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Everything posted by Brisketexan

  1. Seriously. I just think the question isn't "why aren't women having so many kids these days?" as it is "why would a woman want to have so many kids these days?" Why would a woman want to have 4+ kids? In developed economies, the only real motivation would be personal and social: I love kids, I love being a mom, I find it incredibly rewarding, etc. There's no external need or push. It's almost all internal. That's just a by-product of a developed economy.
  2. Hey, I've got GREAT news for you -- that lawsuit can't happen. Why is that? Because, as a matter of law, the police have NO DUTY to protect you or anyone else. None. Zero. So, exhale. It will all be okay.
  3. They have gotten out of control - Columbia is a shitshow, as a good example. But you don't handle that by just showing up and acting out the scenes of the angry Central Park Rangers in Elf. You fucking meet with the leaders of the protest beforehand. You discuss expectations, and the latitude they will be given in line with their constitutional rights, and our mutual respect for same. When you show up looking for a fight, guess what you often get? A fight. That's what the government via the DPS is clearly spoiling for. They WANT to create a violent atmosphere, because then they get to 1) crack skulls, which makes them diamond-hard, and 2) they get to say "see, all those raghead-lovers are terrorists." It's fucking bullshit. And note....I don't particularly support the message/purpose of this particular protest. I think it is somewhat misguided, and is more "look at me" bullshit. But as I said, IDGAF if it is about pop-tart flavor availability. There are smart and constitutionally respectful ways to handle these....and our gov't is choosing a fucking 180 degree different path.
  4. With all due respect, good sir, I think that very, very few people on this site take Elon seriously. About anything.
  5. And I hope that the ACLU is fucking ready to bring the hammer of the 1st amendment against our pathetic simp of a governor if he infringes on the protesters' constitutional rights. Feel free to arrest anyone breaking the actual law. But if the government starts fucking fights and/or arrests people for exercising their constitutional rights, swing the hammer right back on their asses.
  6. That "show of force" is so breathtakingly stupid....and it's exactly what I'd expect from this ultra-shitty state. It is INTENDED to create conflict. It is INTENDED to intimidate and cause chaos in what - by all appearances thus far - is a peaceful, constitutionally protected protest. I don't care if you agree or disagree with a student walkout protest. Or whether it's for something important or trivial. They could be protesting the removal of blueberry pop-tarts from the Union vending machines, IDGAF. They get to protest, they get to march and chant. They get to make demands of the administration. For those fuckers who so claim to LOVE the constitution.....they sure missed the part where it says right up fucking front that the law shall not infringe on the right of the people to peaceably assemble. The right move is to have a limited law enforcement presence to keep an eye on things, and intervene if an incident or two breaks out, perhaps with some forces in reserve in case things go to shit. But showing up and marching on a line of war horses to look like Billy Badass is some serious small-dick energy from our State, but "small-dick energy" is on track to become our largest energy supply in this state, so why the fuck not? A competent government lets the students march and protest without the State acting out "Kid's first Fascist Playset" fantasies. And a decent protest does it's thing and makes its point. As a citizen, I hold both sides to an appropriate standard. So far, the only side that looks assholish is the State. For no reason at all, other than us being led by pathetic fascist cosplayers. Well-done.
  7. The term y'all are looking for is "enshittening." Enshittening is a religion now, and Elon is its diety.
  8. But, I mean, as a possible Tesla customer, what's not to love?!?! My car will be running its computer - and I'm presuming that in order to link up with other computers to share data and amp up the total computing power being used, it will hop onto my home wifi - which eats up the bandwidth on my wifi that I pay for. It will be using some of its battery life not for my tasks (you know....driving the car), but rather to work for Elmo's dream. Oh, and it will be burning power that I paid for (it's plugged into my wall charger, which provides electricity that I pay for) to do Elmo's work for him. Yes sir, please sir, can you use and abuse me some more?? THAN YOU, SIR!!!
  9. Yes, but see, you need to understand that he's a Satanist libtard commie, because he doesn't acknowledge that Jesus himself sent Donald Trump. Scratch that...he doesn't acknowledge that DJT is almost certainly the second coming of Christ himself. So, keep your libtard satanist blasphemy to yourself.
  10. Seriously. Biden is the archetype moderate…and the idiots have him pegged as a cross between Marx and Mao. Absolute idiocy.
