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Everything posted by Tylerocks

  1. Tylerocks


    If you mean Poscol, yeah...We went once right after DV closed and during the pandemic... it wasn't the same. The pizza crust was different...but looking at their menu now, it looks like they've imported quite a bit from the old DV menu...will have to give it another go.
  2. Why? Why did I watch that YouTube posted up thread? Why did I do it to myself? I was there and didn't need to re-hash it, but I did. Now I'm fucking pissed all over again. Great fucking Thursday morning.
  3. Is Greg Robinson available to save this season?
  4. Oh yeah?? Just wait til he faces this Texas D.
  5. I don't think it changes much of anything. Like you mentioned CCG is still in play. OU still has the potential to drop a conference game (OSU, ISU...Baylor??) 90% of this place had this penciled in as a loss anyway. Now, that being said...blowing a big lead and completely melting down the way we did is certainly a prickly subject. I'm not worried about CCG or playoffs at this point. Beating OSU is the next step to accomplishing what they want/need to accomplish. Bring on the early morning booze sessions!!
  6. Wait just a got damn minute, here. How does that get "orchestrated"?
  7. So the kid getting his ass kicked is the shooter?
  8. Sounds like the kid is fucked proper as he should be. Fuck that kid, his parents, his buddy/passenger and his lawyer.
  9. Hell I had em going 99 for the score, stopping us and doing it again to win 34-32!
  10. I'm happy with the W. To play as shit-tastically as everyone outside of Bijan did and to still come up with a road win against Fat Pat is one by me. Worthy sucked. The D sucked The play calling sucked Casey wasn't good. Still got the win. Hallelujah, Holy shit where is the Tylenol..
  11. This happened because of one dipshit driver. I'm sure the group of cyclists were passed by hundreds of cars without incident. The danger came when that dipshit kid decided to fuck with them. If the kid keeps driving, there is no story. The danger was 100% brought on by the driver.
  12. As a sometimes/casual bike rider...Ive ridden to work, concerts, bars, Astros/Dynamo games etc..I don't lump myself in with the tour de Houston types all decked out in race gear or the bike messenger/agro-city riders. I stick to side/neighborhood streets when possible. If there are no cars around, no I don't stop at stop signs. Typically will stop at lights, no matter what. That being said, I'm more concerned with the thousands of people operating 3000-5500 pound machines while looking at their phones. The fact that a thread about a fucking kid running into/over 6 people while fucking with them, has turned into an anti-cycle circle jerk, while not surprising for this place, is a little disappointing.
  13. Been enjoying the Sopranos marathon leading up to this. Man, what great fucking show. I was hoping Tony Blundetto would be in the movie...would love to see who would play Buscemi as a kid.
  14. This. First and last for me. The sound in that place was horrific. I never saw a show there while in school...as someone mentioned up thread, it seems like all the stuff I wanted to see, that wasn't at the Backyardand necessitated a bigger venue, was at Southpark.
  15. I too, like the 11a for OU.
  16. Some of y'all are putting a lot of stock into Pigs 1st half against Rice...and not nearly enough stock into aggy's 3.5 quarters of shit against CU. I think aggy wins because their D is pretty good. But it's gonna be ugly
  17. Just caught up. What a weird deviation from the norm. I dug it though. As an introvert myself, it was good to see them delve into Beard...who is seemingly portrayed as this man-of-few-words, introverted, kind of loner. He's a great character.
  18. Parents met at UT in the early-mid 60's. Dad is originally from Pennsylvania..he got his undergrad and played football at a small school up there. Ended up coming down to Austin for his Masters and eventually his PhD. Mom is from a small ass town in East Texas. After a stint at Tyler Junior college, where she was an Apache Belle...she finished up at UT in Austin. One of my mom's sisters, also a UT grad, had 3 daughters...all went to UT. I was always decked in burnt orange from the time I was a kid...never any doubt where I would end up. I was there mid 90's (James Brown>Ricky)
  19. Yeah...sure it CAN be loud. I've been there for a handful of some of the best crowds: UH-1990 Ricky's Run in 98 WVU- 2012 ND-2016 Those were all awesome. That should be the norm for Texas, not the exception. But, it is what it is.
  20. It's never been scary, and probably never will be a scary place to play. At least not because the fans are loud/raucous. Hell, if Rice score on their first drive, you'll be able to hear a mouse fart in that place.
  21. "Scares ya to death" I'm not going to argue...I don't see their D as being "good". At all. They're giving up 41/game and were beaten on the ground by Arky and through a balanced attack by UH. We'll see...I agree with you about the game plan. I think we cover by halftime, honestly.
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