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Everything posted by Levi

  1. If by some miracle we win out and get to the CCG, I think we have really good shot at beating tcu and ruining their CFP chances. Right now I think Kstate is going to beat them in CCG, too. They have had some amazing breaks go their way to get to this point. They had what, four games in a row where they faced the back up or injured qb? They survive on the big play, and the teams in front of them will take that away just like we did(minus 2 plays) but actually capitalize on it. The amount of times they got into plus territory against us and still scored very little should be very alarming. Georgia, tOSU and Michigan will eat them up.
  2. Yep, all of this. The 0/7 was mega bullshit, and I bet it’s pretty hard trying to get into a rhythm when your best guys are dropping balls left and right. Hell, I’d like to see more bijan in the slot and we actually throw it to him a la Iowa st. We can have a solid intermediate passing game only involving Bijan, Sanders, Whitt, and K Rob. I don’t know why Sark is obsessed with the deep ball to Worthy so much when we only need 3 yards for the first and two downs to get it.
  3. Ewers is obviously struggling, whether it be his mechanics or between the ears. That’s undeniable right now and anyone saying otherwise is living in a fantasy. But I don’t know how any of you can just toss him to the side and already call him a bust. Sam’s freshman year was the stuff of nightmares. The lob in the endzone to the okie st safety to end the game was one of worst decisions I’ve seen a qb ever make. He put the work in and his sophomore season turned the corner, and the rest of his time on the forty speaks for itself.
  4. Horrible weekend just got worse. Not cool Danny
  5. I actually don’t mind his personality and I don’t think it should be the measuring stick on if he really is trying his hardest or not. Ewers looks the same way when we were killing OU and sucking ass against okie st/tcu. Some guys just don’t like to be the out spoken rah rah guy, which is fine. The problem that I have is with his laziness and lack of urgency. The Iowa st backwards pass, the not paying attention to the snaps at okie st, and then last night with the snap and nonchalant recover. That shit is pure laziness, and unacceptable imo.
  6. The reason he was dead last was bc he showed up a week before the fucking season started. He was supposed to be a senior in high school, not on a college roster. But yeah, I believe a kid with his talent shouldn’t be tossed to the side after we’ve seen what he can do when he puts it all together. Like I said, he’s gotta put the work in after going through his sports life on talent alone. That shit don’t fly in college, but it’s up to him to figure that out.
  7. He’s gotta fix the mechanics. That would solve 90% if his problems. Ewers has the Jesus tendon in his arm that so few are born with, but unfortunately it seems like he’s relied on it for far too long and it’s coming back to bite him in the ass. I still think he’s one of the best prospects to come to the forty, and he’s got a real shot at having a great career here and in the nfl. He needs to take a long hard look in mirror and figure out if he wants to live up to the hype or not. If he puts in the work, then this thread will be a fun thing to look back on. But right now he looks lazy, has no sense of urgency, and is folding under the pressure. Not great bob, not great.
  8. And tbh Watts was being held by the wr. He makes tackle if not held. That 2 play sequence was gifted to tcu by the refs.
  9. He was a high schooler, and the coaches didn’t even want him to come because he wasn’t ready.
  10. His favorite is incomplete deep pass to worthy, followed by a predictable run with Bijan to the outside then it’s dealers choice how he screws up 3 & 10.
  11. Levi


    Someone mentioned that Kino knew he wasn’t going to survive/escape since he saw the facility on the flight in and the guards mentioning the whole facility is hydro there at the end. It also adds to his big speech there at the end and why he struggled initially.
  12. Levi


    First day in prison and walks into an uprising. Must have been completely shocked by then.
  13. Levi


    Copy pasta from Reddit of THE speech: "...and what do you sacrifice?" "Calm. Kindness, kinship, love. I've given up all chance at inner peace, I've made my mind a sunless place. I share my dreams with ghosts. I wake up every day to an equation I wrote fifteen years ago from which there's only one conclusion: I'm damned for what I do. My anger, my ego, my unwillingness to yield, my—my eagerness to fight, has set me on a path from which there's no escape. I yearned to be a savior for injustice without contemplating the cost, and by the time I looked down there was no longer any ground beneath my feet. "What is my—what is my sacrifice? I'm condemned to use the tools of my enemy to defeat them. I burned my decency for someone else's future! I burned my life to make a sunrise that I know I'll never see! Now, the ego that started this fight will never have a mirror or an audience or the light of gratitude... so, what do I sacrifice? Everything! "Just stay with me, Lonnie. I need all the heroes I can get."
  14. Levi


    Every damn episode gets better and better. I’m finding the nearest brick wall to run through after that epic ending from Skarsgard.
  15. Probably should have just stuck to a PM.
  16. I could be completely wrong on the eye test but this Oline group that struggled earlier in the year with the run seems to be getting better each week. Hutson and Jones still have their moments but overall I like what I’m seeing from them, and flood.
  17. I liked what Red did when he wasn’t making mental errors.
  18. You can clearly see Bijan being aware and holding it tight at the right time.
  19. Not really when we basically hear this every single conference game. And yet, we’ve beat them 6 times in a row. There should be a bingo card for this stuff. “5 star players without the 5 star culture”, 5 & 4 star comparisons, “they need 5 star guys that are 2 star hungry” and so on…
  20. Sark also can’t tell Worthy to not fumble on a big third down play that gave kstate a ton of momentum in the third quarter. Giving them the ball on our own 24. It is what it is tho, and Sark still needs to get better in the third quarter. Imo any time we get in turtle mode, we should go up tempo with K Rob and bijan On the field at the same time. Then there is 1st & 15, and seems impossible at times when it shouldn’t given the talent we have on offense. If they start covering up Sanders in the second half, idc, Sark should just keep feeding him. It seems when Sanders is getting the ball, Worthy does much better.
  21. Kansas and Baylor at home would be a lot of normal picks but your infatuation with Baylor probably blinds you from you that. It’s getting really annoying seeing you write negative paragraphs over and over again then finishing them with “I really want this to not happen” as if it absolves you from being the biggest weirdo when discussing the program.
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