exhausted a couple of hours before bedtime. Ibuprofen and slept it off. Did get "Covid arm" a couple of days after the shots, which was strangely localized just to the area covered by the cushion/padding/gauze of both bandages. Hydrocortisone for the itch, and right as rain in three days.
  10. What's range, but some kind of compass notion?
  11. This is indescribably awesome... And given that we're on Surly, I kept expecting it to transform into dickbutt, or to have astro-Bert ride Derka across the horizon or something.
  12. It'd be hilarious to find out someday that they were working together. His questions help him "stand up to the man" in the eyes of conservatives., her responses help her image with progressives. Win/win
  13. "And the game is OVER when the WHITE cell drives the blacteria off the table....
  14. Watched this last night- was really struck by the soundtrack and camera work. The use of really bright colors throughout was also notable- I laughed out loud when they rode into Maysville. Been thinking about the underlying commentary about unresolved trauma as well... I thought it was well done overall
  15. Why suppress what you can disregard altogether? https://www.nytimes.com/2021/11/19/us/politics/wisconsin-republicans-decertify-election.html
  16. Move the iceberg to make way for Otisburgh
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