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Everything posted by CooterBrown

  1. Picked up a Monday Pearl Jam ticket for face value. I’d forgotten they were coming until this thread updated. I’m glad I didn’t overpay during the initial sale.
  2. They’ve been homeschooled and accepted to the honors program at Prager University. Suck it Libs!!!
  3. At the Research location in Austin, they're right against that side wall with chips right near where the pharmacy begins.
  4. I kinda want him to skate because Texans deserve this piece of shit.
  5. A few years ago, I was sitting halfway back in the aisle seat and in the window seat was an Asian guy. When we landed, I saw him pull out a Chinese passport and tense up. I knew it was about to be fucking ON. He anticipated the stand up beep like an Olympic sprinter. He fucking flew over the two occupied rows in front of us, jumped down to the aisle, and moshed his way out the door like he was on speed at a Motorhead concert.
  6. A bar owner in Aspen and the best pussy he can get/buy is this regard? What the fuck is wrong with this guy?
  7. If anyone can shit the bed at an inopportune time, it's UO & USC.
  8. We need a statement game that shows we don't let of the gas. 56-10.
  9. Our high school lettermen club alternated going to a Texas or aggy game each year. When we went to aggy in the late 80s we had $3 tickets. The ticket taker referred to it as a Dairy Queen ticket. $3 today is worth $1.17 back in 1988. Way to progress, aggy.
  10. I think with Leach and Beard is that they did have a "fire for cause" clause but their legal argument was the reason for their firing was not enough cause.
  11. He can’t be fired for cause. The only way he doesn’t get paid is if he formally resigns. He could quit showing up to practice and games. Fuck it, he could just move to Key West tomorrow. Aggy would still have to pay him 100% of his contract as long as he doesn’t formally resign.
  12. I thought the deal with the contract was he can do fuck all and still get paid. As long as he doesn’t voluntarily quit, they have to pay up.
  13. You must have to be a fan of the cartoons to be able to get into this. I’m in until the bitter end but this is mediocre at best.
  14. Tell me you live off Rundberg without telling me you live off Rundberg.
  15. I just wish a football player would find Satan instead of Jesus because I know Satan cares about winning and beating the spread.
  16. That looks terrible even for DC and Aquaman. That stupid giant seahorse CGI looks half rendered.
  17. No need. Two other holes ain’t on the rag.
  18. It may be a prime time to ask for donations for prosthetic limbs while everyone is in a fine mood right now.
  19. Has anyone checked in on aggy? How do they feel about their real daddy kicking their step daddy’s ass at the trailer park?
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