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Everything posted by Sandman

  1. Sandman


    Just got home after 10 days in London. I hadn't been since 1985, so it was almost like I had never been at all. The tube is just easy mode for getting around, loved it. My legs were fucked after the first 2-3 days of walking so much but I acclimated after that. Now it's just my left knee that feels like it's full of broken glass. Saw the normal tourist stuff, hit up a couple of christmas markets. Saw the Morocco fans storm the fountain at Piccadilly after making it to the knockout round. I can't imagine how wild it is right now as they've made the semis. Overall, a really good time.
  2. If the perp had stopped watching the house and just looked at the porn mags that were inevitably left in said woods, this whole situation could've been avoided. Ain't nobody got the urge to stab while in their refractory period.
  3. Speak for yourself. I've never had a complaint about how I service a box.
  4. Sandman

    Getting old sucks

    Last saturday, I was out shopping with the wife. She was trying on coats and I was holding the bags. After shifting these bags around a few times, I pulled a muscle in my ribs, below the shoulder blade. I could only take half breaths, the pain wrapped around my right side, it was pretty bad. We left the store and I said we gotta go home. I was driving and that was a mistake, it was a nightmare. We get home and I laid down and felt better quickly. Sunday, I was much better. Monday, I was getting dressed and as I pulled up my pants, that same muscle/area said "Surprise, bitch!". Thankfully, I was working from home last week.
  5. This will be the first holiday season since both of my kids have moved out. So of course, my dad and sister are asking me about their availability for such-and-such day. I just say I don't know. Why can't they text or call these adults?? That's a trick question: they know that if my kids aren't interested, they will forget to reply. They aren't bad kids, they're just 21 year olds who would rather do their own thing, I get it. But I am expected to play the telephone game and get info from one person and relay it to another. Fucking hell.
  6. This chick's voice/cadence makes me want to launch myself into the blackness of space.
  7. It's the "ph". Steven with a V doesn't have the drive. He's most likely in the back of the store, watching porn on his phone.
  8. Saw some bullshit on facebook (my fault for being on there, I get it) that read "Only 7 wednesdays till Christmas!". GTFO with that wannabe jedi mind trick shit. It's 7 fucking weeks.
  9. Welp, close the book on Oklahoma City, I suppose. All kidding aside, I'd go along with the others that are suggesting Chicago. Such a cool place, at least it was when I visited 25+ years ago.
  10. Or all of those tiny, jagged tips come flying off onto your shirt when you peel the wrapper off.
  11. We were straightening up the house yesterday and my wife asked me "Do you want to keep this?" but she asked me when I was not looking at her at all, I was turned away and focused on my task. I said what is it, she says "You weren't looking at me, I was holding it up". I said why not just ask directly, like "Do you want to keep this receipt/paperwork?", then I can answer your question. Not only did she not agree with my take on this, she did the same damn thing 5 mins later, only this time she waited until I was almost out of the room to ask me. Some tone was had on both sides.
  12. If only you could go back in time and just let go of her and slip away into that mass of humanity. Like Andy Dufrense, wading through shit and coming out on the other side.
  13. Flipped over to the ou game earlier, saw Gabriel slide a couple of times. It seems like he waits until he's in a tight crowd to slide, maybe that's just due to the camera angle though. They need to make the rule that these QBs can only slide when there's no one within 5 yards or so. You either give up sooner or you take a hit.
  14. I have no hate for ISU but they've been in that mode for much of the last 90 years.
  15. What was really fucked up is seeing that pic of Kristofferson and Jerry that was taken just a week or so ago and realizing that Kristofferson is only one year younger. Not sure how I didn't realize that.
  16. Why does it cost $300k to dig out a well? We have posters on this very board that are currently digging holes in the ground for free!
  17. Sandman

    6 word stories

    Limp mullet, limp arm, limp home.
  18. A high school buddy of mine attended Collin County Community College, so this hits close to home.
  19. It used to vary, so I assume it still does. ou was always the highest priced game. The non-con dregs were the cheapest.
  20. There's talk that he was supposed to start the game but had an allergic reaction right before kickoff. To what, I don't know. Ate some expired bags of dicks?
  21. When I was in preschool, I would watch Batman with Adam West and think that I could climb inside the tv and help Batman catch the bad guys. I just couldn't figure out how to get the cover off of the tv. I also thought the guys that got killed in westerns were guys from prison that were gonna be killed regardless. My folks were staining a fence once and I really wanted to help. Mom said no, if I got the stuff on my hand, it would eat away my flesh and I would just have a skeleton hand. I ran like hell away from them and into the house. I believed that shit for years, until a kid a school said my folks really just wanted me to GTFO and not make a mess.
  22. Sounds like a prescription for...MURDER!!!
  23. Hey, new car woman! Shitty truck man! We like to fight, just as much as we can! A new car is fine but holy fuck, There's too much life in this shitty ol' truck Just too much life in this shitty ol' truck
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