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Everything posted by Lhorn

  1. With some luck with injuries this offense has to potential to be ridiculous to absurd.
  2. Bullet dodged? Is certainly better to bust somewhere else than have him come here, bust and we gotta beat ourselves up about how we failed to develop a “can’t lose” prospect.
  3. Wasn’t Mark or Scott a bit player SNL briefly? I agree. Loved the show in college and surprised they didn’t make it bigger but maybe not. As outlandish as the show was, they weren’t particularly good actors and KITH wasn’t big enough that they’d just get hired based on their fame.
  4. Man you are killing it LTBear. Amazing stuff! I went to Yellowstone and all I got is pics of buffalo and elk asses.
  5. You mean they aren’t yelling “yeah chef!” all the time?
  6. Lhorn

    Texas RB Talk

    Man I hope they find a way to get Jonathon Brooks some carries. He looks like he could be a good one.
  7. Maybe I missed it. He left the car in gear when he jumped out?
  8. Maybe they meant “Texas Aggies?” It’s hard to reconcile the gap between the battered wife syndrome on this board that seems to expect 7-8 wins and the writers who seem to think a team that ended the year losing 6 in a row might be a top 10 team.
  9. So got damn good. Perfectly parody of the spring/summer before Texas football season.
  10. This is exactly the kind of pussy who’d try to alpha a guy a foot shorter than him and wind up getting his ass handed to him on a pissy bathroom floor.
  11. I think he would have told them “better check yo self before you wreck yo self.”
  12. Interesting about the 220 film. I know there was a 220 Film available recently called Shanghai o think but heard it was pretty low quality stuff. id be really interested to see your DSLR scanning rigs when you get up and going. I’ve been scanning with an old Epson Perfection V500 and I like the results but it’s time consuming.
  13. You are a damn great photographer and I’m always impressed by your work. Not surprising that there’s an audience for your work. I am surprised you haven’t been mugged yet.
  14. Man hope he didn’t fuck up his career. Get your head on straight man, we need you.
  15. His must be annoying for Daniel. You plan one single racist hate crime and suddenly that makes you a bad guy.
  16. You guys are nuts. Like a screen door in a hurricane…. Every…. Single…….one…..
  17. Lol. For real. The “National” is there as part of NIT but they totally want you to think they are National champ runner ups. You’d need a jeweler’s loupe to read “invitational tournament” in that graphic. Doesn’t belong in then “Hall of Champions.” Runner up isn’t champion and #70 (or whatever number) really ain’t champion.
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