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Horn Dogg

Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by Horn Dogg

  1. But if what Stormy says is true he won’t want that to be confirmed either. That pic should be spread everywhere so that it becomes the truth.
  2. Who knows what the fuck is going to happen over the next few years. I’ve seen some goods and bads with Sark, and I’m not convinced he’s the man, but it’s not time to pull the plug yet. It’s also not time to declare us as the next Nebraska/Michigan/Tennessee/etc.... This school does care about football and if Sark doesn’t work out he won’t last forever. In 2000-2004 all we wanted to do was fire Mack. It was actually a surprise when we kicked ass and won the Rose Bowl in 2004. Even 2005 was a stressful year because most of us at the time were scared that something would go wrong. I also remember 2008 being quite the surprise, most on the boards at the time picked us to win 9 max thinking Mack was neutered without Vince. Im rambling after a few beers and watching old UT football highlights, but I don’t think Texas football is done. Also, Vince should have won the heisman, OU fucking sucks and i look forward to destroying aggy again.
  3. Did she actually shove her or did she just turn around and titty slap her to the ground?
  4. But Texas would have missed out on all 4 football MNC’s.....
  5. And Oklahoma is not on that list LOL!
  6. You must not have gone to the Ohio State game in Columbus. Shittiest fans I’ve ever seen.
  7. 2000 was your most recent national championship, haven’t done shit since!
  8. Look at Tennessee's fat fucking coach getting drilled by Hump back in 99.
  9. You forgot about 08. I think 08 Texas was better than 09.
  10. I don’t think you can blame the D for this one, the O asked them to do too much.
  11. Grundy will probably let us score too fast
  12. That would be best possible scenario, the GOP and GQP would fuck themselves out of existence. Should we run a counter move and make bumper stickers that look the same, but say “if the GOP supports Trump, I won’t support the GOP?” Just divide those fuckers in half and let them battle it out.
  13. I’m good if they can remember that it was Georgia that buttfucked Arkansas and not Alabama. If I drank as much as them I wouldn’t be able to remember shit either, so i guess case closed.
  14. The amount of beer in my fridge decreased drastically as a result of the loss. I need to go to the store again.
  15. Well, they are both named Spencer and live in a shitty state. Rattler is a little bitch though, not sure about Sanders.
  16. This is why I don’t feel sorry for OSU being left behind in a shitty conference to fend for themselves. Fuck ‘em!
  17. Here are the highlights in case anybody wants to question your assertion. This hurt at the time, but now it’s fucking comical. We were 2-0, defending big 12 champs and everyone on campus was talking about making a run at the national championship. UCLA was 0-2 and the only question before the game was how bad we would beat their ass. Heck, even Ricky looks like shit in this video. That was rock bottom.
  18. Aggy has won big games before (albeit not very many) and their recruiting still hasn’t been anything we can’t overcome. Not worried one but. As for Bama, we get our shot next year, may as well make it count!
  19. Yeah, that was Marty Cherry LOL
  20. What the fuck is quidditch?
  21. I was halfway thinking the same thing. I remember that game when we were down 17-0. Supposedly Aaron Humphrey told the team “there’s no way in hell I’m losing to OU my senior year” right before he put that massive hit on Huepel that swung the momentum. Mack then proceeded to out athlete them by running long routes with the WR to gas the defense and then went in for the kill. Hopefully we go on to beat OU 63-14 next year and win the national championship.
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