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Everything posted by CooterBrown

  2. The OL could barely push Rice. I guess it’s too much of an ask for them to run block against Alabama.
  3. Gotta say I love the 4K feed on YouTube TV. They don’t show commercials because they’re not 4K. It’s just a silent view of the stadium until the broadcast comes back.
  4. I’ve decided I want my ashes spread at Red Rocks so I can attend shows and get a contact high for the rest of eternity.
  5. You can do what the fuck you want..steal, vandalize, smoke meth, expose your dick...maybe 1 out of every 50 occurrences will you get arrested. Low risk and the cost is low for such a hedonistic lifestyle.
  6. It's always good to ask them to tell you what they exactly don't like that Biden is doing. 99% of the time they can't name a specific fucking thing.
  7. This hiring manager cares. For 28 years, I've thrown every aggy resume in the trash without granting one interview.
  8. Bye Florida. It wasn't nice knowing you.
  10. I don't think it was a lack of evidence but the COS stymied the investigation and shut down the witnesses for years.
  11. What's fucked about it is the districts aren't allowed to allocate more money even if they want to. They get in trouble and lose funding if they fund more than 8% of the population. My oldest is dyslexic and we also did services outside of the district. We had a private CALT do two sessions a week at $120/session for two years. That was painful.
  12. What are potential charges for interfering with Ukraine? There has to be something.
  13. Texas already limits special ed to be funded to cover no more than 8% of the student body. It's estimated over 12% need special ed instruction (the SPED umbrella also includes dyslexia, dysgraphia, speech, etc.) By design, Texas doesn't serve 50% of the special ed population.
  14. The trio isn't working as a dysfunctional team like the previous two seasons. They're all too involved in their own storylines. Mabel even made a very meta comment about this in the last episode.
  15. Take some claws and booger sugar down to the river where all the coeds lay out and wait for the bad decisions to begin.
  16. Same. I won’t see them now when they were a can’t miss for me years ago. Their first two albums are perfection. Just give me a set with those two albums in their entirety.
  17. Beck, Daniel Stern, Trent Reznor, and Malcolm Young is a helluva eclectic cast.
  18. The Elections Office was responsible for organizing poll workers, rolling out equipment, etc. The State doesn't have to do anything more than do nothing for all of that to just blow up.
  19. That's why you go to the Orgy Dome. It's air conditioned with plenty of "clean" mattresses to get busy on. https://www.thesun.co.uk/living/1705240/everyone-who-enters-intends-to-have-sex-inside-the-burning-man-festivals-orgy-dome-where-5000-horny-revellers-get-down-and-dirty-every-year/
  20. Wesley Snipes would've been a better 90s Black Panther than Will Smith.
  21. I had bloodwork done at the Austin Diagnostic Clinic lab, in the North Austin Hospital, this morning. The tech said they are swamped because they've already closed 2 of 3 satellite locations because they can't fill vacancies and at that location they are operating with less than half the normal staff. FAFO.
  22. The great irony will be that the first major precipitation of the year will be during a freeze and it destroys what's left of the city's canopy.
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