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Everything posted by idigTexas

  1. Is the expectation that the cost of plane tickets will go up or down as this thing progresses? Will the airlines have to cut prices to lure passengers who are afraid to travel, or will they have to raise them in order to eek out as much revenue as they can? I can't find my crystal ball.
  2. A 401k loan is definitely better than withdrawing funds, but it's still not a great idea if you have other options. Read these before refinancing or doing a 401K loan. https://www.fool.com/retirement/2019/06/07/pros-and-cons-of-401k-loans.aspx https://www.nerdwallet.com/article/mortgages/refinance-cash-out
  3. I don't understand. Your wife wants to sell the house on which you owe $78,000, but wants to own a home outright within 8 years? What is her plan for making that happen? You'll need to do the math on what a refi will truly cost you with closing fees, new interest rates, and such. You will essentially be converting the CC interest rate to whatever your home interest rate is. You may or may not be saving any money, and if you pay less on your total debt per month, it may end up costing you more. That said, it may still be worth it to you you just don't feel that you can keep paying for both. Cut up your credit cards. I would not touch my 401K under any circumstances aside from terminal illness.
  4. Willy Wonka has to be in the conversation.
  5. I know there are other Corona threads, but thought we needed one specifically for how travel is expected to be impacted throughout the year. We are already seeing the price of jet fuel coming down due to cancelled flights, but the airline industry as a whole is expected to lose 30 billion dollars in 2020, and that will likely go up. What does this mean for ticket prices? Is it best to buy well in advance (NOW), hoping that travel isn't banned by the time you intend to fly, or are most of you going to take a "wait and see" approach, at the risk that flights will cost both kidneys and a spleen?
  6. I'm holding out for Shaka Canned
  7. That's a good point, though I think anyone would have.
  8. You may be right about Nat, but why give an advantage to Sandra ever? I don't think it was only good for one tribal, as Sandra did not use it, but could be wrong. I guess Denise qualifies more for new school than old, but it was dumb to share the idol with Adam. Since she had to share it, she may as well have just chosen Ben, even if he is a buffoon.
  9. I still cannot figure out how some of these people won their seasons. Yeesh. Why did Natalie sell immunity to Sandra before Jeremy? Why did Sandra send Amber to Extinction Island, knowing that she might be able to help Rob in some way? Why did Denise share her idol with a conniving new schooler? Why do so many people find it so hard to keep their mouths shut? Still on team Yul.
  10. The Astros cheating their way to a World Series win is a legit gripe. Belittling the Rockets championships is just petty aggy shit, and this coming from a Mavs fan. Dallas fans have plenty to be proud of without stooping to "what if" asterisk bullshit. No one knows what would have happened if Jordan played and was in top form those two seasons. The Rockets were the best in the NBA is it existed those two season. Hats off to them. That said, their fans can suck it.
  11. Simplistically said, a club is only allowed to spend as much as they earn. MC claimed that their earnings where greater than they were by inflating their income from sponsorships. This allowed them to spend more on players then they otherwise would have been able to do.
  12. I remember most of them, but could only have told you that a handful of them won.
  13. I hate to admit it, but I enjoyed the first episode. Maybe it's because all of these people have previously won, but all the twists aren't really bothering me. It will be interesting to see if the only way to get a hidden immunity idol is by buying one with tokens. Sandra is still Sandra, and Rob is still Rob. Sandra should always go first, not because she is a threat to win, but because she can fuck up your game so effortlessly for no reason whatsoever. Rob tends to be a bit more stable until he needs to make moves, but it is a bad idea to keep him around too long. I'm a bit surprised how many players are in complete fanboy mode. I expect my "don't want them to win" list will grow over time, but so far it is limited to Sandra, Rob, Tony, and Amber (only because of Rob). That said, I find myself rooting for Yul.
  14. I get it. It isn't your responsibility to correct the failings of the airline. But wouldn't it be great if everyone decided to make situations that weren't ideal better? I suppose you walk past litter that has blown out of a trashcan or that someone else has thrown on the ground? Why wouldn't you. It's not your responsibility. That is someone else's trash or job. Making the world a better place is for all the other people.
  15. Why does she have to be fired or resign? If her contract is up, just don't renew it.
  16. This is simply another example of common courtesy losing out to "me first" or "me only" personalities. Just because you are well within your rights to do something does not always mean that you should. There is an overwhelming abundance of selfishness in our world, and it only appears to be getting worse.
  17. I mostly just drink water these days, but lately have been indulging in the occasional ginger beer. This stuff is legit. I have not tried the non-clementine version yet, but will do a taste test on my next CM run.
  18. Not a fan. Not a fan at all.
  19. I just got around to it within the past week. Much like the Expanse, I found the first couple of episodes confusing as they introduced all the characters and plot lines. By the end of episode 3, I was hooked, even if it is a bit dark for my personal tastes. I would like more background/history of the various races.
  20. he, who, whatever it takes...as long as bunts are covered and bad throws are fielded.
  21. Damn, I hadn't heard that. Last news I got was that he was on first.
  22. No. Everyone is praising it and impatiently awaiting the next season because it completely sucks.
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