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Everything posted by fattyflattie

  1. Also, better hope he doesn't catch the "flu" again. Could easily take him out of 10% of his time at aggy with each "flu".
  2. I've always, unequivocally been a proponent of following our firearm laws. Your opinion. I feel exactly the same about you. That's sort of how that deal works. Justify it how you want. It's buying votes. And "recent college grads" is misleading af. There's several posters on here that are getting the benefit that aren't "recent" grads. And in what world is gaining 3% of any demo with your oppositions tax dollars not worth noting?
  3. Meh. Couple hundred bucks a year from people like me to know I'm not fucking welfare trash is worth it. Can't imagine the mental gymnastics needed to sleep at night. Then again, if easy shit like loan repayment couldn't be figured out, guessing deep thought in regards to ones true standing is probably a bridge too far.
  4. You don’t understand what I was saying? Let me help. Apparently, we have a bunch of people who can take out loads of debt, but not fulfill their end of the bargain. Stupid, lazy, hell, you pick the reason why. Can’t get rights. No matter what they do, they cannot get their shit in order. Our president, in a pretty brilliant political move, has purchased the votes of these walking albatrosses of society for the foreseeable future. While throwing a middle finger to those who were able to crack the incredibly difficult case of…paying our bills. Politically, an outstanding move. A class of college educated welfare queens straight ticket voting D for the foreseeable future. So, the D’s really don’t need the lovey dovey bullshit anymore, just write the free shit army another fucking check and be done with it.
  5. Those are talking points, not doing points. Plus, you can just purchase the cant get rights votes now. No need for a lot of the feel good shit.
  6. You have no idea if it pertains to him? You or me would be facing a felony. You care to hazard a guess about HB?
  7. If the 2B fund is illegal, should be easy to prove. If Crimea were committed, lock them up.
  8. Please remember that. My toys are more important than your ability to feel safe. Sad.
  9. If you want to discuss how Trump and Biden both have shitheel junkie kids, and have both used their positions of elected power to facilitate millions of dollars to said shitheel kids, while both denying it ever happened, I’m good with that.
  10. Would also be nice if we could not be publicly lied to about it by the sitting president?
  11. Yep. More infuriating, the delta in mileage shows that I've burned an additional 4k gallons of diesel than otherwise would have. Curious what the true delta is regarding the environment in fuel burned vs more refined emissions.
  12. An LSU fan talking about lack of history? They can sit the fuck down over by Clemson and talk about how football started 20 years ago.
  13. Lily white and sunkissed brown, in my experience.
  14. We do it here, in nice places. That’s exclusively what I’ve been doing since the week after the last election. It is expensive but warranted in certain locales.
  15. TunerDepot just did my "off-road" truck. Also, sold me my straight pipe for same "non-registered" "off-road" truck... But agree, lots of places getting hammered out there. Many of the small shops that made a name for themselves no longer providing it.
  16. Mac, been rooting for you for awhile. I’m still certain something is going to fall your way shortly. Hope you’re mental is holding up.
  17. Pringle seems to get hammered every fucking time. You’d think they’d mosey out to the pass and avoid the Wx but nope.
  18. I should have separated my final thought with a single sentence paragraph? The fuck are you so hung up on?
  19. The mileage gain has been huge. I hadn’t had a single problem with the DPF for nearly 300k miles. Never had to force regen, nothing. But when it did, it wasn’t even a consideration due to the cost delta. More mpg, power, and 1/3 the cost? Yes please. I doubt the knob ever comes off stock or 30, just the way I drive; main consideration is reliability and second economy I guess.
  20. Just checking in to say I should have deleted and tuned a decade ago. My god what a different feeling truck. Before the climate thread group gets their feelings hurt, napkin math on the fuel delta seems to be about 4600 extra gallons I’ve burned with that POS system. Haven’t run on the 90 or 120 tune yet. But the others…what a wake up.
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