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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Bullneck

  1. 1. A second Biden term will kneecap all the MAGA operatives and the gerrymandering. He'll have no chance. 2. If somehow Trump gets elected he ain't leaving. So, no, there won't be a President Cruz.
  2. Just dropping in to see if anyone noticed that "targeting" call. (ducks and runs).
  3. This is a good watch: https://www.instagram.com/p/C09dns1AL2Y/?hl=en
  4. Apparently some in Dallas are not enamored of Dark Brandon.
  5. You could feel her lose the room after "caliphate." They were all on their phones trying to figure out what that was.
  6. I didn't know about that. Workswithseed is dead?
  7. They probably figure the best way to get Trump elected is to fund Kennedy, who will steal votes from Biden. Let's hope.
  8. Bullneck

    Surly wallet check

    License and main credit card on the back of my phone, and then one of these for the Costco, health insurance card, 2 different security door cards, and for cash.
  9. I'll mention that most of Bullneck, Jr. and his friends have not had much luck in the Early Decision/Action area. Maybe I know why, now.
  10. Shouldn't they be smart enough to see a trap? Counterpoint: He's a guy talking to his supporters. His personal conduct wasn't violent that day. Here's a couple of guys who never actually killed anyone that we know of. But . . .
  11. Jewish students at MIT blocked from attending classes by ‘hostile’ anti-Israel protesters By Social Links forPatrick Reilly Published Nov. 10, 2023, 10:42 p.m. ET https://nypost.com/2023/11/10/news/jewish-students-at-mit-blocked-from-attending-classes-by-hostile-anti-israel-protesters/ I know it's the Post and all, but I've heard this elsewhere as well. Here's a story in The Algemeiner -- which I've never heard of but wiki says Elie Weisel was the editor at one time: Jewish and Israeli students at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) have warned in a new letter to university president Sally Kornbluth that radical anti-Zionism and intimidation of Jewish students on campus has become intolerable and reminiscent of Nazi Germany on the eve of the Holocaust. The letter, shared on X/Twitter by MIT professor Retsef Levi, recounted an incident from Thursday in which students from the MIT Coalition Against Apartheid (CAA), a campus anti-Israel group, “physically prevented” them from attending class by forming a “blockade” of bodies in Lobby 7, a space inside the main entrance of the university. Non-students were invited to attend CAA’s demonstration, and together the entire group spent hours chanting “Intifada” — a term used to describe violent Palestinian uprisings against Israel — and declaring solidarity with Hamas. “Instead of dispersing the mob or de-escalating the situation by rerouting all students from Lobby 7, Jewish students specifically were warned not to enter MIT’s front entrance due to a risk to their physical safety,” wrote the MIT Israel Alliance. “The onus to protect Jewish students should not be on the students themselves.” Shit, I'm + repping Incredulity. What a time to be alive.
  12. https://www.instagram.com/p/C0nBY5oMOXC/?hl=en
  13. Want to know why they are so obsessed with election security? Because they can't trust themselves and think everyone else is just like them.
  14. So, who is the gal in the white dress and mega clunker shoes?
  15. She's the only one of the two anyone would ever want to bone.
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