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Your Mom

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Your Mom

  1. Yeah but he gets a pass for that OT Superman game winner against Norte Dame.
  2. https://twitter.com/PFTCommenter/status/1445794868383518729?s=20&t=nEf39WYBQ8dNjWkskJsfLA
  3. Isn’t the $7.5k tax break already used up for most existing EVs? Wasn’t it only good for a certain number of vehicles sold?
  4. Don't players and coaches pretty much always say, "This year's team is different... way better..." every year following a disappointing season? I don't see how you can put any stock into any quote in times like these. I hope he's right but until it's shown on gameday it's nothing more than meaningless coachspeak. I'm tired hearing how great this untested and recently 5-7 team is. I'm not knocking the guy for saying it at a dinner... what else could he say? I've just been burned too many times by teams that were gonna be better and then weren't.
  5. She left a skid mark on the pavement.
  6. I rarely click links without having some idea of what it's going to be but this one checks out. You win this page. "But let's be honest, it's anal and it's agressive. My goodness..."
  7. That seems like a job for a basic and local carpenter/handyman, rather than a big corporation.
  8. My entire career has been based on figuring out how little I can work and still live well. 3 days a week for the most part. There’s lots of things I like about my job but how little I do it is always #1.
  9. I ride a Peleton bike in hotel gyms sometimes. Mostly I just pick the Latina instructor with the nice cans and zone out to an audiobook while I do my own ride.
  10. Well she was armed. It’d have been boom headshot if she wasn’t.
  11. https://www.yelp.com/biz/filippis-pizza-grotto-little-italy-san-diego I hit up Filippi’s every time I’m in town. Cool market up front, restaurant in the back. Great service, good casual vibe.
  12. It's a complete crap shoot. It can be 10 minutes at any given time and be lined up out the door 30 minutes later. It has more to do with how many TSA dudes are at work that day than airline schedules or days of the week or time of day, unless you are at the extreme ends of the day, ie before 5am or after 9pm.
  13. Hey Phil, was Vingegaard ever a fish packer?
  14. Vingegaard seems unbothered by these attacks but how many times can he match it? Hincapie was talking about this the other day, how young riders try to attack and it fails and they so stop trying. But it's all part of the process. If your first 9 attacks don't work but the 10th one does... then the first 9 worked after all. I think V stays with him all day today, but it'd be a lot more interesting if I'm wrong.
  15. It's on. This next hour should be entertaining.
  16. I mean, I guess it is a tactical mistake, but I don’t think it was because he didn’t realize he needed to go earlier. I think he knew he needed to make that move much earlier but he’s just completely cooked. Vingegaard is just the better rider at the moment.
  17. Nail in the fucking coffin. Today has to be considered a loss for Pogochar. I don’t think it was necessarily a tactical mistake, I think he knew when he needed to go and he just didn’t have the legs to do it. He’ll gain some in the time trial but not nearly enough.
  18. That’s a great quote. 90% of the jackoffs that write over-analyzed sports articles could just publish that instead and get the same point across.
  19. You can stream Peacock for a month. $10 I think. I got it for the TdF.
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