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Everything posted by BearSchlong

  1. Does anybody here work/has worked at IBM in a sales capacity? Would appreciate a PM.
  2. When I was an exchange student in Lithuania in Jan 1992, the family with whom I was living had stockpiles of Reichmarks and Rubles, because you just never know who might be in charge one day.
  3. I don't hear much from my kid, who is over there clad in camo, but what I hear can be summarized as "groundhog day, slowly going insane. But we're doing good work." Fuck Russia. The parent/family supply chain is getting ramped up to provide anything not available locally, or Army supplied. A few hundred bottles of Tabasco sauce might be a good idea.
  4. My first cousin (an ADA) happened to dramatically outkick his coverage, marrying the best estate planning and probate lawyer in the region. I'm in good hands, no conflicts of interest, she agreed to take our case.
  5. Just put down my retainer and signed with the probate lawyer. Hopefully she gets things filed and we get a hearing date soon.
  6. You're the 3rd person in the last few weeks to mention a book study retreat, I'm beginning to sense a theme. Now that Joe and Charlie and Sandy Beach are at the meeting in the sky, I'm interested in finding current retreats so if you know of any I'm all ears. A weekend away from everything, focusing on the big book may be what God is telling me to do. Been going through the wringer like OMG my life is crumbling but now I've got a lot of new perspectives. Went to a noon meeting yesterday and suggested we discuss anxiety and panic and fear and the 40 year old timer went straight to page 98 of the big book, in working with others, where it says: At 11 years sober I'm guilty of making anything my higher power except, you know, God. I'll say it, I'm currently not well. I'm a dry drunk, and all my difficulties are of my own imagination and projection. I still have a propensity to make my employer, my wife, and my family my higher power. The big realization was after Dad died a few weeks ago I now realize how much I made him my higher power, in that as long as he was still alive, everything would be all right. And now he's gone and I'm in holy shit how do I do this mode, but I'm slowly getting out of it. I hate my job and I'm interviewing for positions where the pay is twice as much but the requirements very demanding and my attitude is that if God wants me at XYZ, he'll put me there and give me that high compensation. And if not, oh well, I haven't lost anything, I've learned something. I won't know til I give it a shot. That gave me great relief, and today has been better because I've been keeping that simple concept in my mind's forefront. To those of you bystanders who are either considering a change in your drinking, or who have curtailed or stopped your drinking, please understand this - ANYONE can stop drinking on their own for a certain period of time. Days, weeks, months. But without AA I can't stay stopped for any considerable period of time. I'm at least as alcoholic right now as I was when I last took a drink, the difference is that now I'm conditioned to go let AA love me back to sanity. There's no app, or personal self-discipline, or anything that is going to be successful at keeping me sober. Or, if I'm completely honest, anything other method than AA that results in a fellowship where I'm loved and get to love. SMART recovery people might not be drinking, but I don't see them having potlucks or retreats. To each their own, I know what's right for me.
  7. Adam Abdul Jabbar, Kareem's youngest, was at San Antonio Academy at the same time as my son for a year before we put both kids at Keystone. He's the kid that eventually got sent to jail for stabbing someone. I saw Kareem a few times around campus back then, seemed like quiet guy and people generally left him alone.
  8. It's called 2022, and it fucking sucks when you're having panic attacks and have a hard time dealing with self-centered fear. So many things up in the air right now, Dad died, son is deployed, daughter graduating college, house on the market, hating my job and making a dramatic career change. As y'all know, I'm a recovered alcoholic. My psychiatrist and I had a talk a few weeks back and I'm going to counseling for panic attacks and anxiety. And my wife has a bottle of Valium that was prescribed to me and dispenses half of a tablet to me when my heart starts pounding, because I'm not going to relapse over anything more remarkable than life on life's terms. It just seems to all be happening to me at once.
  9. Field research. Drinking yourself sober. Took me a total of 22 years to reach that state. One night something violent and painful and almost deadly happened and from that day on I couldn't imagine life with alcohol and have been dry ever since. Feel free to click the link https://amotaudio.com/zoom-conferences/covina-meetings/covina-speaker-meeting-2022/ , my story is #70. I recount how I decided to get sober in great detail. Northland fucking rocks. Some of the regulars drove over a few weeks ago to attend my dad's funeral. David B. is like my brother, same with Sam W, and a guy named Steve but I can't remember his last initial. That's my stomping ground, the permanent home of AA in Austin, whenever I find myself out in that vicinity.
  10. I was about the same age, in line for a urinal in the men's room at a JB concert, standing next to the sink, when an older broad pushed through the line, jumped up on the counter, hiked up her skirt, spread her pussy, gave us a grin and just let loose in the sink. It might have even been at Astroworld, IIRC.
  11. Ok here are the recordings for the Covina CA covid zoom speakers meeting speakers for 2022 so far. I'm #70 if you want to hear my story. The internet is forever, and I shared the truth about myself. Click the name and the embedded audio player will start. https://amotaudio.com/zoom-conferences/covina-meetings/covina-speaker-meeting-2022/ The link to previous years is here, whole bunch of my AA heros. My sponsor is Jo Ben, #159. https://amotaudio.com/zoom-conferences/covina-meetings/
  12. The life insurance company won't discuss the claim with me until I can prove I'm executor, so I guess that means probate. Also - question for your financial planning types - Dad had an after-tax common stock account that would be split three ways. I'm assuming the best way to do that is to have UBS do it rather than have the surviving spouse liquidate assets and write a check to the other two beneficiaries, right?
  13. Same here, but I do grind every morning. I've got a cold brew press which gets a lot of use during the hotter months. Just steep it for 12 hours or so in the fridge.
  14. Just wait til you cook some redfish on it.
  15. Great thread, but dammit I sure wish my kid was at home enjoying his new wife and maybe thinking about giving me grandkids instead of working 18 hours a day on the Polish/Ukraine border. I know thats selfish in light of widespread was crimes.
  16. Celery Man, agreed on Dr. Boone's talk. Assuming you mean Daniel? LaHa has an alumni meeting once a week at my church and I was 6 weeks sober when I spent a few hours getting that PowerPoint presentation from him. That was during my peak pink cloud and I was a sponge just soaking in anything I could. Regarding PAWS and thought clarity, when I was 6 months sober I could barely use complete sentences, and at 2 years I could expound on complex abstractions and tie them all neatly together during a 5 minute share. It was like a newly-found superpower.
  17. Take it back further to Henry Ford contributing to the rise of the Third Reich?
  18. Thank you for reminding me of that. I had tunnel vision looking at the cost basis on his brokerage statement.
  19. So did a lawyer have to prepare the heirship affidavit? And that took a year?
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