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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by hornian

  1. I have it on good authority that emu is the next waygu.
  2. We spend a lot/most of the time in the East Side Club on hot days. Maybe if the forecast was for 20 degrees cooler and we could be in the stands without heat stroking out. Also; did I mention my wife is pregnant (rhetorical, I did)?
  3. Me too. Wife is pregnant (she already had her booster) and kids too young to vaccinate. Not taking the chance I pick it up/spread it to any of my kids. Gonna eat my tickets I guess.
  4. Finally got a good rain out of this hit and miss rain of the past few days. 78731.
  5. Right. Even if it helps when you take a properly formulated and appropriate dose; eating a veterinary formulation with the dose for an animal that can weigh well over 1,000 lbs. seems... like a great idea! Go to your vet instead of going to the hospital if you don't want to get vaccinated. Also, try the whole "gelding" thing, it works great for horses too! I've never heard of a gelding with COVID.
  6. That tower directly behind the SEZ went up fast. Should have hired that crew.
  7. Next time just buy this from H‑E‑B and thank me later: https://www.heb.com/product-detail/h-e-b-50-50-cheese-blend-shredded/2193922
  8. What he said. This and tax planned estates are just very specialized and beyond “simple” estate planning. 90% of estate planning is “simple” estates and living trusts, and that’s in my wheelhouse (simple is a misnomer because it can be quite intricate, but as long as it doesn’t involve trying to qualify for federal benefits or trying to avoid federal estate taxes that’s what it’s called). The other 10% I refer to people who take all the specialized trainings and certifications and stay abreast of all the relevant administrative rules and regulations that can change without a lot of notice.
  9. Thanks ROFLBOX, but I refer these specific type of estate planning g cases out. In Austin I recommend Lindsey Drake: https://www.ldrakelaw.com
  10. You stay away with that bad ju-ju.
  11. I'll go the other way - I like it. Subtle, not in your face, but you know it's there.
  12. Finally received notice that our PPP (round 1) was forgiven. We submitted back in March, so it took 5 months.
  13. Goooooood morning Vietnam San Angelo!
  14. Yeah, Paula really was the proximate cause of most (not all, but most) of the bad stuff. If she wasn't on the trip Kai is still working there, Armond probably doesn't go off the deep end and wind up fired/dead, etc. They all would have still sucked, but for Paula being on the trip, it doesn't spiral the way it did. But, as my wife pointed out, she also helped the Mossbacher's rekindle their romance after the husband tackled Kai and then got his face smashed by him. So, you know, one good thing.
  15. He didn’t kill him for shitting in his clothes. He was on edge from the other break in and overreacted and grabbed the pineapple knife. (As an aside, I called “killed with the pineapple knife In the pineapple suite as soon as Chekhov’s knife was shown in the earlier scene.) He accidentally stabbed him when he came around the corner. So in reality, Paula was also responsible for Armond, since convincing Kai to steal the bracelet was what put Shane on edge. Paula sucked.
  16. Agreed. No one changed except Quinn. And the asshole guests managed to destroy two lives in a week - Kai and Armand.
  17. According to LCRA West Campus /Old West Austin got a rain bomb. This is rain since midnight:
  18. Weird. I never finance TT&L. Always put it on a card. Never been an issue for the dealership. Did not try to purchase the Tesla with the Amex though. Maybe the next one.
  19. Well, yeah, but not made to be a clone trooper. Remember, Boba Fett was Jango's payment - one unaltered clone of himself that grew at a normal rate.
  20. How have the 2004 and 2005 collections been in the cabinet for 26 years?
  21. I don’t think she ages slowly. She ages normally. The clones age quickly.
  22. What repo man? There’s no loan!
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