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Everything posted by CooterBrown

  1. Getting a single slice of brisket and a half sausage link on a $26 two-meat plate did it for me.
  2. My wife's uncle went to Clemson (CS degree) and spent his entire career working as a solutions architect for various telecommunications companies in the Research Triangle.
  3. She could GTFO of Texas and make over $100K teaching in year 9 in Massachusetts. 2023 -2024 Boston, Massachusetts Bachelor’s Teacher Salary Chart: Year’s Bachelor B+15 1 $63,806 $65,832 2 $71,021 $73,397 3 $74,990 $77,374 4 $78,972 $81,356 5 $82,941 $85,626 6 $87,593 $90,262 7 $92,893 $95,567 8 $98,256 $100,926 9 $102,913 $105,586 10 $102,913 $105,586
  4. The first English Taught Program I found on Google was a bachelor degree in Mechanical Engineering at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology and the international tuition cost is €1,500 per semester.
  5. My kid stayed at Andrews for the Texas volleyball camp this summer and the entire floor was roach infested. Great impression for all those girls. I'd never been in that dorm and it looked like it last received a coat of paint in the 70s and had never been remodeled. The old vents in the room doors from the pre-AC days were just covered with a piece of plywood screwed into the door. Just shitty all around.
  6. We toured UNM a while back because my daughter loves New Mexico. I will say I was much more impressed with the school than I expected to be...which wasn't at all. At least the engineering department was very solid. Both Los Alamos & Sandia have hiring offices in the engineering department. The campus was absolutely gorgeous if you like southwestern architecture. The biggest draw back is Albuquerque is an absolute dump. For Texas high schoolers, if you have a 3.0 GPA, you get in-state tuition. As female in engineering, you'd get basically free tuition...IIRC, they covered all but maybe $2,000 of tuition.
  7. One thing I've learned from all the research I've done is that small population states are looking to buy students. They must offer a comprehensive university to prevent brain drain of their own residents but they do not have the high school population to support having a huge diverse selection of majors. The fix is to recruit out of state kids. Hope some stay behind and hope the opportunities keep in state kids into adulthood. University of Vermont basically told us that since my daughter was a female going into STEM, they'd give her enough scholarship to get to at least in state tuition. If you think about it, it costs them nothing. They'll still get 100% tuition but the idea you get a scholarship of that size as an out of state student is a huge incentive.
  8. My kid is top 9%. I'll make her apply to UT but she won't go there unless she happens to get into Cockrell but odds are non-existent with that class rank. Might as well go elsewhere and major in what you want. Actually, I doubt she'd go there even if she got into her major of choice. She doesn't like the campus at all. Having now visited multiple campuses in the past year in, I agree that the campus is pretty underwhelming in amenities and overall maintenance. It still feels stuck in the early 90s when I attended.
  9. There are none. Zoning in Crestview/Brentwood currently allow it but Allandale does not. This new rule would allow it. I'm sure all our NIMBYs will be up in arms but unless they want to foot a legal bill, they will have to bend over and take it. Our POA is optional and only $20 a year. There's no money there to fight anything. I know some people wanted to fight a new construction last year and they learned the POA can't enforce deed restrictions. It has to be an individual neighbor that files the suit and the POA told them it needs to be a neighbor in the same section in proximity to the property. Just being in the same neighbor tens blocks away isn't enough. They gave up when no one would commit money to the legal fund.
  10. I am hoping this causes a premium on my own lot when we sell and GTFO to Colorado. I have a decent size lot in Allandale...80x130, that's perfectly flat and only has a single small Monterrey Oak in the front yard. It's easily buildable up to maximum allowances with no heritage trees to get in the way. Let the developers get in a bidding war!
  11. We will see more houses like in Crestview where there are two standalone houses on a single lot...one in front and one in back. Instead of one $1M house, there are now 2 $800K houses (free standing condos) and if they're lucky, joint ownership of the lot and driveway. Smart developers will just lease the land and have a mandatory condo association fee that they are paid in perpetuity.
  12. Sin City 2. If I’d known Eva Green spends 90% of the movie with her perfect tits out in glorious HD, I would’ve watched this years ago.
  13. CooterBrown

    Austin FC

    We haven’t won a match since July 15th.
  14. That sounds more like it since there's no visible bulge. The corrosion is most likely on the phone since it doesn't matter what cable I use.
  15. This is what will make me upgrade sooner than later. My last 3 iPhones would not charge via a cable because the lightning opening would get too loose and it couldn't make solid contact. I can only charge using a charging pad. I've been told it's because I charge my phone too much, the battery swells, and stretches out the plug receiver. I only charge over night and the battery runs down to around 25% every day so I don't know if that's correct but it's been a major problem for me.
  16. She'd be 60-70 in the sequel trilogy since it's 30+ years later so she may just be retired to the Florida planet.
  17. CooterBrown

    Austin FC

    So AFC to give up a 2 goal advantage with a minute left in regulation + extra time.
  18. I really liked their first album but then they decided to not be a rock band. Haven’t heard the new album so I hope it’s a return to form.
  19. I'm totally in for that show. It sucks they're at Emo's. It's such a pain in the ass to get to and from.
  20. McCallum HS had water for half the day today. What more do these entitled kids need?
  21. I've obviously been lukewarm on this show. But, this episode felt like Star Wars while also feeling like something completely new. While I knew who Thrawn was, this was my first time seeing him on screen. He exceeded any expectations I had.
  22. I don't think the streamers' valuation is really affected by whether anyone actually watches any content. All that matters is consumers are paying the subscription fee and the subscription base continues to grow.
  23. At Beth Orton right now and the olds came out in force. At 51, I doubt I hit the median age in the room.
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