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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by TexArcher

  1. God dammit, this game's gonna go to overtime, isn't it?
  2. Yeah, I already edited. Good to spot the live ball, but why not just jump on it??
  3. Holy shit, returners are so stupid. Edit: nevermind, he actually did well to recognize the live ball.
  4. Did Kittles get up gimpy, too?
  5. Here, you get tackled for a loss instead.
  6. They could do a quick medley of Prison Sex and Stinkfist, for the families.
  7. Tool is legitimately one of the greatest bands ever assembled.
  8. 100% And she can actually play. But they always seem like they're pantomiming. Probably has something to do with like 7 minutes to set up and no sound check.
  9. Daddy, what does milk the cow mean?
  10. He sounds bad enough that I think he's actually not lip synching.
  11. Intentional grounding rule clarification not going away.
  12. I hope the dude who shredded his Achilles trying to run onto the field didn't see Christian's leg go complete GI Joe wrong direction before he popped right back up.
  13. Romo singing along with Adele is the last thing this shitshow needed.
  14. Game is so bad guys are injuring themselves to get out of it.
  15. If I try to facemask somebody, but I miss, is it still a facemask??
  16. Is he allowed to turn around and look at the ball, then block it from getting to the receiver like that??
  17. Love it when DJ's pretend to be "performing live."
  18. He's definitely better than Brady Quinn.
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