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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by shakahorn

  1. The silence on both sides to me means they are trying to work something out quietly. What exactly that is, who knows. If things were contentious, Beard's lawyer would say something in the media, or Bellmont would leak something. Bellmont is famous for leaks both intentional and unintentional.
  2. These short halftimes kill me. Came back from the Cowboys game only to see I missed a run to start 2h.
  3. Has Ogden been on the bench for previous games? I don't recall seeing him there this year.
  4. Trying to negotiate as clean an exit as possible. Quoting Michael Clayton, 'the smaller the mess, the easier it is to clean up.' The University could just can him immediately, no severance, which would almost surely trigger a lawsuit. There might be a middle ground to prevent a lawsuit while still terminating him.
  5. Well, yeah because I covered my short the day before at $167.95. Shorted at $189 so still made out but left at least $7 on the table. Waiting for something else artificial to prop it up so I can short it again. This last time it was an upgrade from some major brokerage house I forget who.
  6. Yeah at this point in his career as a HC - 10 years if not more - he is what his record says he is. And that's at the likes of UTEP and Fresno State, not exactly powerhouse programs, at least in modern times. But it's possible that an event like this is the catalyst that transforms him into the next Don Haskins (or Juwan Howard if you follow unwritten rules). It's a long shot, but shorter shot than Beard being exonerated and returning to the level he was before yesterday.
  7. Without pay the University controls the game. If by some miracle he is exonerated, they can always retro the pay. And even at his salary, a few days of pay isn't much in the scope of things.
  8. He's just pissed it wasn't the expected blowout which would have allowed him to prattle on and on with Lance.
  9. Not sure whether to be proud of, or disgusted with myself for immediately knowing what OFN stands for, who he is, and why he is named that.
  10. Tell me you've never been in trouble with the cops, without telling me you've never been in trouble with the cops.
  11. And for all the other degenerates here...the line on our game tonight is still up, at least on betonline, and it moved from -28 last night to -24 as of five minutes ago.
  12. I was gonna say this too, but it sounded so...dumb... Coming from a healthcare worker, I feel better.
  13. I admit I don't understand the charge. Why is trying to strangle someone to death only a 3rd degree felony? Or do I have burns and felonies confused and 3rd degree is the worst?
  14. Yeah if Trump was President when Whelan was incarcerated in Russia, he would have got him out.
  15. Malcolm Brown looks a bit heavy.
  16. You mean the roughing the punter? I was kinda wondering that myself. Is the rule different for a rugby punt?
  17. How come none of the folks standing behind Warnock have 'Blacks for Warnock" signs around their neck?
  18. Or maybe, he's not perfect and everyone has a bad game from time to time.
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