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Everything posted by CooterBrown

  1. I only look at Threads about once a week which is more than I'd ever look at Twitter. My Twitter usage was mostly limited to links posted on Surly. I will say I like that it seems that the majority of the toxic Twitter users didn't make the move to Threads.
  2. I’m surprised a gas station chain hasn’t added a couple of super chargers at their locations just to create a captive audience for Slurpees and boner pills.
  3. Don’t sleep on the small cities on the front range. They are mostly really great with educated populations and great amenities…Louisville, Longmont, etc. all are 30 minutes from Denver. Fort Collins is awesome but it’s mine in 8 years.
  4. Looks like you can do the paperwork before you move and have it ready to go... https://www.cde.state.co.us/cdeprof/OOSreqs https://www.cde.state.co.us/cdeprof/outofstateteacher
  5. If I'm not mistaken, GreatSchools.org rates schools based only against schools in the same state, not nationwide. So a high performing state may have a school that rates a 5 out of 10 but if you really delve into the raw data that 5 may actually be a better school than an 8 in Texas. So, I wouldn't pay much attention that overall rating. I'd pay attention to the college readiness section on the website. I think you can glean a lot of info based on that data.
  6. I never watched Rebels or CW but watched the Screen Crush recap and now I get the tone Filoni is going for. Not having watched any of the animation, Ahsoka was a bit of a jolt because in hindsight, it seemed cartoony, but it fits well within the clips of the shows in the recap video.
  7. My issue with the maps in Star Wars are: 1. If a map is possible, that means the universe is static and not moving. 2. If #1 is true, then any destination in the universe is a straight line. You just need your origin and destination. (The hyperspace computer routes you around the off chance there's a planet in the direct path.) You don't need to planet hop and change direction. 3. Why do the maps exist? Every time a map has existed, there's be zero reason for it to exist other than the plot requires it.
  8. The water will taste like freedom you fucking pussies.
  9. If the buoys were on the Mexico side when those migrants died, please let that shitstain be extradited to stand trial for murder in Mexico.
  10. The green chick is so bad. She acts like she’s cosplaying at a 3rd tier comic con. Sabine is pretty good. Rosario doesn’t seem to want be here and acts bored. The dialog is pretty rough. Fuck, Andor has raised the bar too high for the rest of Star Wars.
  11. Here’s a better pic. They were protesting women’s rights and LGBT. On the Mac parents Facebook page, a parent said the incels were calling the boys fags.
  12. Fucking incels are hitting high schools now. My kid took this pic from the bus headed to a game. It’s at McCallum HS.
  13. My fridge died after 12 years so I bought a new one last week. Not high end cause I don’t give a shit but I was happy to find out that they now make fridges with two ice makers. One in the door and large one in the lower freezer. It’s the simple things like never running out of ice that make me happy.
  14. Murder City Devils is absolutely one of my favorite live bands. They never fail to bring it. I think I’ve seen every show they’ve played in Austin since i first saw them at SXSW in ‘98.
  15. St Vincent opening for the Black Keys. Holy fuck, the Black Keys were boring and this was before they were overplayed on the radio. Death from Above 1979 and Deap Vally opening for Black Rebel Motorcycle Club. Both were better.
  16. CooterBrown

    Austin FC

    I've never seen a GK put the ball out of bounds as often as Stuver. There's a half dozen times a game he kicks it out at midfield, turning the ball over.
  17. Mexican heroes begin and end with this guy:
  18. CooterBrown

    Austin FC

    Sure Stuver. Try to throw it 69 yards to Ring you dipshit.
  19. CooterBrown

    Austin FC

    Does Hedges know he’s supposed to be a defender?
  20. CooterBrown

    Austin FC

    That first half was something. The look like I do my first day back at work after vacation: going through the motions, not giving a shit.
  21. The article said the ethics board was cool with it.
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