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Mach 1

Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by Mach 1

  1. Yes. Multiple routes to get to the beach, depending on traffic, and I have a local street route through the Hills that dumps right into Universal. I'll PM it to you before you go just remind me.
  2. fucking assholes https://jalopnik.com/missouri-hoa-threatens-to-foreclose-on-truck-owners-hou-1834620421
  3. We take all visitors here, never fails http://www.paradisecovemalibu.com/ * fat guy in the lounge chair best bit of advertising I've seen in awhile
  4. It wasn't that high profile when it started. Yes, the books were popular among bookfags, but I'm a reader (non fiction) and had never heard of the damn thing until I saw a billboard for season 1. Benioff wrote the 25th Hour (Spike) book the movie was based on. He's also married to Amanda Peet. Not sure about the other D guy but they had enough pull to get HBO to launch this thing with them at the helm. I read that when they approached GRRM about making the show, he asked them who Jon Snow's parents were and they answered correctly. So voila, they get the keys to finish the story on screen. HBO probably had no idea how far it would take off when they green lighted it, but they have what they have to march forward. And I've been entertained post books, and given them plenty of rope to hang themselves, and they finally did with that last episode. Trash.
  5. I just turned in a black on black M4 after a 3 year lease. Is there a track anywhere near you? If so get on it. You can't really appreciate the power and handling of these guys on normal streets. Turn the nannies off and go to town.
  6. That car is all kinds of awesome. Comments section pretty interesting also. Never heard of the Marauder before so I pulled out my Ford shop manual, and nope, not on there. But some other blasts from the past are.
  7. JFC the dumbfuckery involved in both issues is astounding, but the curbing off of the driveway rather than feather it to meet the sidewalk elevation blows me away. Mike Holmes is in Canada, not too far away. He needs to get in there and crack some skulls.
  8. Hydrants are usually in the right of way, so on that pic the sidewalk likely stops short of the property line and the hydrant is still in the ROW. Was the hydrant before the house was built? If so the GC should be shot. On the T intersection house another execution is slated if the concrete sub poured that driveway after the sidewalk was in. There seems to be a slight lack of coordination between the public and private improvements out there. Those developers seem shitty.
  9. I look forward to reading this thread after each episode, it's entertaining as hell. People get so emotionally exercised about their opinions and reactions to their opinions. It's a nice continuation to watching an equally entertaining show that goes balls out week after week, especially the last one where they had flying dragon fights, Arya doing ninja shit, and skeletons flying over the Unsullied like locusts. Those DD guys are probably fucking up here and there, but the fact viewers feel so strongly about their opinions mean, IMO, they're still doing something right to keep people invested enough to complain. Keep it up!
  10. I noticed that as well. Was that his first one? If so maybe why the change of tone. I laughed when he tried to calm him down wearing that orange Deadpool outfit "Dude, you're windpipe is cracked, you're fucked" or something like that.
  11. Yeah, this is our concern dude. I'll be private browsing and logging off every time.
  12. As promised, a follow up to "mobile cup cover for music festivals." So this weekend my wife is on the phone with her business partner, while the rest of the family is putzing around the house. I'm not really paying attention until I hear " ... like a prophylactic." So my ears perk up a bit and I hear "mumble, mumble ... Shark Tank ..." Now she has my full attention and I zero in on the conversation like the Bionic Woman and - I shit you not - she says "Do we know anyone with contacts to Mark Cuban?" Phone conversation ends and ours begins: Me: What was that about? Wife: The idea you think will never happen. Me: That's not fair, I think it's a great idea (trying to suppress uncontrollable laughter). Wife: Well good, because Shelly (her business partner) is already in contact with an industrial designer in San Francisco. She's going to look over my sketch and come up with some ideas, maybe even do a 3D printing. Me: Sketch? Wife: Yeah, I drew something up, want to see it? (Opens notebook) Me: Wow, interesting. So who's going to buy this thing again? Wife: To start, concerned parents. You may not remember this because you weren't really listening the first time we discussed this, but it's to prevent some asshole from putting roofies into the drinks of unsuspecting girls' drinks at these music festivals. Here look (shows me Youtube video of some asshole putting something into the drink of an unsuspecting girl at a music festival). Me: But won't the kids just toss them when their parents give it to them? If it comes from the parents they won't use it. Wife: Well then we'll sell them to the music festivals. And bars too. Ever heard of liability? *Previously I wrote a fictitious rant from wife about putting logos on these things, and their environmental friendliness. Well, I fucking know my wife like the back of my hand and right here she launches into EXACTLY THAT, except the logos are now "branding opportunities" and the cover won''t be plastic, like those dumb lids.* Wife: Think of it like a stack of band aids. You just peel it off and put it over the cup. Then just toss it when you're done. Me: Nodding my head, give her a thumbs up. Wife: Fuck you. You just watch, this is going to be big. Skip to yesterday, the Amazon lids show up. I considered going the "prototype" route. I have a garage workshop that might as well be Area 51 to my wife, but she's too smart to fall for the whole "look what I made for you" deal. So I just left it on the kitchen counter and held my breath. She walked in, took a look at it, kind of stunned. After a few seconds she looked back to me and said "That isn't disposable." I said nothing. You could see all sorts of thoughts were running through her brain and she said "Wait, did you get that for me?" Me: Yep , found it on Amazon. Wife: Oh honey, thank you! (gives me a kiss) Me: (shocked, not expecting this response). Of course! Wife: See? It's a real product that works! (she takes a picture and sends it to her business partner). But ours will be different. Cheaper. More effective. I'm telling you it's going to be big. So with that, I leave you until my wife appears on Shark Tank. Thank you NW Buck for the link.
