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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Dewey

  1. Better be ready for TX State, they just whipped Zona in Tucson.
  2. Amazing, two Ws is short time, go get a major Scottie.
  3. Bay Hill for ya, all they have to do is give the screw a half turn and the course turns on 9/10ths of the field. Scottie needs par, looks like birdie is out of play.
  4. I can't stand the statesman and their "reporters"
  5. Dip shit farmer doing a Horns down while the ball goes over his head
  6. State of Texas, just like they have for mlb clubs, if you're in the state, you should go to the stadium. I'm in El Paso lol. Still can watch it elsewhere, but yes, their blackout rules are absurd.
  7. In lighter news, there's the farmers classic in Frisco this weekend.
  8. I read or heard there will be more on it, just not another season, maybe a one hour special. That field he and his daughter rode throw, right before the tree looked like the same valley that Kasey found all the dead cows.
  9. Score that as an "era " , "he's on his horse" and when the big un is rounding third, "dragging a piano".
  10. This is true, it'll be 65 and sunny and in the stands feels like 50 and dropping.
  11. Have some fucking patience for christ sake. This is getting earlier and earlier, fucking things get thrown on the table the size of a gummy bear and people are excited.
  12. Probably only way to get training, a way to ease in, is with a big company who likes to invest in guys they can train and keep around for a good while. If you're looking at commercial hvac, hope you know some about rated walls, VAV, fire damper, fire and smoke dampers and a semblance of codes. Get good at reading plans, looking ahead, seeing where things are needed and not needed. Engineers don't always get it right, the worst is having a guy run exactly what the plans call for without ever questioning a damn thing.
  13. Guess the SEC will get better when conference play starts.
  14. Perfect for mothers day, thanks
  15. I'm not big on meetings, the 12 steps did get me sober. I still read AA material every day, I just don't go to meetings anymore, personal choice. My first year of sobriety I did attend, I probably did 70-80 days in a row and it was extremely beneficial to me. I've seen too many think they got control ealry on , only to get their ass kicked the next day. That demon in your head is going to get you when she goes out of town, a meeting would greatly help you. Get through a year, that's when you truly start to trust yourself, the fools gold has worn thin by then. Remorse is keeping you sober right now, you need to climb the ladder to a better understanding. Congratulations on your sobriety and keep getting better, work on it.
  16. Agree 100% with this take, save for the scene in ep. 4 where you can see the Cadillac Ranch in the background.
  17. Not what he's saying. I hope they put a green tarp over the damn thing just to piss these spoiled fans off even more.
  18. Extremely disappointed Bryson didn't commit to the Saudis
  19. I assumed they didn't play this weekend, hadn't seen anything about their scores.
  20. I was talking about this with some friends, it was suggested and agreed if they didn't lift the ban, they should smuggle the avocados in with the drugs.
  21. Be great to see the west coast teams step it up, of course Texas and run these southern fucks back to the farms. Haven't seen many scores, but seeing the dirt bags mushroom stamp msu is good comedy.
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