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Not a cat

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Everything posted by Not a cat

  1. I was unaware of the Bo stories at Michigan, but if he did that it was before the age of scholarship limitations. So he had no need to run players off to make room, he was doing more of an old school toughness test . DKR did something similar if I recall.
  2. You mean the guy that hired Greg Davis just wants a figurehead and not any original thoughts or schemes?
  3. I can't make out what they call worthy near the end after his touchdown. La balla? La valla?
  4. La joya. The jewel. I'm assuming it's not hoya meaning pit.
  5. My son is at Iowa and says the heat on Brian is getting turned up. The students start chants about how much he sucks. But one nice thing about the Iowa suckitude is it keeps him cheering for Texas. Text from him after the games this weekend that did not upset me.
  6. German guy looking for a race war. What could go wrong?
  7. All this talk of him regretting turning down 60 mm from the Lions, the dude makes 4 mm a year and lives in Ames. If he's not already set for life then he's got a Herman sized coke problem.
  8. Yeah, he showed more restraint than I would have. Mine would have been something like, "Death threats are a little much, even for a piece of shit dirty player that should have been immediately kicked out of the game "
  9. Let me introduce you to my second favorite team called "vs Oklahoma". Big fan.
  10. Wulaw starting the weekend a little early, apparently. Going to wake up tomorrow and say "I posted what?"
  11. Wait, I want to clarify, you're talking about 2008 here?
  12. Gambling, paying players and weed. We all just stopped pretending everyone wasn't doing it already to varying degrees. Next up, pegging.
  13. This. I was yelling at the TV. Might as well try of you know you want to back up anyway
  14. I think you folks saying Milroe sucks don't realize how good our D played. I thought he was going to suck and he impressed me. He was the only reason they were even in it, IMO. Kind of reminds me of when I saw the 2005 Ohio State linebackers and predicted VY would run for 200 (for those that don't remember them, let's just say catfid could tell them apart). They balled that night and we had to earn it.
  15. Not sure if intentional or a freudian slip, but Sydney Cartoon made me laugh.
  16. I thought the same thing, but then if I ever decided to go to Fayetteville, I'd recant that too.
  17. I was a huge skeptic, to say the least. I'll eat my crow.
  18. I actually think the best thing I'm seeing of sober sark is the lack of ego. Most coaches are so full of themselves they lack the ability to self evaluate and admit they made a mistake. This leads to guys rubbing everyone the wrong way, keeping ineffective offensive coordinators, or passing against Baylor when Ricky is averaging 10 yards a carry. I've never done AA, but due to family I'm pretty familiar with the whole concept, and brutal self honesty and tearing down the ego are big things. Sark seems to be willing to admit a problem and take steps to fix it Or this whole psychoanalysis is just bullshit. I'm high as hell so what do I know? (Yes- I realize the irony)
  19. That may have been his very first rape enabling.
  20. And it's that scene where he's explaining the basic rules of blackjack to Clooney and Pitt as they look at each other incredulously.
  21. What do you like about Iowa other than Greg Davis is not calling plays? My son's matriculating there next week and I guess I need to start following so we can discuss during the season. Is this thread not the "hey ctj give me a scouting report" one?
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