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Beantown Express 2.0

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Beantown Express 2.0

  1. When this was posted a few days ago the name rang a bell but I figured he was some guy I saw on Fox News or something. I now realize I know this guy when a girl that used to work for me posted on Facebook that he needs our thoughts and prayers. He worked for me as a sales person about 16 years ago. He was a navy chaplain turned sales guy or something like that. I seem to recall I had some issues with him and my company wanted me to terminate his employment with us. I hate to say it but I have not sent my thoughts and prayers to him. Oops.
  2. Your so lucky. I never get chosen for cool stuff like that.
  3. Was just editing my post above to say this. These idiots can't read cursive. They will think its Arabic or something. Regular Merican print would be better.
  4. I get a cut of the proceeds for a charity of my choice for my idea right?
  5. Well all that money that goes to roads and bridges could be used on chastity belts which is much better for our country!
  6. We need t shirts made ASAP that say “I would rather die in Texas than live in California” with a picture of a mask with a X over it. We could make millions selling those at right wing events. That is until they are all dead and then we could send the leftover t shirts to some village in Africa. Win-Win.
  7. How fucking dumb are you? I’m not getting in a pro life v pro choice debate but I think the point Penelope was making is that if someone is arguing they have the right to do what they want with their body like not taking a vaccine then that applies to having the right to have an abortion also. Now, and I know this will go above your head, but the vaccine issue affects the entire world and the abortion affects just the person having it and their family.
  8. Do nothing? Pretty sure they are grooming her to be Trumps VP in 2024.
  9. I don’t trust big pharma…now hand me my cholesterol, high blood pressure and viagra pills.
  10. I don’t think she really believes this shit but is saying this stuff just so she gets re elected by her dumb ass Georgia constituents. She knows the alternative is going back to checking people in at the local cross fit or being ridden in the Kentucky Derby.
  11. So my sister in law’s older brother (I think he is like 60 years old) was in the hospital due to Covid and had double pneumonia. He is unvaccinated because he has some form of blood cancer disorder and can’t take the vaccine. When the hospital released him he went home and his daughter immediately noticed something was wrong with his face. They took him back to the hospital and it was determined he had a stroke from a blood clot due to Covid. The disease is just plain dangerous and it really is sad that our country is made up of so many dumb people that they are unable to comprehend it. It doesn’t help that the politicians are using this to get re elected by their idiot base by claiming “freedom” and such bullshit and the right wing media is using this same idiot base to make money off of them even though they are slowly killing them.
  12. If you fly Spirit airlines your odds might be worse.
  13. Yeah, guessing this will be thought of as a dumb question but as a fully vaccinated person does the mask wearing protect me or is it to protect the unvaccinated at this point? I have noticed more and more people wearing masks here in DFW at the grocery stores and drug stores so I was wondering if it I should go back to the full mask thing at this point. Once again, not a scientist and yes “just asking questions” but if I am wearing masks at this point to help protect the unvaccinated well I kind of have no issues with what happens to them based on their choices. Kind of like you choose to not wear a helmet when riding a motor cycle and then crash and get brain damage I look at it like that was your choice dumbass and I don’t feel sorry for you. I get some people can’t get vaccinated for medical reasons or because they are under 15 but the spread is going to happen because of the unvaccinated not because of the vaccinated at this point I believe (could be wrong so tell me if I am).
  14. Maybe he really is Lavar Ball. Wouldn’t that explain things?
  15. The way the NFL is going all QBs will be playing inside a plexiglass cube at some point and vaccines will have nothing to do with it.
  16. I struggled to set up the Home link on my car when I got it 6 months ago. I had the mobile tech come out for something else minor and then while there I asked if he could help. It took him a few minutes also as it didn’t set up immediately but he finally got it working. I forget what he did to finally get it to work but those guys know how to figure it out better than I could. Also, it is fantastic to not have my garage remote on the visor and when I pull up to my garage it auto opens or auto closes when I leave.
  17. I really don’t care for the stereotype this graph is showing.
  18. Still my favorite scene in the series and I could watch this 90 seconds over and over again. It’s just perfect. Can’t wait for the new season.
  19. I am guessing Cuomo resigns in the next few days because of this. How long until Fox News spins the story to Joe Biden smelled someone’s hair once and needs to resign immediately. Like others have said in this thread the R’s play by a different set of rules and get away with it. I am still pissed that baggage handler #1 from Trading Places had to resign his Senate seat over a photo from years before when he was one of the senators that actually tried to help his constituents and people of this country.
  20. That argument makes zero sense. It would make sense if you got a cut and your choice of putting or not putting a band aid on it affected others around you or the entire world. You really are an idiot aren’t you. That Texas Tech education is serving you well.
  21. Mobley may end up sucking but a 7 footer that can do a standing back flip is pretty crazy. He reminds me of Chris Bosh if he learns to shoot.
  22. "Wright is a loser. I didn't endorse her. I don't even know her and have never heard of her before. If I wanted to really endorse her she would have won with 100% of the vote. Now has anyone seen half of a Big Mac and part of a Filet O Fish that I left near that couch a couple of days ago? I could go for a snack. " -Trump
  23. See, he is really a good guy! Actually, McConnell could solve world hunger and I would still think he is a piece of shit.
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