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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Dbeasy

  1. Saw comments about our elite offensive roster. Was curious to compare it to 2005.
  2. I can't bear to read this thread, because the thought of this jackass potentially assuming the Presidency again makes me ill to my stomach. But, with all of the indictments of the last several months, but him still leading in the polls (which is unfathomable to me), is he really going to win the nomination, and potentially the Presidency?
  3. As an Austin realtor, I can say that the value of changing a roof, and the type, usually doesn’t pay off. However, I’d need to look at the house holistically to determine the best invest vs not strategy.
  4. I had that damn song in my head for two days, finally flushed it out, and now you just put that ear wig right back in there. Thanks a lot.
  5. I just set a Big 12 conference speed record for scrolling through the last 24 hours of this thread. Thank you all.
  6. interesting. It has a similar smoke box to my old electric smoker. That did work pretty well to provide decent smoke, so I assume it also works pretty well on the pellet smoker too. I'm suprised that every pellet manufacturer hasn't added a smoke box.
  7. He’s a close friend of one of my close friends and he’s supposedly looking at some offers.
  8. Cross posting from other smoker thread. I was about to buy the recteq 590, but several people have mentioned that the charcoal gravity smokers produce better taste. Has anyone compared pellet and charcoal gravity feed? We smoke chicken, turkey, brisket, ribs, pork butt. Those with charcoal gravity feed, are you still happy with it?
  9. So, I was about to pull the trigger on a Recteq smoker but then ran across several articles about charcoal gravity smokers. People are raving about the flavor vs. pellet grills. There are patents held by Masterbuilt and Char Griller that keep others from introducing them. Anyone been able to compare foods between the two? Our biggest food smoke would be, in order: chicken, turkey, brisket, ribs Also, for those with gravity charcoal smokers (South Austin, etc), are you still happy with it?
  10. So, researching these businesses, here is what seems to have happened: 1. Baker turned over his fortune to his dad to manage. 2. His dad James had operational experience managing manufacturing companies, and over time provided consulting for private equity firms. 3. James took the money and setup both a private equity and venture capital fund to invest in and buy out manufacturing companies. 4. He hired friends and family to run those businesses. Note that it doesn’t appear any of them had much or any experience running VC or PE funds. It is VERY different being an operating consultant to a PE instead of an actual PE partner. Because these rubes didn’t know what they were doing, I suspect they’ve burned through all of Baker’s money. As far as Baker goes, it is unbelievably stupid to put that much of his net worth into PE and VC
  11. Half of my interest in the Ticket for the last few years was the fact I could skip through all the commercials on the app. If I had to listen to all of those crap commercials, I would have punched out long ago. If the Ticket personalities could deliver podcasts with 1/4th the commercials or less, I’d switch in a second.
  12. If one were to buy land in excess of 5 acres and there was no agricultural exemption on it, how hard or easy is it to get it put on the property? Assume cattle grazing leases are the mechanism. If that doesn’t work, what would that’s not too difficult?
  13. We do not want him. He rates as a one star on the Dbeasy Football Player Ranking System Based on Name Only (DFPRS-BoNo). His only shot at success with that name is at Kentucky, or as a sanitation worker in Gulfport.
  14. Every agency has huge increases. With that said, find an independent agent that can shop all plans and let them find the best. Shop it every six to twelve months. That’s the inflationary world we live in now.
  15. STFU about topics that belong in other threads. One more word from Linux dipshit and we should fatwa him.
  16. why are there hardly any tickets to the game?
  17. As my dearly departed dad used to say, “if dog rabbit.” I have no fucking idea what that means but he used to say it.
  18. So we are thinking about a 2 week combined Scotland Ireland trip. Knowing there will be a lot of driving in Ireland, wondering whether train travel from town to town would make sense in Scotland.
  19. That’s the public perception, but I have a feeling reality will be far different. He may not get it all out of Twitter but I bet he gets most out. He will just look at the losses as money laundering cost of doing business
  20. Has this thread discussed Musk's incredible sleight of hand move to free $39 billion dollars in Tesla funds, and counting? I believe the entire Twitter purchase, and fiasco of making an offer and trying to then back out, was a calculated plan to come up with a way of cashing out of Tesla before it crashes and burns. He couldn't just sell a bunch of stock because that would spook investors. He had to come up with some scheme that would allow him to exit with $30B plus without anyone calling him out. I'm not sure why he picked Twitter to launder his money, but I bet he's already figured out a way to get his money out of that too. Overall, given that we all own index funds with tons of Tesla stock, we are all going to pay for his long-term con job on the world.
  21. U-verse is in a dispute and NBC isnt available. Any other way to see nbc?
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