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Everything posted by Catpfish

  1. Just out of curiosity, what part of the evidence submitted to the courts and quoted by Johnny Sack isn't compelling enough to prove Reed guilty?
  2. His name was Kevin and the company was Texas Tig Shop. I thought I read on TOS that he had moved, but I don't know for sure.
  3. It means that the ground has sufficient absorption for a septic system
  4. Probably missing the joke somewhere, but isn't that Priscilla Presley from the Naked Gun series
  5. Whelp, it happened. EP Energy filed Chapter 11 on October 4. From what I've been able to find online, there are usually few issues with the royalties (fingers crossed).
  6. It's back at $6,900. It has a massdrop warranty but not manufacturer. I'm kind of a newbie but is it THAT big of a concern?
  7. My wife is a lot older than 12 years old...stupid shit never changes
  8. I'm not crying, you're crying
  9. I'm not sure how often they get those storms, but I can't imagine trying to build the lighthouse in the first place with that a possibility. How would you brace the walls as you went until you topped them?
  10. My own personal experience is that you don't have to worry about water or scratches when moving stuff and you don't have to be as careful when cleaning. My sister had an AC backup and is having to replace 600 sq ft of warped wood. That'll never be a concern of mine.
  11. I think the obvious answer involves a large hammer
  12. You knew it was coming. Lifetime network to debut a movie based on the scandal next month.
  13. I believe that is more for the inspection to show the hot and neutral wires separately
  14. Had a nice little shower east of Pflugerville yesterday. 0.4 inches, the first rain measured by my weather station in over a month.
  15. Catpfish


    Anyone think Rip could be in trouble near future? He's wounded and the writers went out of their way to show his protective side toward Kayce's son who is now a target for the Becks. Either that or he destroys them hisself
  16. I probably missed it, but where are you? In the standard TREC contract, rollback taxes are the responsibility of whomever changes the use of the land. Even though the previous owners changed the use, it wasn't caught until you owned the property and it sounds like you bought a while back. It'd be hard to go back on sellers from years ago. Sounds like it could require lawyers and not sure it would be worth it in the end.
  17. We played them first round. They had a kid that looked like he was 7' tall and throwing hard. Luckily, the batter ahead of me made the last out before I had to bat...yeah, I sucked
  18. They sold off a pretty good sized portion (I think it was about a third) of their Eagle Ford to EP Energy early last year
  19. If you are referring to what I think you are, it shouldn't be mortar. It should be a caulk expansion joint to allow the bricks to expand and contract
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