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Everything posted by Horn_Spanker

  1. Postings of Apple shit in the Craigslist Computer Parts section.
  2. I've been auditing classes this morning. Teachers are trying their best, but JFC, the parents are rude and clueless. i.e., chiming in mid lesson to ask some procedural questions. A dad walking through asking "what's this shit show?". Kids eating breakfast, dogs barking in the house.
  3. I've been using Google Voice for years with great results. When I know I'm connected to someone's land line or a Android phone, the call quality is perfect. When the other end uses an Apple phone, that's when the quality is bad and we talk on top of each other.
  4. I've been experimenting with flavored vodka. I kinda like the iced tea flavored one.
  5. Time to tell the wife all her shit shows on the DVR are getting erased to make room for whatever game is on. Gotta make hay while the sun shines!
  6. I can trade you some toilet paper?
  7. Wow! Still empty shelves at B&M? What's the reason now?
  8. JFC! Google Docs. Trying to help the wife who brought this shitshow home on her laptop. My background is full blown Office products loaded on a very fast PC (finance world). After a weekend of Google Docs, I assume it was programmed by some Apple fanboy, and like Apple, sucks cock by choice.
  9. Will they wait for a hail storm when all the roofers start congregating?
  10. Google "Gray Hooverman". I'm about 10 miles from all the towers in Austin. Just testing, I quickly built this with some spare 12 gauge Romex, (without the reflector) and WOW. Picked up everything. I plan to build another copy with 8 gauge grounding wire and discretely attach it to my chimney.
  11. Got another late fee invoice on my zero balance! Have made it a point not to drive on the toll road since January because of this shit. Since I was on hold for an hour, I had the time to type up complaint emails to TxDOT, my State Rep & Senator. I know none of it will do any good. The next legislative session starts next January. Time to defund TxDOT for this TxTag debacle.
  12. NASA is looking into insensitive nicknames they've been using like, Eskimo Nebula and Siamese Twins Galaxy. I wonder what else they have? Maybe, The Tyrion White Dwarf The Mrs. Butterworth Black Hole The Wetback Home Depot Cluster Big Red Dot (of Calcutta) Any ideas?
  13. If you're scanning WIFI networks and you see "Trump-Human Piece of Shit", we're neighbors!
  14. No I don't, that's what pisses me off.
  15. Strangers parking their cars on the street in front of my house! (i'm in the suburbs) A few years ago this happened, I hosed down the car, mowed my lawn with the side chute removed, and left a nice dried crust for them.
  16. Can't wait to see Candy Pop! Wonder if her hair grew back?
  17. Wife asked if that was a Trump flag, I said, can't be, it was blue. So I backed it up and sure enough, Trump on blue. Hope those stupid fuckers get fined astronomically. Next time I hope there is a "promise of death" if a boat gets within a mile.
  18. Wasn't it a comedy place once? I think I saw Emo Philips there?
  19. If the shit does hit the fan, I can think of one positive outcome. We won't have to hear Beth Mowins voice!
  20. I'm thinking red heads on acid?
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