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Everything posted by CooterBrown

  1. From the article...WTF... General SVR frequently claims that Putin used body doubles that were swapped in for the Russian leader for public events and foreign visits. A lookalike, it is claimed, was used by Kremlin officials during the recent trip to China during a meeting with Xi Jinping, according to SVR. However, the reported body double is said to have suffered a facial malfunction. General SVR wrote: "The fault is again with the double's 'floating' cheekbones, which do not stay in place and move in different directions. "The double initially had less expressive cheekbones, which, as a result of plastic surgery, were 'enlarged' and made similar to Putin's cheekbones. "But it was impossible to make sure they stayed stationary in the right places." General SVR's claims have not been verified though recent Japanese AI analysis and various media reports have raised speculation about Putin's potential use of body doubles for public appearances.
  2. Valentina's is supposedly bouncing payroll checks so they're probably not long for this world.
  3. CooterBrown

    Austin FC

    I can’t wait to see which over the hill strikers we sign this off-season and which defenders we run off and not replace. My guess is Ring, Urruti, and Redes are gone.
  4. How is Maalik the least athletic of that stable of talent?
  5. Assuming this is real, the sequel is set in the WWI trenches.
  6. At least until a decade ago, the movie theater in the Cayman Islands would have a 15 minute intermission just for that reason. I didn’t know that was going to happen. The scene faded to black and the lights came on. The entire theater got up and went to the lobby. It took us a minute to realize what was going on.
  7. My feed was so bad, you couldn’t make out the football. I tried rebooting my Apple TV and that didn’t fix it. I switched to the multicast in case it was higher resolution. It wasn’t. But when I switched back, it was high resolution. Luckily it stayed good for the rest of the game.
  8. Every Longhorn broadcast on YouTube TV has been terrible this year. It’s like it’s 96p resolution.
  9. I’m surprised a smoked burger joint hasn’t become a standalone thing yet.
  10. Why does home ownership have to mean single family residential? Condos are a viable option. Terraced townhomes with backyards are a great option if they would be allowed.
  11. Is Odegaard drunk? He’s given the ball away on 90% of his touches.
  12. I can see us losing this 0-3. Everyone is terrible.
  13. The low hanging fruit are huge retail parking lots. Build garage parking and build residential complexes above it. You don’t even have to touch existing residential neighborhoods but can significantly increase density.
  14. In the late 90s, I sat next to Quentin Tarantino at lunch. He had the chili enchiladas and a couple of Shiners. Respect.
  15. I would've never picked Atlanta to be in the top 10. Granted, I've spent minimal time there outside of the airport.
  16. My favorite BA song is The First Vietnamese War and I’ve only seen it once in maybe 15 shows. They only played it that one time at Blues on the Green because they played Passover in its entirety.
  17. This is getting good reviews. 4 detectives, in different eras, discover the same murdered body.
  18. Last year my daughter had to file for the first time so I looked for something other than TurboTax. I used FreeTaxUSA, which is an IRS approved e-file provider, to file her taxes. It was completely free and the interface was so much better than TurboTax that I will probably use it for my own taxes next year.
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