  11. As someone who just made a round trip from S. Texas to Austin yesterday....I suspect a lot of people think the way you do, and they're all WAY fucking wrong. I had to deal with driver after driver whose speed varied 10-15 mph, and it was maddening. I just wanted to set my cruise and be done with it, but nope. Maybe the "you can easily keep consistent SPEED" when the road is flat, but when it's rolling at all, hills of any sort, "consistent pressure on the gas pedal" doesn't come close to maintaining a set speed. Just set the cruise control, and it will make the adjustments for you as the road elevates and drops (even slight grades influence speed). Of course, the worst was the absolute flaming asshole in the Porsche SUV who, when we got to a stretch where there was a passing lane (so then we had two lanes on our side, the right lane for slow traffic, the left for passing), got in the left lane....and then just MATCHED the speed of the truck next to him. They drove side-by-side almost the whole stretch, till the very end, when he finally accelerated to pass the truck....and I used the last 100 yards of lane to do the same. Fucking asshole.
  12. He can't help by lie, and about the most obvious, easily provable things. It's not just natural for him, it's a requirement. Like, I actually think he might die if he doesn't spout at least a dozen insanely outlandish and obvious lies a day. Also, he is an actual abject moron. One of the dumbest people to walk this earth....and millions worship him. This fucking timeline....
  13. I dig Julio's salsa and Mark's Restaurant Style (the blue label). Hell on the Red is a guilty pleasure, it's a lot like Chili's salsa, IIRC. On the Border salsa is their restaurant salsa, if you like that. Dammit. Now I just want chips and salsa for dinner.
  14. But I mean, do you, when you're already at highway speeds? I used to drive a standard, with cruise control, and I used it on the highway plenty.
  15. The answer is "nothing I want to happen to him." I'll believe in actual consequences if/when they ever happen. My conclusion remains the same: we will not in any way be rid of the disease of Donald Trump until he is dead. And based on our luck in this timeline, he will live to be 125.
  16. Ahem. Technically, it's the second-to-last resort. We can see the last resort from here.
  17. I saw Austin use quite a few of them several years ago when Obama came to town. They are quite effective mobile roadblocks to stop car/truck bombs. Fill them with sand, park them to block the roadway, and you can't get a car bomb through. In Austin, I saw multiple streets completely blocked off with full dump trucks -- like a dozen of them.
  18. Why isn't it as simple as seeing why the fertility rate falls once an economy becomes developed? Ask the question "WHY did people historically have a large number of kids?" Seems that there were two reasons. 1) Labor. In agrarian societies, kids are farm labor. You need them around to keep things rolling along. And 2) higher mortality rates. Have 5-6 kids, hoping that 2-3 survive past age 7. In a developed economy, neither of those factors are in play. Child mortality is rare, and we don't need kids to milk the cows. Thus, the only reasons to have kids are PERSONAL ones, tied to self-fulfillment and desire, and broad social values. TLDR; dropping fertility rates are a feature, not a bug, of developed economies. It's not much more complicated than that, and applies across cultures. Maybe we should focus on how to make our economies more functional and resilient with that factor in mind.
  19. Yeah, the "the defense lawyer is a friend of the DA!" is a dog whistle for people with zero understanding of how being a professional works. I am a trial attorney, and opposing counsel is OFTEN someone with whom I am actual personal friends. Why is that? Because all-in-all, our profession is a small world. Most of us in a particular field know each other well. Why would Garza and Cofer be friends? Maybe because THEY WORKED TOGETHER AS PROSECUTORS BEFORE COFER LEFT THE OFFICE TO DO DEFENSE WORK. That is a regular, common thing. Many - perhaps most - good criminal defense lawyers in most towns spent time as prosecutors. They see the same folks over and over. They are friendly, they socialize, the go to Bar activities together. In short, "Garza and Cofer are friends!" is a giant nothingburger. "The DA and many defense lawyers in town are friends!" is the full statement, and it's meaningless. Like I said, I go up against friends all the time. I don't give my client shitty service because I want to do a favor to my friend, nobody I know would even think of doing that. In fact...it's kinda fun to go head-to-head against one of your friends and beat them.
  20. From the fire, or from the rectums of 1.4 billion people who all eat Indian food every day?
  21. I think the key problem is that the complainant is bona fide batshit crazy. Seriously, check out the Reddit thread on her. You cannot put her on the stand, for any reason, in any case. I’m no fan of Garza. This petition, especially by this complainant, is bullshit.
  22. The problem with how stupid these people actually are is that I have no idea how to tell what posts like this are real vs fake. The dumber they are, the more believable they are.
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