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Everything posted by mininghorn88

  1. That's Bull Randleman from Band of Brothers in a bikini Your descripiton nailed it.
  2. I wake up in the morning and the first thing that I do is to take a pee. I go until I am tapped out. I then brush my teeth, shave and wash my face. It is about the time that I am finishing that up that I have to take another lengthy pee all over again.
  3. Now I am confused. When I read your original post I thought “he” was your new SIL that was going to be your best man for some odd reason. I didn’t even think about the “he” being the former “she”. My mind didn’t even go there. Getting Old Sucks. Oops. Wrong thread.
  4. Why is he stuck sitting between two "olds"?
  5. Almost all of my flying is for business on my company's credit card. I have been Diamond on Delta for the last several years. Getting the mileage requirement is never a problem. Now Delta has raised the matching spend amount to $20K per year. Since I have built up status on Delta I would prefer to stay with them. I have flown 1.1 million miles with Delta. I have flown about 600K with AA through the years but do not fly with them regularly any longer. I use SHV as my "home" airport. So, I am looking at getting a Delta branded credit card to ensure that I meet the spend threshold with personal spending. I am not too worried about lounge access. What card to go with? Any advice is appreciated.
  6. You just jinxed yourself. Smails (see post 57) felt confident too.
  7. The waht looks like "shadows" is indeed burned grass. No biggie other than it was probably an accident.
  8. Classy parking at the Bass Pro Shop in Shreveport/Bossier. I went to put a note on his window but someone had already beat me to it.
  9. Just got back from an Alabama concert. They played their entire catalog. They played for 2 solid hours. I thoroughly enjoyed singing along.
  10. I am an olds too where I work. Been here since May 5, 1989. Survived a few acquisitions. I will let y’all guess on who they go to when it comes down to things passing the smell test or some cockeyed idea or whatever. Experience matters.
  11. My ex was big into decorating for all of the holidays and seasons. I didn’t mind it until she would get hung up on minute details. I told her that half of the people would not care about the decorations because they are dudes. Which left half being women. Of the women maybe half of them would care. So in the end, at best, she was trying to please maybe 25% of the people.
  12. Google Frank Slide in Alberta, Canada. A large portion of a mountain gave way creating a massive landslide in 1903. The mountain was unstable to begin with and underground coal mining aided in creating the large slide.
  13. There is a reason I am in the surface (daylight) mining industry. The safety protocols of going underground cover everything and then some. Once the lights go out it is straight up dark. It is easy to get disoriented. However there are massive operations underground that have large open spaces. I like having a bit more control over the situation that surface mining provides.
  14. mininghorn88


    I had that option too for the last couple of years. I would get a box and it would get lost in the shuffle and I would never remember to use it. I ended up giving a box away this past Christmas as a white elephant gift.
  15. I have SVT. Have always been able to mostly control it with meds. The doctor said that the older I get the ability to control it with meds decreases. I am going to have an ablation done in mid-March. I know that it is a “regular routine” procedure but I am still not looking forward to it.
  16. mininghorn88


    I kept putting mine off forever. I did it this past October at the age of 56. I am clear and do not have to do it again for 10 years. This site encouraged me a lot to get it done. You got this.
  17. Do not be so gullible. This is women code speak for "no probem, I will get you back in due time".
  18. For the western comedy genre I submit The Paleface with Bob Hope. There have been many good ones already covered. Though they may not all be great I am a sucker for ‘40s and ‘50s westerns. Some representatives below that I have enjoyed: Bend in the River starring James Stewart Dodge City starring Errol Flynn Firecreek featuring Stewart Many Rivers to Cross with Robert Taylor Rocky Mountain and Santa Fe Trail both featuring Flynn Sergeant Rutledge with Jeffrey Hunter and Woody Strode Shane starring Alan Ladd The Ox-Bow Incident featuring Henry Fonda Walk the Proud Land with Audie Murphy There are so many more awesome and hokey westerns from that era. I remember watching one of them and a couple of the Indians were actually wearing wedding rings. So much for detail and authenticity!! Another one featuring an Indian raid, with a bunch of horses running around, actually had mannequins laying on the ground. It was noticeable since they were all laying face down all in the samE posture with their feet firmly 90 degree to the ground.
  19. Thanks to the Googles I now know what you are talking about.
  20. The other day I was in a meeting at work discussing the action that someone took at a mine and I compared it to Slim Pickens riding the nuclear bomb down out of the plane. A couple of the guys laughed out loud at the reference. Two others asked why the laughter? Me: Have you not seen the movie Dr. Strangelove? Them: Nope. Who is in it? Me: Peter Sellers Them: Who is that? Me: The Pink Panther!!! Them: Never heard of him. When was the movie made? Me: The 60’s. Them: That explains it. Me: You guys ruined an awesome reference. Go watch the movie.
  21. I had a '78 Monte Carlo while I was in college. It loved to eat starters. It got to a point that most of the time I was using a long screwdriver to jump the post to get it started. It once "died" in the Intramural field's parking lot where it sat for a week until I had time to change it out. I got quite proficient in changing that sucker out.
  22. I hope that this is not a qualifier. I love this show.
  23. I believed this up until you said that you do not get sick at sea.
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