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Everything posted by NWBuck

  1. Good start. Where is the rest? You don't wanna see the part above the neck, boss...
  2. I wish you weren't so awkward, bud. Figger it out!
  3. Dying of Whiteness by Metzl is a similar good read.
  4. I thought that one was you, Epstein, Washington, and Barbarino?
  5. Bumping this thread... any hikers/campers made a purchase in the last two years they'd like to brag about?
  6. "and things of that nature"- Stephanie A. Smith
  7. Would prefer that to my dentist putting his hand down my pants...
  8. In the last clip, his hand disappears (proving an edit)...
  9. The new Yeasties. Do they cost much bread? Wearing them would certainly be going against the grain, and reflect that you were well bread... perhaps even upper crust.
  10. They tend to break, though. Repeatedly.
  11. This is perfect.... especially their rejection of English
  12. "See Eye Ell Ell my landlord"
  13. Have we decided to move away from suspending the vax in gravy and ranch dressing?
  14. Best friend's family has a cabin on Lake Leelanau- Great wineries and golf in the area, too
  15. "See! We told yew it was gud! Even the doctor smartybritches are purscribing it now" And the circle of life continues
  16. I love this idea, and know that people a whole lot smarter than me (most folks) will fine tune it to near perfection. What I'm interested in is how this might hope to address human frailty and greed. I often get concerned that where money is freely available, prices increase accordingly. Anecdotally, I saw this in California; when there first was a rebate available for buying an electric vehicle, all prices for those cars went up the exact same amount. How do we create structures that don't allow those at the top to just jack up the prices for everyone, since the assumption is that a portion of the population will have this additional funding available? It seems that this would result in a zero gain for the target audience (kiddos) and more economic stress on everyone else... well, unless they're shareholders in those companies. (again, zero economic background... just trying to figure shit out)
  17. 1) Constitutional amendment outlawing Astroturf and the designated hitter 2) Prison time unless you open your presents Christmas morning rather than Christmas Eve 3) Trade Michigan to Canada for British Columbia, straight up. Failing that, return the Upper Peninsula to Wisconsin where it belongs, and give the rest of the state to first nations peoples as reparations.
  18. I'm not a constitutional rocket surgeon, but isn't the third word of the 2nd Amendment "regulated"?
  19. And he'll be able to get away with killing in that context as well.
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