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Gut Wagon

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Everything posted by Gut Wagon

  1. Lots of athletic talent, but will he live up to it in terms of production? The jury's out. Could be Russell Shepard 2.0.
  2. Wouldn't shock me to see Goosby take LT after Banks. Tons of potential.
  3. I've had this internal battle going on for months. It started with my admission that we're not quite good enough as currently constructed or managed. Thus, on the assumption we're not winning the WS, I'm strictly looking to 2024 and beyond. While the fan part of me naturally hopes we rally and get in as a WC, giving ourselves a chance at redemption, the bigger part of me wants to minimize the chance Baker returns. I'm just trying to figure out what would push Crane's trigger on that. If you tell me Baker's out regardless, go make the playoffs and see what happens. If you tell me he's returning regardless, same thing. But if you tell me only a continued tailspin guaranteed Baker will get the boot, I'm OK with losing every remaining game.
  4. If they've only recently quit on Dusty, they're way behind me.
  5. Come see the incredible shrinking Bregman!
  6. Something good needs to happen now. Right now.
  7. What an impressive line for Brown. Hard to tee up that many that quickly to such a horrible team.
  8. Do we even have a pitching coach? I'm serious.
  9. When Dusty was playing, I doubt he hoped to ride the pine the day after he hit the ball hard. But as manager in Houston he almost seems to have gone out of his way to keep certain guys from staying on a roll. Hitting is largely a matter of confidence, and nobody's more confident than the guy who's been raking. This is just fundamental stuff.
  10. What's wild about this game is that you have to be great to win 100 and truly awful to lose that many. So to have a recent 100-game winner melt down repeatedly at the hands of multiple 100-game losers is truly bizarre. Likewise, this team's uninspired play at MMP suggests a fundamental problem that runs much deeper than a cluttered batter's eye or a less than raucous home crowd. Seldom has a worse job of managing a defending champion ever been recorded, and it deserves immediate dismissal in shame. Flush the lines.
  11. On the plus side, a Singleton ball wouldn't have any bat scuffs.
  12. If it involves anything being passed, might be Maldy's kid.
  13. It strikes me that the owner and GM and manager are getting exactly what they deserve. The players and fans aren't.
  14. I always follow to the last out. But not tonight. Have fun watching the train hit the bottom of the canyon.
  15. You know, would losing the rest of our games really be such a bad thing? If we're going to miss the playoffs, why not go ahead and REALLY miss them? Whatever it takes to humiliate Crane and Brown into action, starting with giving Baker the boot.
  16. There's plenty of blame to go around, and not just tonight. These guys are absolutely melting in the spotlight, and that's about as scathing a charge as you can lay against professional competitors in any field. Of course, Baker is as big a fraud as you'll find in MLB, which isn't helping at all. Maybe a few Giles-esque self punches would help. Couldn't hurt.
  17. The moment seems to be too big for some of these guys. Which makes no sense, but that's how it looks.
  18. That kid has hit 200 playable grounders to SS this year. Fix him or trade him.
  19. People thought I was joking months ago when I said the team should stay in a hotel near MMP.
  20. We're going to be livid with Dusterino no matter how the rest of the year goes. So...let's kick some tail from here on out. For the players, for the city...and for ourselves.
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