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Everything posted by crash_davis

  1. Same. I remember him getting snaps and making plays as a Freshman. I was excited that we won his recruitment over TCU. Oh well, good luck to the dude.
  2. He should be taking it out on his parents for being dipshits.
  3. Deobra Redden is an upstanding citizen. https://www.msn.com/en-in/news/other/who-is-deobra-redden-clark-county-judge-mary-kay-holthus-attacker/ar-AA1mqBSp "Ridden has a criminal record and as per reports, he is a three-time felon. He had a history of violent crimes, said a prosecutor during the hearing. The prosecutor asked the judge for a prison term for Ridden based on his alleged crimes. Ridden had allegedly indulged in home invasion, acts of violence, domestic violence and battery on a protected person, reported new3lv."
  4. Lulz at those mini bike idiots. Also I'm surprised the mini bike can handle the girth of that midget female.
  5. Batshit crazy is now considered right. Funny as shit.
  6. More lanes for which Houstonians can road rage and shoot each other.
  7. So 80%+ love freedom while the other portion loves communism.
  8. They barely have enough FBS quality players to fill a 2 deep roster. They certainly don't have enough quality players to have a winning season in 24-25'. That's all the logic that you need. They can't be that choosy at this point. It's Harris or get another Olive Garden breadstick from Old Dominion.
  9. I imagine Elko and his staff will be pushing a pencil uphill from the negative recruiting everyone will press on the culture problem at aggy: mass exodus by the players, 4 and 5 star busts, and barely mediocre results on the field.
  10. Fuck last night. Shitty way to end an incredible season but fuck it, I'm excited as fuck for the future. I haven't felt this positive about the Texas program in a long fucking time. I'm not talking about the annual fake rollercoaster bullshit that aggy believes. Sark is building a program that is made to last. He's building it with amazing, talented guys who believe in what he and the coaches are selling. The culture is real. We had it during the Vince years and Mack pissed it away dying with Colt's class graduating. Even then in that 2009 team, only a few guys had it. Here's to kicking to shit out of every fucking asshole team on our roster in 2024 and 2025 when we make the CFP again.
  11. Watts had really good coverage on those passes. Not much you can do as DB when the QB is dropping dimes. There's a reason why Penix was the Heisman runner up. He prob should have won it. There's a reason why Odunze is the best or second best receiver in college football. Yes our secondary D sucked but last night Penix would have made prob all college secondaries suck. We'll see if Michigan can fare any better.
  12. When teams play Texas, they become the least penalized. Someone posted a chart a few weeks back.
  13. We lost the OU game because our secondary sucks. Basically last night was 60 mins of the last min of the OU game.
  14. Agreed. For the first time all season, it felt like the team, including Sark, let the moment get to them. The last few weeks of the regular season, we played pissed and focused. Last night we played scared and tight. As a program we haven't been here in 14-15 years so I guess it's understandable.
  15. If you watched the post game presser, he sounded pretty damn sure that he's coming back. I'm sure he was lost in the emotions of being pissed on how we lost but unless something changes like a favorable draft grade, he's coming back. I want him back. A 3rd year Quinn is going to take us further than a RS Fresh Arch.
  16. I think the O knew that the D couldn't stop Penix and Washington. They knew they had to score points to give us a chance. That probably made them play tight. We played poorly on both O and D. Penix was fucking on. He was dropping dimes. He's fucking good. We got beat by a better team. It happens.
  17. For much of the year, we had trouble scoring in the red zone, especially when we had to pass it. We lost because we could not score on 4 plays inside the 15. Sark proved that he can learn from mistakes, for example going for 4th down instead of taking the points. I'm hoping he scrutinizes his play designs inside the red zone. There's something seriously lacking there. Didn't help that the team played tight for much of the game. Bad time to have a poor showing which sucks because we were peaking towards the end of the season. With that said, I'm fully on the the Sark bus. He brought us back from obscurity and is recruiting lights out. He needs to hire better secondary coaches because that was a weakness all season and didn't ever get better. I think he and the team will learn from this game. We'll be the better for it.
  18. We should've won that game although we prob had no business winning that game. I didn't see the receiver routes in the last 3 plays but you have to think Sark prob didn't call his best plays. Wrong time to play subpar ball. Too many penalties and mistakes. Anyway this is a fucking amazing season. Very few people would've predicted this season's outcome. We need to do this shit again next year but win the the whole damn thing.
  19. Now do the same analysis on why you are a fat obese piece of shit who has no self discipline.
  20. Milroe could not throw the ball downfield. Michigan's dline is pretty damn good but it's easier to defend a one dimensional team.
  21. I didn't mean to say "I", I meant to say "It". I take no claim on aggy. I just use it because it's genius. One aggy is the same as all aggy.
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