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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Hpara759

  1. Frankie got that "farmers tan" working for him
  2. https://tahoegal.com/ had a good time there, about 10 years ago
  3. wind from the north? what was the temp this morning?
  4. anyone driving a car that has a political sticker on it....
  5. can't imagine what the smell would be like holding one end of that 2x4
  6. What that stuff on my radar app out at 620 and 2222??
  7. 10 days to new season....gives me time to binge season 1 to refresh.
  8. the old man was covered with tattoos and scars......
  9. Didn't see "Bull in the ring" 2 times a day when we went went full pads second week of 2-a-days along with "Alley drill" and "across the bow" as a choice..... We went "Alley drill" until Coach Fields saw blood 2 times a day for 11 practices. literally saw concussion's daily....and I'm not exaggerating
  10. The 2 longer ones below the tree( my grandparents) and then the little spot below the second longer one (my aunt still born)...my parents ashes to the right of the upper long one...myself and wife to the right of second long one and aunt....
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