  13. I almost put this in the forgotten albums thread. But this is probably my favorite and would fit well into the OP's Black Crowes rotation
  14. I just ordered them. Not sure how I'm going to play it yet, but I'll report back with the details.
  15. I'll let her respond: No, you don't understand. It's not a (finger quote) plastic lid, it's a mobile cup cover for music festivals. I mean, it doesn't need to just be for concerts but you could take it to football games! So whenever you pour your flask into the plastic cup no one will see what you're drinking. We could even put logos on them, geez, how many colleges are out there? And it will be environmentally friendly unlike the (finger quote) plastic lid that most everyone else (narrator - in their right mind) uses - and fails to recycle, by the way. This could be big. Easy to use, flexible, folds inside your pocket ... no brainer.
  16. ^^^ I'll add Brophy Brothers bar on the pier as a reason to live in SB.
  17. haha shit, I think she even said that, half the crap from that conversation just sailed right past me.
  18. This thread is pretty humorous. Luckily I have a cool wife with limited dumbassery, but she's recently gone off the deep end coming up with new business ideas. They're usually along the lines of "feed tuna fish mayonnaise" and have zero chance of ever happening, but she marches along regardless. I've also noticed an uptick in business magazine subscriptions like "Inc." and "Fortune", which of course are never opened and go straight into recycling. Yesterday a new one popped up: Wife: I have a great idea. Me: Oh yeah, what is it this time? Wife: What the hell does that mean, "this time?" Me: (Backtracking quickly) I mean it was just last week you had that awesome idea about the pot holder with hand moisturizer inside. Remember? Wife: Oh yeah, remind me to follow up on that. Anyway I saw a video of a bunch of kids dancing at Coachella. They all had plastic cups with God knows what inside, but here's the thing! (She's fully animated now, hands outstretched, eyes wide open, waiting for me to engage.) Me: (putting down the remote, sighing internally). What thing? Wife: The drinks inside were all splashing out of the cups! So I'm thinking, what a waste! Shouldn't there be some kind of cap on those plastic cups to keep the drinks from spilling? I mean how many music festivals are there out there and how many kids are spilling drinks out of plastic cups??? Me: Millions? Wife: (pointing at me like a crazy person) That's right, millions! So here's my idea. I come up with a cover for those cups. I'm thinking it would be like a square piece of Saran Wrap but the edges have some kind of glue on them. So you could pull it out of a small pouch and wrap it over the cup. Voila, no more spilling. Me: But if you put a cover over a cup how do you drink from it? Wife: (pointing at me again, still crazed). A ha! I already thought of that. We cut a little slice in the middle, so they can still drink from it but not spill. Me: So how would it stick to the cup again? Wife: Not sure yet but that will be the first thing I research. Me: You know, I think there are international conglomerates that specialize in plastic cups and caps for those cups. I'd bet if there was a need for a product as you describe they would have come up with something like that already. *insert awkward pause, ten seconds of silence while my wife's face turns red* Wife: WHY CAN'T YOU JUST BE SUPPORTIVE! Me: (Backtracking quickly). Remember my friend Bill? I think his brother is a patent attorney (a complete lie). Maybe I should reach out to him and see if he has any recommendations on how *we* should move forward with this. Wife: (visibly relaxing). Really? That would be awesome, thanks honey! Me: (pats self on back, reengages with the remote)
  19. Did I strike a nerve? I'm too self conscious to honk at anyone, and couldn't stand the thought of being flipped off. The horror.
  20. Assholes that don't use their turn signals. I'm sure it's on already on here but it can't be stated enough. It is literally the easiest, most considerate thing to do while driving and yet so many lazy fucks fail to do it. A simple extension of a finger digit while slowing down to turn the wheel, but no, let drivers behind try and guess what the fuck you're doing. The dismal tide indeed.
  21. Whenever I put the car in reverse there is *always* some kind of obstruction to stop me from moving right away - car, pedestrian, bicyclist, old lady with a shopping cart, you name it. That doesn't happen when pulling out forward, seems like it's more 50/50.
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