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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Blotto

  1. Counterpoint: he has a losing conference record in the Big X after 7 seasons. He's not a terrible coach, and UCLA doesn't have a lot of options better than him, but my guess is he would put up a similar record at UCLA as well.
  2. And I still cant tell you which one is more comically overvalued.
  3. See.....this is how you use your powers for good. Was that so difficult?
  4. Stupid people get scammed. Its been going on for thousands of years, and will continue to do so. Critical thinking is a skillset that eludes far too many. People hear what they want to hear, and that's enough for them. I have some sympathy for the elderly, as diminishing mental facilities can lead to exploitation. But for schmucks like this Perardi dude, if they have the misfortune of running into a conman, they will get fucked because they are hardwired to get scammed. I imagine this Youngblood guy just tries to meet as many people as he can and his most important skill is probably quickly identifying the "marks" from the skeptics. He goes out for beers with all the dads from the team and starts up with some of his Seal/CIA bullshit. The dipshits that are impressed, ask a lot of questions, and praise him for his service get a second date. He wont waste his time with the ones that rightfully think its all bullshit. But there's always plenty of that first group.
  5. If that's Qatari for "a camel's rectum", then yes they did.
  6. Kind of had the shits this morning, but nothing after 1PM, so I thought I was in the clear. Was out for a stroll this evening and after the first mile I sensed a little disruption but certainly nothing that couldn't wait another 30-40 minutes. About 5 minutes later, it was evident that my previous assessment was flawed. I head back from whence I came which takes me past Hancock golf course. I contemplated taking a shit right there as it was dark out, but as I was now only .5 mi from the home throne and feeling confident, I soldiered on. That home stretch up Red River got a bit dicey. Had to stop a block from my house, cease all movement, take some deep breaths and just concentrate on not shitting myself for a minute. I barely made it home and executed the classic airborne spin/shorts drop as my ass exploded immediately on contact with the seat. If I'm being honest, I'm pretty sure there was a negligible amount of leakage betwixt my cheeks, but all fabrics were clean. As nothing can be proven at this point, I'm going to consider my record still unblemished in '24.
  7. that reaction to ARM's earning report is something else. Beat on Q4 Revs (up 14% YoY @$824M). Beat on Non-GAAP earnings ($0.29 actual vs $0.22 forecast) Guided top end of FY24 revenue up 4% Guided top end of FY24earnings up 12% Stock up 60%( FWD PE over 100) Their stock gained $45B in market cap after announcing they are expecting an extra $140M in earnings next year. This is becoming one of the bigger chip bubbles I can remember. Crazy shit.
  8. He was my favorite player when I was a little kid. He did get fucking jobbed, but the NBA's sole mission at that point was to suck MJ's dick. Couple that with the contest being in Chicago, and its not a surprise. If they have to go to the G league to get a guy for the dunk contest these days, just put that fucking thing out of its misery.
  9. Well can you at least give us your favorite for profit university success story?
  10. That would work for some extra walking around money. But I'm after that Elon Musk money.......Trump Resurrection memorabilia. When the rubes descend on Mar A Lago besides themselves with grief, I'm gonna be out in front of the Garden Tomb master suite shithouse to get these folks believing again. 3 days isn't really enough time to maximize revenue, so I'm gonna have to massage the timeline a bit.... That should buy us at least a couple of years of fleecing,easy. 1.) Obtain a few thousand surplus pillows from Lindell to sell as the official resurrection pillow used by the big guy himself 2.) Slap a 45 logo on 'em, roll 'em around in cheeto dust. 3.) Profit "Buy three pillows and get a Boobert handjob FREE!"
  11. I agree that Haley would have a pretty good shot at taking down Biden as a presidential candidate, I'd probably make her the favorite. But adding Haley to a Trump ticket does absolutely nothing, as Trump is toxic as fuck and will drive massive dem voter turnout. "No Trump" means a lot of people that voted Biden last time around will stay home, or might even consider voting for someone that isnt 126 years old.
  12. Inconsistency is the hallmark of this team. The only certainty is that Hunter fucking kills us.
  13. Disu out there skull-fucking ISU. Weaver balling out. Rest of the team is picking their ass.
  14. fucking 80's NBA game out there tonight.
  15. these teams look like its their first time playing basketball
  16. I'm rolling with this one..... https://mrgamingstreams.com/247/longhornnet
  17. Hell, I'd add Kerwin Roach to the list over Kabongo as well. Our teams kind of sucked while he was hear, but he stuck around for 4 years and was our leading scorer his last year on campus. https://www.sports-reference.com/cbb/schools/texas/men/2019.html
  18. They're still gonna have the Chmura hot tub interviews, correct?
  19. Favre should send that Shad dude a dick pic to smooth things over.
  20. Its not often you see the 4th ranked team in the country occupying the 5th place in their conference
  21. Dont be silly. Tesla charges their customers rubes an extra $15K if they want to beta test Tesla products.
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