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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by TexArcher

  1. Man, it would be so cool if she took her shirt off and showed those sweet, young jigglers. I'd pause the shit out of that a bunch of times. Hypothetically.
  2. These silly bastards are going to focus on the robust economy, the problem at the border that they aren't allowed to fix because Trump, and the gun violence that they aren't allowed to fix because NRA. If this shit works, we deserve what we get.
  3. Fun fact: Obama deported more illegal aliens than any other president. And, somehow, both parties would like us to forget that. At least they agree on something, I guess? Pretty fucking amazing that Trump is very possibly going to win re-election campaigning primarily on an issue that he's blocking action on, so that he can use the issue as a political sledgehammer against the guy who's done as much as anyone to help the issue. Boggles the fucking mind.
  4. You want a toe? I can get ya a toe. Believe me. There are ways, dude, you don't want to know about it, believe me. Hell, I can get you a toe by 3 o'clock this afternoon, *with* nail polish. These fuckin' amateurs. They send us a toe, we're supposed to shit ourselves with fear, Jesus Christ.
  5. I'm sorry, Smoky, you were over the line. That's a foul.
  6. Like Trump having a stroke while walking down a flight of stairs eating a cheeseburger, so that the fall causes him to choke and break his neck simultaneously?
  7. Right. I mean, he is slowing down, and those of us who are fair about it will listen and say, jeez, he's still mostly sharp, he's energetic, and at least we know he cares about this country, and people in general. But about 40% of the country really believes he's in full-blown dementia. And they're loud about it. And independents hear that. And most people don't spend much time actually listening to this stuff to understand the slips in the full context. All they'll know of this tonight is that the President can't even tell Egypt from Mexico and he screams at female reporters. I'm afraid there's going to be good chunk of voters who say something like, "Trump's an asshole, but he least he's not completely senile," and they'll bite their tongue and accidentally vote for fascism.
  8. That's not what he argued with the reporters about. He also fumbled a couple of times and he directly contradicted the findings of the investigation at least twice. All in just a few minutes. I don't think he helped himself tonight, at all. And I'm pulling for him as a last hope against tyranny.
  9. Joe's about to take off his shirt and watch and fight the whole press conference. On one hand, he sounds pretty lucid. On the other, he sounds like an angry old man.
  10. Yep. They've spent the last 25 years sowing the seeds of batshit discontent, and reinforcing their Fox News trough feeders, and it's too late to pivot now. In poker terms, they are pot committed, and they are putting the rest of their chips in on this line of action, come what may. Either insanity will win them this election, then they'll make sure we don't have elections anymore, or they'll use the well-armed-and-exremely-pissed-off-white-Murkin-army they've created to start a civil war. Yes, I'm serious. Either way, these fucking people are just getting started.
  11. Cool, then I'm sure Tucker got lots of fabulous autographs.
  12. Yeah, if there were a man in this scenario, that would suck for him.
  13. I dunno, I have a hard time seeing the guy who's still pissed off about being drafted 2nd taking anything less than the max offer, wherever it is. Or maybe he's matured? Hell, who knows. Don't care. Got Tuve.
  14. Putin wants to kill Tucker Carlson about as much as Andy Reid wants to kill Patrick Mahomes.
  15. Shit, they won't see it on their news network, and if anyone forwards them video of Trump falling, or dropping something, or slurring, they'll assume it's that new deep fake technology. Cognitive dissonance is a bitch and a half.
  16. I'm hoping we get both in January of 2025. Then we can throw one massive party, and make sure texags gets the invite.
  17. Yeah, if you can't tell if a guy is untalented or lazy, that's a problem.
  18. I was at the Tool show in Austin, too. They played several of my very favorites. I think they pretty much always do "Schism" and "Pneuma," but I was geeked to hear "The Pot" and "The Grudge." If you can sit still during "The Pot" live, you are dead. Danny fucking Carey, man. Danny. Carey.
  19. Caicedo thru ball to Palmer, one-time finish, lovely. Palmer now with 12 goals in his last 21 apps. Kid is good and getting better. Annnnnnnnnnd Chelsea give it right back, because Chelsea.
  20. Yeah, I have no idea, but it's a different time for these guys now for sure.
  21. I mean, if PJ Tucker had to go make a living overseas for a few years, I don't see how these two look any better at the same age.
  22. I sure do love beating the left-behind-little-brother-aggy-light-bitches on our way out. Chef's kiss.
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